

单词 重物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN/INSIDE〕Valuables should be kept in the hotel safe. 贵重物品应存放在旅馆保险箱内。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕His doctor has told him that he must not lift anything heavy. 医生告诫他不能举重物。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕If you're lifting something heavy, be careful not to hurt your back when you straighten up. 拎重物起身的时候,当心不要伤着背部。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕Thieves will take any bags, wallets, and other valuables they can find. 窃贼们会拿走任何能找到的提包、钱包和其他贵重物品。朗文写作活用〔ask yourself〕Before buying an expensive item, he needs to ask himself if/whether he can afford it.购买贵重物品之前,他得想想自己是否有这个能力。韦氏高阶〔ballast〕Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability.压舱物,压载:放在船舱或气球吊篮里以增加稳定性的重物美国传统〔bench press〕A lift that is executed from a horizontal position on a bench, in which the weight is lifted from the chest to arm's length and then lowered back to the chest.仰卧举重,杠铃推举锻炼:从长凳上的水平位置进行的举重,须将重物从胸前举至臂伸直处,然后再放低至胸前美国传统〔bend〕Avoid bending at the waist when lifting heavy objects.搬起重物时不要弯腰。牛津搭配〔block and tackle〕An apparatus of pulley blocks and ropes or cables used for hauling and hoisting heavy objects.辘轳,滑车装置:一种以滑轮和绳子或缆索构成的器具,用来拖拉和吊升重物美国传统〔blow〕The victim was apparently killed by a blow to the head with a heavy object.受害人显然是被重物重击头部致死的。麦克米伦高阶〔bludgeon〕A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death.一位富商被发现死于重物连续猛击。柯林斯高阶〔blue chip〕An extremely valuable asset or property.贵重物品:很值钱的资产或财产美国传统〔bola〕A rope with weights attached, used especially in South America to catch cattle or game by entangling their legs.流星锤:一头系重物的绳子,尤用于南美洲捕牛或套腿的狩猎美国传统〔brace〕He braced his muscles and lifted the weight.他把肌肉绷紧,一使劲举起那重物。英汉大词典〔bulge〕His biceps bulged as he lifted the weights.他举起重物时二头肌鼓了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔can〕A weight lifter can lift a very heavy weight.举重运动员能举起很重的重物。韦氏高阶〔carriage〕A wheeled support or frame for carrying a heavy object, such as a cannon.支架:用于运送重物,如大炮的带轮的支撑物或架子美国传统〔casket〕A small case or chest, as for jewels and other valuables.珠宝箱:存放珠宝和其它贵重物品的小盒或箱美国传统〔choke〕I felt as if there was a weight on my chest, choking me.我感觉好像有重物压在我胸口,让我喘不过气来。朗文当代〔clog〕A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.重物,坠脚:一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动美国传统〔confide〕He confides his valuables in a safety-deposit box.他把贵重物品放在保险箱里。英汉大词典〔crane〕A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects by means of cables attached to a movable boom.起重机:一种用连在活动架上的缆绳举起和移动重物的机器美国传统〔custody〕The bank provides safe custody for valuables.这家银行提供对贵重物品的安全保管服务。牛津高阶〔custody〕The bank provides safe custody for valuables.那家银行提供贵重物品安全保管服务。韦氏高阶〔dead weight〕He hoisted the dead weight over his shoulder.他把那死沉的重物扛到了肩上。柯林斯高阶〔dead weight〕The unrelieved weight of a heavy, motionless mass.静止重量:静止重物的全部重量美国传统〔deadfall〕A trap for large animals in which a heavy weight is arranged to fall on and kill or disable the prey.陷阱:用来捕获大动物的陷阱,其中准备重物落下并杀死或使猎物就范美国传统〔deposit〕Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.旅客可将贵重物品寄存在旅馆的保险柜里。牛津高阶〔deposit〕You are advised to deposit valuables in the hotel safe.建议把贵重物品存放在宾馆的保险箱里。柯林斯高阶〔do yourself an injury〕If you keep on lifting those heavy weights, you'll do yourself an injury.如果你继续举那些重物,你会受伤的。韦氏高阶〔dog〕Any of various hooked or U-shaped metallic devices used for gripping or holding heavy objects.