

单词 重视
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The local government says it has taken much of the public's criticism on board and it promises to make changes. 地方政府称,他们非常重视公众的批评,并保证进行改革。朗文写作活用〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕The system seems to value conformity over originality. 这种体系似乎重视循规蹈矩,而不是独创性。朗文写作活用〔Cinderella〕It is a Cinderella of charities, and needs more help.这家慈善机构是个不受重视的“灰姑娘”, 需要更多的帮助。外研社新世纪〔Cinderella〕It was a Cinderella department, weakly and inadequately staffed.这是个无人重视的部门,人员不足而且水平低下。英汉大词典〔EMPHASIZE〕The Prime Minister made great play of environmental issues, considering how little the government has done. 考虑到政府所做的甚少,首相这次对环境问题算是非常重视了。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The culture in Silicon Valley values risk-taking and entrepreneurship. 硅谷的文化重视冒险和开拓精神。朗文写作活用〔affirmation〕The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.投票人数之多证明了选民对这次选举的重视。外研社新世纪〔affirmation〕The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.高投票率清楚地显示出选民们对选举的重视。柯林斯高阶〔appreciate〕I value our friendship so much.我非常重视我们的友谊。韦氏高阶〔appreciation〕Rabbits have a well-known appreciation for family life.众所周知,兔子有重视族居的习性。英汉大词典〔balance〕The state has to find a way to balance these two needs.该州需要找到一种办法使这两个需求得到同等重视。外研社新世纪〔bear〕If you ignore the problem for too long you will have a bear by the tail.要是你老不重视这个问题,事情会变得棘手的。英汉大词典〔cardinal〕An emphasis on the community is a cardinal feature of our law and order policies.重视社区是我们治安政策的主要特点。外研社新世纪〔connect〕They valued her ability to empathize and connect with others.他们重视她体恤和理解别人的能力。朗文当代〔cultivate〕Nicaragua made a point of cultivating the friendship of Fidel Castro.尼加拉瓜特别重视发展同菲德尔•卡斯特罗的友谊。外研社新世纪〔deal〕The government attaches a good deal of importance to education.政府对教育予以高度的重视。英汉大词典〔dear〕Household economy was something my mother held very dear.我母亲非常重视家庭经济。朗文当代〔deserve〕The newspaper deserves a lot of credit for calling attention to the problem.这份报纸唤起了人们对这个问题的重视,值得大加赞扬。韦氏高阶〔discount〕Their unity is at a discount now.他们的联合现在不受重视了。外研社新世纪〔diversity〕We value the rich ethnic and cultural diversity of the group.我们重视这个团体种族和文化方面的多样性。麦克米伦高阶〔dualism〕Western dualism values mind over body.西方的二元论更重视思想,而不是身体。剑桥高阶〔due〕He listened, giving my comments due attention.他聆听着, 很重视我的意见。外研社新世纪〔emphasis〕Both subjects should be given equal emphasis.应给予两门课程同等的重视。牛津搭配〔emphasis〕Little emphasis was placed on educating people about the dangers.几乎不重视教育人们如何应对危险。牛津搭配〔emphasis〕We should place greater emphasis on staff development.我们应该更加重视员工发展。麦克米伦高阶〔envelope〕There's a valuable place for fashion and design that pushes the envelope a bit.在原有尺度上有所突破的时尚和设计受到人们的重视。柯林斯高阶〔forget〕His pioneering work in the field was largely forgotten until the late 1940s.他在这一领域所做的开创性工作在 20 世纪 40 年代末以前基本上没有人重视。牛津搭配〔game〕They take the game of cricket very seriously here.在这里他们非常重视板球运动。麦克米伦高阶〔graduate〕The company places great importance on graduate recruitment and training.这个公司对招聘和培训大学毕业生非常重视。牛津搭配〔greening〕The next ten years, he predicted, would see the greening of the US (= Americans starting to take more care of the environment).他预测,在未来10年,美国人将越来越重视环保问题。剑桥高阶〔heavily〕He relies heavily on his wife for advice.他很重视妻子的建议。