

单词 陈列
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔African mahogany〕The wood of any of these trees, used to make furniture, cabinets, and boat interiors.非洲桃花心木木材:这类树木的木材,用于制作家具、陈列柜以及船的内部美国传统〔CHOOSE〕A wonderful selection of cakes and pastries was displayed in the window. 橱窗里陈列着可供选购的各种美味蛋糕和油酥点心。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Children had clustered outside the shop window to look at the toys on display. 小孩子凑在橱窗外面看陈列着的玩具。朗文写作活用〔MATERIAL〕She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall. 她打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕As expected, there were dozens of cellular phones on display. 一如所料,陈列着许许多多手机。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Many stalls displayed the work of local artists and craftsmen. 许多摊位上陈列着当地艺术家和工匠的作品。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The store windows were displaying the latest spring fashions. 商店橱窗里陈列着最新的春季时装。朗文写作活用〔arrangement〕The arrangement of goods in the shop window is done by our sales staff.橱窗里商品的陈列工作是由我们的销售人员干的。英汉大词典〔backlit〕His trophies were proudly displayed in a backlit cabinet.他自豪地把奖杯摆在后部有灯光的陈列柜中。剑桥高阶〔bench〕A platform on which animals, especially dogs, are exhibited.陈列台:展示动物,尤指狗的平台美国传统〔booth〕A small stall or stand for the display and sale of goods.货摊:一个陈列和出售商品的小摊或售货台美国传统〔brief〕A formal outline listing main contentions along with supporting evidence and documentation.辩护状:陈列了主要论点,并附有证据和文书的正式纲要美国传统〔business hours〕All showrooms are staffed during business hours.所有的陈列室在开放时间都有工作人员。柯林斯高阶〔cabinet〕He looked at the display cabinet with its gleaming sets of glasses.他看着陈列柜, 里面摆着几套晶莹剔透的玻璃杯。外研社新世纪〔cabinet〕He looked at the display cabinet with its gleaming sets of glasses.他看着陈列柜,里面摆着几套晶莹剔透的玻璃杯。柯林斯高阶〔cabinet〕The china was displayed in a glass cabinet.瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。牛津高阶〔cabinet〕Valuable pieces of china were on display in a glass-fronted cabinet.贵重瓷器陈列在正面是玻璃的柜子里。剑桥高阶〔case〕She kept all her trophies in a display case.她把自己所有的奖品放在陈列柜里。牛津搭配〔catalog〕A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations.一览表:名单或逐条列记的陈列,如题目、课程或者供展览或出售的物品,通常包括描述性的信息或插图美国传统〔collection〕A glass-fronted cabinet displayed a collection of china.玻璃面展柜中陈列着瓷器藏品。牛津搭配〔commemorate〕One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history.有一个房间里陈列着很多纪念棒球史上伟大时刻的画作。柯林斯高阶〔countertop〕A level surface on a cabinet or display case, as in a kitchen or department store.工作台面:贮藏橱或陈列柜的水平表面,如厨房或百货大楼美国传统〔cover〕The aircraft is displayed under cover in the USAF Gallery.这架飞机在美国空军陈列室内展出。朗文当代〔crown jewels〕The Scottish crown jewels, called the Honours of Scotland, are on display in Edinburgh Castle.被称为“苏格兰荣耀”的苏格兰御宝现在陈列在爱丁堡城堡内。剑桥高阶〔daring〕The gallery was known for putting on daring exhibitions.陈列馆以其别具一格的展品而享有盛名。牛津高阶〔display〕A public exhibition.展览,陈列美国传统〔display〕Could you display this poster in your window? 你能把这张海报陈列在你的橱窗里吗?麦克米伦高阶〔display〕Department stores display their goods in the windows.百货商店把商品陈列在橱窗里。21世纪英汉〔display〕Examples of her work will go on permanent display in the new museum.她的一些作品将在新博物馆永久陈列。牛津搭配〔display〕His football trophies were prominently displayed in the kitchen.他的足球奖杯陈列在厨房显眼的位置。牛津搭配〔display〕Objects or merchandise set out for viewing by the public.