

单词 超级大国
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔deep-rooted〕the deep-rooted divisions and suspicions between the two superpowers. 两个超级大国之间根深蒂固的分歧和猜忌柯林斯高阶〔deep-rooted〕the deep-rooted divisions and suspicions between the two superpowers两个超级大国之间长期存在的分歧与猜疑外研社新世纪〔disengage〕the evident desire of both superpowers to disengage from Afghanistan. 两个超级大国都想从阿富汗地区撤军的明显意愿柯林斯高阶〔hostage〕superpowers held hostage to each other by their nuclear arsenals. 超级大国因各自拥有核工厂而互相制约美国传统〔involvement〕draw the superpowers into involvement 使超级大国卷入纠纷英汉大词典〔reach〕the superpower's global reach 这个超级大国的全球势力范围 英汉大词典〔recognition〕lead to a recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be continued 导致超级大国认识到军备谈判必须继续英汉大词典〔standoff〕maintain a standoff between two superpowers 保持两个超级大国之间均衡英汉大词典〔status〕the United States' rise to superpower status 美国崛起成为超级大国牛津搭配〔superpower〕economic/military superpowers 经济/军事超级大国韦氏高阶〔super〕building Russia into a super state. 把俄罗斯建成一个超级大国柯林斯高阶




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