韦氏高阶〔importance〕They attach great importance to the project.他们高度重视这个项目。牛津高阶〔independence〕We value independence.我们重视独立自主。牛津同义词〔input〕We listen to our employees and value their input.我们倾听员工的声音, 重视他们提供的信息。外研社新世纪〔input〕We listen to our employees and value their input.我们听取员工的想法,重视他们的意见和建议。柯林斯高阶〔integrity〕Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.他十分重视保持自己的艺德,几次拒绝了好莱坞报酬丰厚的演出邀请。剑桥高阶〔job satisfaction〕Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in earning large amounts of money.与赚大把的钱相比,许多人更重视工作给予他们的满足感。剑桥高阶〔largely〕Their complaints have been largely ignored.他们的抱怨几乎没有引起任何重视。剑桥高阶〔make〕It would be a mistake to make too much of these findings.对这些发现过于重视是错误的。朗文当代〔moral〕The book places a high moral value on marriage and the family unit.这本书对婚姻和家庭的道德价值很重视。朗文当代〔more〕The public is more and more growing to respect efficiency.公众正在日益重视效率。 英汉大词典〔neglect〕Dance has been neglected by television.电视节目一向不重视舞蹈。牛津高阶〔neglect〕The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long.市政府长期以来对教师资源匮乏问题不予重视。韦氏高阶〔neighbourly〕The head of state said his country had always attached great importance to good neighbourliness.这位国家元首说他的国家一直以来都很重视睦邻友好关系。柯林斯高阶〔oriented〕It's a culture which is very family-oriented.这是一个非常重视家庭的文化。麦克米伦高阶〔overemphasize〕There has been an overemphasis on content rather than methodology.过于重视了内容而不重视方法。朗文当代〔overlook〕Her services have been overlooked by her superiors.她的服务劳绩一直未得上司的重视。英汉大词典〔overweight〕To give too much emphasis, importance, or consideration to.过于重视,过于关注:给予…太多的强调,重要性或太多的考虑美国传统〔parenting〕Parenting is not fully valued by society.养儿育女没有得到社会的充分重视。外研社新世纪〔place〕He placed great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties.他非常重视家庭生活和家人之间的关系。柯林斯高阶〔place〕Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities.护理工作对重视人际关系的人具有吸引力。牛津高阶〔place〕She talked about the high value that her parents place on education.她谈到自己的父母很重视教育。韦氏高阶〔predictability〕Your mother values the predictability of your Sunday calls.你妈妈非常重视你每周日打给她的电话。柯林斯高阶〔premium〕A high premium comes to be placed on unity.人们开始高度重视团结问题。英汉大词典〔premium〕Employers put a premium on honesty and hard work.雇主们很重视诚实和勤奋的工作美国传统〔premium〕They put a high premium on prevention and primary care.他们十分重视预防和基础保健。外研社新世纪〔priority〕We assign a high priority to research and development.我们高度重视研究和开发。牛津搭配〔profession〕There's a feeling among the nursing profession that their work is undervalued.护理人员认为他们的工作未得到应有的重视。剑桥高阶〔put〕All the more technically advanced countries put a high value on science.所有技术上较先进的国家都高度重视科学。柯林斯高阶〔put〕Our company puts the emphasis on quality.我们公司重视质量。牛津高阶〔rate〕I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration.我们的需求恐怕不会受到这届政府的高度重视。牛津高阶〔redundant〕Changes in technology may mean that once-valued skills are now redundant.技术上的革新可能意味着曾经被重视的技术现在已变得多余。柯林斯高阶〔regard〕Pay regard to public opinion.要重视舆论。英汉大词典〔relative〕I reflected on the relative importance of education in 50 countries.我思考了50个国家相对而言对教育的重视程度。柯林斯高阶〔religion〕The school placed strong emphasis on religion.这所学校极重视宗教教育。英汉大词典〔seriously〕She's well qualified for the job, so she hopes the company will take her seriously.她完全有能力胜任这份工作,因此她希望公司能重视她。韦氏高阶〔significance〕Stella didn't attach any significance to Doug's query.斯特拉并不重视道格提出的问题。