陈列品,展览品美国传统〔display〕She was leaning against a CD display.她靠在一个激光唱片陈列架上。外研社新世纪〔display〕She was leaning against a display case of prints of Paris.她正倚靠在一个展示巴黎照片的陈列柜上。柯林斯高阶〔display〕The cabinets display 17th-century blue-and-white porcelain.柜子里陈列着17世纪的青花瓷。外研社新世纪〔display〕The cabinets display seventeenth-century blue-and-white porcelain.展柜中陈列着17世纪的青花瓷。柯林斯高阶〔display〕The library's current display features locally made crafts.图书馆的当期陈列品主要展示当地的手工制品。韦氏高阶〔display〕The museum displays relics found during the excavation of the site.博物馆里陈列着在这一遗址发掘的文物。韦氏高阶〔display〕Toys were displayed in the store window.玩具陈列在商店橱窗里。韦氏高阶〔drip〕They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs.他们被满橱窗陈列的钻石和皮草弄得眼花缭乱。柯林斯高阶〔each〕The gallery contains work by 5 artists, each with their own individual style.陈列室中陈列了5位画家的作品,他们每人都有自己的风格。麦克米伦高阶〔embarrassment〕The art gallery's problem is an embarrassment of riches, with nowhere to put most of their treasures.这家美术馆的问题是藏品太丰富, 大部分珍品无处陈列。外研社新世纪〔engage by〕Her attention was engaged by the display of the new dress in the ship windows.她的注意力被商店橱窗里陈列的新式女服所吸引。21世纪英汉〔exhibit〕The act or an instance of exhibiting.展览,陈列:展览的行为或事例美国传统〔exposability〕The storekeeper exposed his wares.零售店店主陈列他的商品。21世纪英汉〔expose〕I shall expose all of them for sale at public auction.公开拍卖时我会把它们全部陈列出来的。英汉大词典〔fee〕There is no entrance fee to the gallery.这个美术陈列馆不收门票。牛津高阶〔floor〕The part of a retail store in which merchandise is displayed and sales are made.展示贩卖货物的地方:零售商店中商品陈列和销售的部分美国传统〔fragile〕The museum stored all frangible articles in a locked showcase.博物馆的陈列橱里贮藏了所有易碎物品。美国传统〔galleria〕A roofed passageway or indoor court usually containing a variety of shops or businesses.走廊:有屋顶的走廊或室内陈列区,通常包括各种商店或商行美国传统〔gallery〕The Turner exhibition occupies all the galleries on the first floor.特纳展览占用了二楼的所有陈列室。麦克米伦高阶〔gallery〕The painting is in the gallery upstairs.那幅画在楼上的陈列室里。外研社新世纪〔give〕The gallery is given over to British art.此陈列室专门用于陈列英国艺术品。牛津高阶〔holy of holies〕His trophy room is the holy of holies where only his closest friends are allowed.他的奖杯陈列室是他的贵宾室,只有最要好的朋友才能进入。韦氏高阶〔irreplaceable〕Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.你在陈列柜中所见到的瓷器大多数是独一无二的。剑桥高阶〔lay ... out〕The quality products were neatly laid out in the exhibition hall.优质产品整齐地陈列在展览厅里。21世纪英汉〔lay along〕He laid all the stamps along the desk.他把所有邮票都陈列在桌上。21世纪英汉〔lighting〕The showroom has a slate floor and track lighting.陈列室装了石板地面和轨道照明系统。牛津搭配〔likeness〕The museum displays wax likenesses of every US president.这家博物馆陈列着历任美国总统的蜡像。柯林斯高阶〔lure〕An attractive window display can help to lure shoppers into the store.诱人的橱窗陈列可以招引购物者走进商店。韦氏高阶〔mantelshelf〕Beneath this, on the mantelshelf, is displayed a collection of seventeenth-century tulip vases.下面的壁炉架上陈列的是一批17世纪的郁金香花瓶。柯林斯高阶〔museum〕The website's print gallery is a virtual museum.这家网站的印刷品陈列空间是个虚拟博物馆。牛津搭配〔oceanarium〕A large aquarium for the study or display of marine life.海洋水族馆:研究或陈列海洋生物的巨大水族馆美国传统〔palm ... off〕The salesman tried to palm us off with some shopsoiled sheets.售货员设法用商店陈列过的旧床单来哄骗我们。21世纪英汉〔presentation〕The process of offering for consideration or display.提供,提出:提出以供考虑或陈列展出的过程美国传统〔presentation〕The style of presentation is very important in a museum.