轧头,夹架:用以抓起重物的钩状或U型金属装置美国传统〔drag〕A heavy sledge or cart for hauling loads.拖车:拖重物的大撬或大车美国传统〔dray〕A low, heavy cart without sides, used for haulage.板车:低矮而且无车帮的车,用于拖载重物美国传统〔hoist〕An apparatus for lifting heavy or cumbersome objects.起重机:用来提举重物或难处理物体的设备美国传统〔impost〕Sports The weight a horse must carry in a handicap race.【体育运动】 赛马时马匹必须负载的负重物美国传统〔lead〕A lead weight suspended by a line, used to make soundings.铅锤:用绳子悬挂一块铅制的重物,用来测量水深美国传统〔lie〕Never leave cash or other valuables just lying around.一定不要把现金或其他贵重物品到处乱扔乱放。麦克米伦高阶〔load〕The men were struggling with their heavy loads.这些男子背负着重物艰难地行走着。麦克米伦高阶〔locker〕A small, usually metal compartment that can be locked, especially one at a gymnasium or public place for the safekeeping of clothing and valuables.小橱:尤指在体育馆和公共场合用于保存衣服或贵重物品的、可以锁起的、通常是金属的小柜美国传统〔lock〕Valuable items should be locked away.贵重物品应该锁起来。麦克米伦高阶〔means〕The load was lifted by means of a crane.重物是用起重机吊起来的。牛津高阶〔misplace〕Misplaced valuables are routinely handed over to the authorities.按常规,四处乱放的贵重物品总是上缴管理部门的。英汉大词典〔necessarily〕The care of old people necessarily involves quite a lot of heavy lifting.照顾老年人必定要干很多搬重物的活。朗文当代〔never〕Never leave valuables in your car.千万不要把贵重物品留在车内。外研社新世纪〔pile driver〕A machine that drives a pile by raising a weight between guideposts and dropping it on the head of the pile.打桩机:一种机器,通过在指向牌之间抬起重物,然后将其掷在桩头上美国传统〔plain〕Don't leave your valuables in plain sight.不要把你的贵重物品放在显眼的地方。朗文当代〔plumb bob〕A usually conical metal weight attached to the end of a plumb line.铅锤,垂球:系在一根垂线末端的通常为圆锥形的金属重物美国传统〔plumb〕A weight on the end of a line, used especially by masons and carpenters to establish a true vertical.锤铊:系在一条线末端的重物,尤指被石匠和木匠用来建立一条真实的垂线美国传统〔porterage〕The carrying of burdens or goods as done by porters.搬运,搬运业:如由搬运工搬运重物及货物美国传统〔porter〕A person employed to carry burdens, especially an attendant who carries travelers' baggage at a hotel or transportation station.搬运工,行李搬运员:受雇搬运重物的人,尤指搬运旅客行李的旅馆侍从或车站搬运员美国传统〔problem〕If you have back problems you should avoid lifting heavy objects.要是你的背有毛病,就应该避免提重物。朗文当代〔pulley〕The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。外研社新世纪〔recommit〕The valuables were recommitted into her keeping.贵重物品重新委托给她保管。英汉大词典〔rob〕He robbed a bank, stealing cash and valuables worth $500,000.他抢劫了一家银行,偷了价值 50 万美元的现金和贵重物品。朗文当代〔roller〕They transported the heavier objects on wooden rollers.他们利用木头脚轮运送重物。外研社新世纪〔safe-deposit box〕A fireproof metal box, usually in a bank vault, for the safe storage of valuables.安全信托柜:一种通常置于银行金库内防火金属柜,用于安全地存放贵重物品美国传统〔secure〕A safe is provided to keep your valuables secure from potential thieves.有保险箱保护您的贵重物品,以防被盗。韦氏高阶〔secure〕You should store your valuables in a secure place.你应该把贵重物品存放在一个安全的地方。韦氏高阶〔shoulder〕To carry or place (a burden, for example) on the shoulders.肩挑:用肩扛送(如重物),或将(如重物)放在肩上美国传统〔signal〕A lock on the suitcase might signal that there's something of value inside.手提箱上的锁表明里面可能有贵重物品。韦氏高阶〔skid〕A plank, log, or timber, usually one of a pair, used as a support or as a track for sliding or rolling heavy objects.滑动垫木:用来在滑动或滚动重物时做支持物或轨道的木板、圆木或木材,通常是一对中的一个美国传统〔spring〕The heavy weight sprang one of the beams.重物把一根横梁压得开裂了。英汉大词典〔stash〕They had all their valuables stashed away in the loft.他们把贵重物品都藏在阁楼上。英汉大词典〔store〕Patrick has never set much store by material things.帕特里克从来都不看重物质的东西。朗文当代〔strain〕All that lifting is putting his back under severe strain.搬抬重物的动作使他的背部承受着极大的压力。麦克米伦高阶〔stress fracture〕A fracture of bone caused by repeated application of a heavy load, such as the constant pounding on a surface by runners, gymnasts, and dancers.