朗文当代〔snowball〕Problems snowball when early trouble signs are ignored.问题初露端倪时不加以重视,就会越积越多。韦氏高阶〔spit and polish〕Attention to appearance and order, as in a military unit.极度重视外表和秩序,如在军队中美国传统〔spur〕The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth.政府可能会更加重视推动经济增长。柯林斯高阶〔staff〕Peter became a very valued member of staff.彼得成了一名非常受重视的员工。麦克米伦高阶〔store〕It is unwise to put too much store by these statistics.过分重视这些统计数字是不明智的。牛津高阶〔strength〕America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it.美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之产生的政治和军事实力。柯林斯高阶〔tradition〕There is a lot of emphasis on maintaining local traditions .保持地方传统备受重视。朗文当代〔unashamedly〕The enterprise is unashamedly commercial.这家企业极度重视商业利益。外研社新世纪〔undervalue〕Education is currently undervalued in this country.现在这个国家对教育重视不够。牛津高阶〔undervalue〕He felt undervalued and underpaid.他觉得自己未受到应有的重视,报酬也过低。剑桥高阶〔unheeded〕The advice of experts went unheeded.专家的意见未被重视。柯林斯高阶〔valued〕As you are a valued customer, I am writing to you to explain the situation.您是一位我们很重视的客户,所以我写信向您解释一下情况。柯林斯高阶〔value〕I've always valued her advice.我对她的建议一向很重视。剑桥高阶〔value〕The items/objects are highly valued by collectors.这些物件受到收藏家的高度重视。韦氏高阶〔vocationally〕Vocational courses are often given more respect and funding than arts or philosophy.职业技术类课程通常能够获得比艺术或哲学类课程更多的重视和资助。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕After he was voted out of office, few people attached much weight to what he said.他落选下台以后,就没什么人重视他所说的话了。剑桥高阶〔weight〕Patten was not inclined to give much weight to their judgment.帕滕不会很重视他们的判断的。麦克米伦高阶〔weight〕We attach little weight to this new evidence.我们对这一新证据不够重视。麦克米伦高阶〔well-being〕His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.他的工作不仅重视孩子们的身体健康,同时也关注他们的情感健康。柯林斯高阶〔well-being〕His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.他的工作既重视孩子们的身体健康, 也关注他们的情感健康。外研社新世纪A good writer is careful about details. 凡是优秀作家都重视细节的描写。译典通After he was voted out of power few people attached much weight to what he said.他落选下台后,很少有人重视他所说的话。剑桥国际Although pay levels are low, I find the work interesting and feel valued by the company, so the psychic income is high.尽管工资不高,但我觉得这项工作蛮有意思,而且受到公司重视,所以心理收入很高。牛津商务He placed importance on a comfortable lifestyle (= It was important to him).他重视舒适的生活方式。剑桥国际I think that schools often put too little emphasis on learning about the visual and performing arts.我觉得学校往往对学习视觉艺术和表演艺术方面的知识太不够重视了。剑桥国际It seems that the suggestion has fallen on dead ears. 看来这建议并未受到重视。译典通It was alleged that the trial judge had misrepresented the defence case and had given more weight to the prosecution in his summing-up.据说法官在总结概述中对被告方辩由作了不正确的表述而特别重视了原告方。剑桥国际It was clear that both these prisoners were in need of special attention which they did not get.很明显这两名犯人需要特别注意,而目前他们并未得到足够的重视。剑桥国际Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.公众对这个问题的意识能促使政治家对它的重视。剑桥国际She left the firm because she felt undervalued.她因感到不受重视而离开了那家公司。牛津商务Top management (= the people in charge of a company) don't appreciate how the ordinary employees feel.高层管理人员并不重视普通雇员的感受。剑桥国际We place a high priority on employees' development.我们高度重视员工的发展。牛津商务We should respect the environment and not pollute it.我们应重视环境,不要污染它。剑桥国际




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