博物馆中的陈列风格很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔prominently〕Entries will be prominently displayed in the exhibition hall.参赛作品将陈列在展厅显眼的地方。外研社新世纪〔pull in〕We hope the display will pull customers in from the street.我们希望陈列能从街上招来顾客。韦氏高阶〔rival〕The stores rival each other in beautiful window displays.商店在美化橱窗陈列方面互比高低。英汉大词典〔sculpture〕The museum has several life-sized sculptures of people and animals.博物馆里陈列着几个实物大小的人和动物雕塑。剑桥高阶〔set〕The goods are set out in the shop window.货物陈列在商店的橱窗里。英汉大词典〔shopper〕Window displays are intended to be attractive to shoppers.橱窗陈列是为了吸引顾客。牛津搭配〔shopworn〕Tarnished, frayed, faded, or otherwise defective from being on display in a store.在商店中陈列旧了的:商店中陈列而失去光泽的、磨损的、褪色的或者有其它毛病的美国传统〔showcase〕A display case or cabinet, as in a store or museum.玻璃陈列柜:一种展览箱或柜,如在商店或博物馆中的美国传统〔showroom〕Our complete range of carpets is on display in our showroom.我们全系列的地毯都陈列在展示厅。剑桥高阶〔stand〕The shop was crowded with display stands and boxes.这家商店里摆满了陈列台和盒子。朗文当代〔stand〕We have display stands in many bookstores.我们在多家书店里都设有陈列台。韦氏高阶〔stare〕The bright modern painting stares out at you in the otherwise conservative gallery.有些古典派画廊也会陈列出明亮色彩的现代派绘画。21世纪英汉〔stuffed〕A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office.一条 1878 年捕获的重 29 磅 8 盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。柯林斯高阶〔sweep〕The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.陈列室已经清理出来,打扫干净了。牛津高阶〔trim〕Material used in commercial window displays.橱窗布置:商店橱窗中摆设的陈列品美国传统〔variety〕I know no store anywhere in the world that has such variety and display.我不知道世界上还有哪个商店的经营品种如此繁多,陈列如此美观。柯林斯高阶〔wareroom〕A room used for the storage or display of goods or wares.商品贮藏或陈列室:用于贮藏或展览商品或货物的房屋美国传统〔window-shop〕To look at merchandise in store windows or showcases without making purchases.浏览橱窗:不买东西而只浏览商店橱窗或玻璃陈列柜内的商品美国传统〔window〕The area or space immediately behind a window, especially at the front of a shop.陈列窗,橱窗:窗户后(尤指商店前面的)的地方或空间美国传统〔window〕We were looking at the Christmas displays in the shop windows .我们在观看商店橱窗里的圣诞节陈列品。朗文当代〔zero〕The children zeroed in on the display of toys in the store window.孩子们的注意力都集中在商店橱窗里陈列的玩具上美国传统All the goods on display are in the sale.所有陈列的货物都降价出售。牛津商务Display advertising is expected to fall 9% in the full year.预计陈列式广告全年下降 9%。牛津商务He is responsible for dressing the mannequins and arranging goods in the shop window.他负责商店橱窗内的模特装扮和商品陈列。剑桥国际His trophies were proudly displayed in a backlit cabinet.他的奖品自豪地陈列在逆光照明的小室内。剑桥国际His work is on permanent display in the gallery.他的作品在画廊里永久陈列。剑桥国际I like the way the displays are arranged in the museum. 我喜欢那个博物馆里展览品陈列的方式。译典通Our complete range of carpets is on display in our showroom.我们所有种类的地毯都陈列在展示厅。剑桥国际Our window displays are changed weekly.我们的橱窗陈列每周更换一次。牛津商务The prime minister yesterday inspected his new waxwork at Madame Tussaud's.首相昨天去塔梭滋夫人名人蜡像陈列馆看了自己的新蜡像。剑桥国际The salesman tried to palm us off with some shop-soiled clothes. 那个店员想哄我们买下一些已陈列许久的衣服。译典通The store displays its wares in the window. 商店把各种物品陈列在橱窗内。译典通The stores rival each other in beautiful window displays. 商店在橱窗陈列方面互相比美。译典通Their merchandise is attractively displayed in the window.他们的商品陈列在橱窗里,很是吸引人。牛津商务We have an oversupply of unsold cars in the garage showroom.汽车陈列室里有过多的卖不掉的汽车。剑桥国际




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