应力性骨折:由反复使用压重物引起的骨折,如跑步运动员,体操运动员和舞蹈者在表面上的经常性撞击美国传统〔tackle〕A system of ropes and blocks for raising and lowering weights of rigging and pulleys for applying tension.索具:由升降索上升降重物的绳索、铁块和用来施加压力的滑轮所组成的一套系统美国传统〔tail〕To ease a heavy load down a steep slope.将重物缓缓移下陡坡美国传统〔temptation〕Keep your valuables locked away so as not to put temptation in the way of thieves.锁好你的贵重物品,免得招贼。牛津搭配〔tempt〕If you leave valuables in your car it will tempt thieves.如果你把贵重物品放在车上,会招来小偷的。朗文当代〔thud〕A dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface.重击声,砰的一声:如重物击打固体平面所发出的沉闷的声响美国传统〔truck〕A two-wheeled barrow for moving heavy objects by hand.手推车:用于移动重物的二轮手推车美国传统〔valuables〕Guests should leave their valuables in the hotel safe.客人应把贵重物品存放在酒店保险柜中。朗文当代〔valuables〕Leave your valuables in the hotel safe.把你的贵重物品存放在旅馆的保险柜里。柯林斯高阶〔valuables〕You should not leave your valuables lying in your car where they can be seen by thieves.你不该把贵重物品放在车里小偷能看见的地方。韦氏高阶〔valuable〕A personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value. Often used in the plural.贵重物品:私人财产,例如一件珍宝,具有相对地较高的货币价值,经常用复数美国传统〔valuable〕Luckily, nothing valuable was stolen.幸运的是,没有贵重物品失窃。牛津高阶〔walk〕Lock up any valuables. Things tend to walk here(= be stolen).把贵重物品锁起来。这里的东西常会不翼而飞。牛津高阶〔weight lifter〕One who lifts heavy weights for exercise or in an athletic competition.举重运动员,举重者:举起重物来锻炼身体或参加体育竞赛的人美国传统〔weightlifting〕The lifting of heavy weights in a prescribed manner as an exercise or in athletic competition.举重:在锻炼或体育比赛中按照规定的方式举起重物美国传统〔weight〕He tied weights to the sack and hurled it into the river.他在袋子上系了些重物,然后把它丢到河里。麦克米伦高阶〔weight〕Heavy weights should be lifted with a straight back.提重物时背要挺直。牛津搭配〔weight〕I can't lift heavy weights because of my bad back.我因背部有毛病,提不了重物。朗文当代〔weight〕Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕Straining to lift heavy weights can raise your blood pressure.用力提重物会导致血压升高。外研社新世纪〔weight〕To add to, by or as if by attaching a weight; make heavy or heavier.加重于,使变重:通过或好象通过附加一个重物来增加重量;使变重或变得更重美国传统Guests are advised not to leave any articles of value in their hotel rooms.旅客被告知不要将任何贵重物品留在旅馆房间内。剑桥国际He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重物质上的舒适。译典通He made pendulums of string and small weights and established the relationship between length of string and time of swing.他用细绳和小重物制成了摆,建立线长和摆时之间的关系。剑桥国际I watched him heft the heavy sack onto his shoulder.我看见他抬起这袋重物扛在肩上。剑桥国际If you keep valuables in your house, lock them away/up somewhere safe.如果你把贵重物品保存在家里,那么就将它们锁在安全处。剑桥国际If you throw a heavy object its natural trajectory tends to be a parabola.如果你把一样重物抛出去,它的自然轨迹往往是抛物线。剑桥国际Lifting heavy weights can damage your back.搬动重物会伤到背部。牛津商务Make sure you bend your knees and keep your back straight when you're picking up heavy objects.搬重物时务必屈膝直背。剑桥国际Ordinary mail is not suitable for sending money or valuables through the post.平邮不适合邮寄金钱或贵重物品。牛津商务Please leave valuable items in the hotel safe.请将贵重物品放在酒店保险柜里。牛津商务The donkey is a domesticated form of the African wild ass which has been used for thousands of years for carrying heavy loads.驴是非洲野驴的一种已驯化的品种,几千年来一直被用来驮载重物。剑桥国际The heavily-loaded garbage truck lumbered down the street. 满载重物的垃圾车笨重地驶过街道。译典通There are special ways of lifting large, heavy objects.有特殊的方法用来提起大型重物。牛津商务There was a small indentation on her head where she had been hit by a heavy object.她头上被重物击中的地方有个小凹陷。剑桥国际




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