

单词 部落
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Digger〕the scattered remnants of the Digger tribes散居各地的迪格尔部落残存者外研社新世纪〔affiliation〕a loose affiliation of tribes 各部落间一种松散的联系英汉大词典〔animosity〕tribal animosities 部落间的仇雠英汉大词典〔betony〕probably from Vettōnēs [an ancient Iberian tribe] 可能源自 Vettones, [古代伊比利亚部落] 美国传统〔blond〕a blond tribe from the northern hills 来自北方山区的浅肤色部落英汉大词典〔cannibal〕tribes of cannibals 食人生番的部落英汉大词典〔confederacy〕a confederacy of native tribes 土著部落联盟韦氏高阶〔conquest〕the desire of each tribe to show its superiority through violent conquest 每个部落通过暴力征服彰显其优势的欲望牛津搭配〔contour〕delineate the tortured psychological contours of the tribal past 描绘部落昔日受折磨的心理特征英汉大词典〔creole〕creole-speaking tribes 讲混合语的部落剑桥高阶〔deep〕a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites. 奥秘;古老而神秘的部落仪式美国传统〔die〕tribes and tribal customs that died out centuries ago. 部落和部落文化在几个世纪前就消灭了美国传统〔elder〕tribal elders. 部落长老柯林斯高阶〔fierce〕fierce native tribes 好斗的土人部落英汉大词典〔fighting〕a fighting tribe 好斗的部落英汉大词典〔flimsy〕a flimsy alliance between the two tribal groups 两个部落间脆弱的联盟朗文当代〔horde〕a gypsy horde 吉卜赛人游牧部落英汉大词典〔hunter-gatherer〕a tribe of hunter- gatherers 游猎采集部落韦氏高阶〔lingo〕be skilled in several tribal lingoes 熟谙数种部落语言英汉大词典〔nomadic〕a nomadic tribe 游牧部落英汉大词典〔nomadic〕a nomadic tribe 游牧部落麦克米伦高阶〔nomadic〕the great nomadic tribes of the Western Sahara西撒哈拉伟大的游牧部落外研社新世纪〔nomad〕a tribe of Somalian desert nomads 索马里沙漠里的游牧部落剑桥高阶〔nomad〕a tribe of nomads 游牧部落韦氏高阶〔pagan〕pagan tribes.不信教的部落。牛津同义词〔plague〕a plague that swept through the tribe in the 1600s 十七世纪肆虐整个部落的瘟疫韦氏高阶〔primitive〕a primitive nomadic tribe 原始的游牧部落朗文当代〔primitive〕primitive tribes 原始部落牛津高阶〔primitive〕primitive tribes.原始部落。牛津同义词〔pygmy〕the pygmy tribes of Papua New Guinea. 巴布亚新几内亚的俾格米人部落柯林斯高阶〔rebellious〕rebellious tribes 有叛意的部落文馨英汉〔ribbon〕an African tribal chieftain ribboned with crude facial tattoos脸上有一条条粗犷刺青的非洲部落首领外研社新世纪〔semisedentary〕a semisedentary tribe 半定居的部落英汉大词典〔subdued〕the subdued tribes 被征服的部落英汉大词典〔sway〕the warlike tribes that held sway here控制此地的好战部落外研社新世纪〔tribalism〕the corrupting influence of tribalism 部落主义的腐化影响韦氏高阶〔tribal〕a tribal leader 部落首领麦克米伦高阶〔tribal〕tribal cultures 部落文化朗文当代〔tribal〕tribal leaders 部落首领牛津高阶〔tribe〕a close-knit tribe.成员间关系密切的部落。牛津同义词




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