

单词 逼问
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bang〕To assail insistently, especially with questions.尤指紧紧地逼问美国传统〔extract〕They used torture to extract information about their families.他们用严刑拷打逼问他们家庭成员的资料。朗文当代〔interrogate〕I interrogated everyone involved.我逼问了相关的每个人。外研社新世纪〔press〕If pressed, he will admit that he knew about the affair.如果逼问他,他就会承认对此事知情。牛津高阶〔press〕She doesn't like to be pressed about her private life.她不喜欢被人逼问私生活。外研社新世纪〔skater〕When pressed, he skates around the subject of those women who he met as a 19-year-old.别人逼问他有关他 19 岁时遇到的那些女人的情况时,他就会加以搪塞。柯林斯高阶〔sweat〕The secret police sweated the suspected spy for hours.秘密警察逼问了那可疑的间谍好几个钟头美国传统〔terse〕When cornered by the press, he muttered a terse “No comment”.当他被记者逼问得走投无路时,便咕噜一声“无可奉告”草草过场。英汉大词典




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