

单词 lad
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-soled〕The lad was wearing rubber-soled shoes.这个小伙子穿着橡胶底的鞋子。柯林斯高阶〔CARRY〕She was carrying a tray laden with dishes. 她拿着一个装满碟子的托盘。朗文写作活用〔CARRY〕The bus was heavily laden with passengers and baggage. 公共汽车满载着乘客和行李。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕In the last scene of the play, a ghostly female figure shimmers into the room, her arms laden with books. 在戏的最后一场,一个女子的身影鬼一样地闪进房间,她的手里满满地捧着一摞书。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Right lads, let's pick up this lot and go home. 好吧,小伙子们,让我们把这些东西收起来回家吧。朗文写作活用〔Ladin〕A person who is a native speaker of Ladin.以拉丁语为母语的人美国传统〔MAN〕The lads played really well -- we were unlucky not to win the game. 伙伴们的表现非常出色—我们没赢得比赛很不走运。朗文写作活用〔a bit of a lad〕He was a bit of a lad until he settled down.在他安定下来之前,他一直是个花花公子。韦氏高阶〔adolescent〕He was a young lad, probably still an adolescent.他是个年轻的小伙子, 可能还是个少年。外研社新世纪〔airy-fairy〕But at least the lad was studying, and engineering what's more, not some airy-fairy nonsense.不过至少这个小伙子是在学习, 学的还是工程学, 而不是什么不中用的东西。外研社新世纪〔ambitious〕He's a very ambitious lad and he wants to play at the highest level.他是个很有抱负的小伙子,想参加最高水平的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔amusement〕I stumbled sideways before landing flat on my back, much to the amusement of the lads.我侧身绊了一跤, 然后仰面摔倒在地, 让哥们儿们乐不可支。外研社新世纪〔amusement〕I stumbled sideways before landing flat on my back, much to the amusement of the rest of the lads.让其他小伙子们笑不可支的是,我被绊了一跤,身子一歪,结果仰面摔倒在地。柯林斯高阶〔anywhere〕He's a nice enough lad, but he's not going anywhere.他是一个很好的小伙子,但没什么发展。朗文当代〔appreciate〕Thanks, lads. I appreciate it.谢了,哥们儿。我很感激。柯林斯高阶〔arse about〕Come on, lad, don't arse about, make your point.快点, 小子, 别瞎扯, 有话直说。外研社新世纪〔bag〕Bradley gets bagged by the lads for his strange hairstyle.布拉德利因为奇怪的发型遭到那些男孩子的取笑。外研社新世纪〔bell〕The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell.对其中一个小伙子的描述确实似曾熟悉。听起来挺耳熟。柯林斯高阶〔bonny〕He's a bonny lad, isn't he?他是个英俊少年, 不是吗?外研社新世纪〔booty〕The victorious forces were laden with enemy booty.战胜竹满载著敌方战利品。文馨英汉〔break〕Give the lad a break—it's only his second day on the job.给这小伙子一次机会,他上工才第二天。牛津高阶〔bucko〕Irish A young man; a lad.【爱尔兰】 年轻人;小伙子美国传统〔business〕When you watch him in training, you realise that this lad is the business.当你观看他训练时,你就会意识到这个小伙子是最棒的。柯林斯高阶〔business〕When you watch him in training, you realize that this lad is the business.你看他训练的时候, 就能意识到这家伙绝对是干这个的料。外研社新世纪〔champion〕Everyone likes their Harry, he's a champion little lad.大家都喜欢他们家的哈里, 他是个非常出色的小家伙。外研社新世纪〔change〕He changed from being a nice lad to being rude and unhelpful.他从一个和气的小伙子变成了粗鲁无礼、不肯帮助人的样子。朗文当代〔character〕The lads showed a lot of character in the second half.小伙子们在下半场表现出极大的毅力。外研社新世纪〔clip〕You do that once more and you'll get a clip round the ear, my lad.小子,你再干这种事,我会抽你一耳光。剑桥高阶〔confiscate〕The headmaster was forced to confiscate yet another pack of cards from the lad.校长被迫没收这个男孩的另一副扑克牌。外研社新世纪〔could〕The rest of the players are a great bunch of lads and I couldn't be happier.剩下的选手是一帮很棒的小伙子,我太高兴了。柯林斯高阶〔dawd〕Raw dawds make strong lads.大块吃生肉的小伙身体壮。外研社新世纪〔daylights〕Go on lads, beat the living daylights out of them! 上啊,伙计们,狠狠揍他们一顿!柯林斯高阶〔ear〕He's a bright lad, all ears.他是个很聪明的小伙子, 总是在全神贯注地听。外研社新世纪〔ear〕If I have any more cheek from you, my lad, you'll get a thick ear!你小子要再这么不要脸, 小心我抽你耳光!外研社新世纪〔example〕He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.他是业界的典范, 是年轻人学习的楷模。外研社新世纪〔example〕He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.他是个模范的专业人士,是年轻人的榜样。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕There was a group of lads at the bar, eyeing up every girl who walked in.酒吧里有一群小伙子,色迷迷地打量着走进来的每一个女孩。朗文当代〔fatwa〕In 1998, Osama bin Laden issued this fatwa against the United States.1998年, 奥萨马·本·拉登发布了这个反对美国的圣令。外研社新世纪〔feat〕Dragging the fully laden boat across the sand was no mean feat.将满载货物的船拖过沙丘是一件了不起的事。牛津搭配〔figure〕Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.有时候年轻小伙子只是需要找一个母亲式的人物聊一聊,从中获得安慰。柯林斯高阶〔gang〕Dinna gang awa', lad.迪娜走了, 小伙子。外研社新世纪〔girlie〕I'm a very girlie person while Polly is one of the lads.我女孩子气十足而波莉却像个小男孩。柯林斯高阶〔good-natured〕Bates looks like a good-natured lad.贝茨看上去像个敦厚的小伙子。外研社新世纪〔good-natured〕Bates looks like a good-natured lad.贝茨看起来像个性情温和的小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔good〕George is a good lad, too good for you! 乔治是个好青年,你不配!朗文当代〔greenness〕He was a young lad, very green, very immature.他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟。柯林斯高阶〔gym〕While the lads are golfing, I work out in the gym.其他人去打高尔夫球, 我去健身房锻炼。外研社新世纪〔gym〕While the lads are golfing, I work out in the gym.小伙子们打高尔夫球的时候,我在健身房锻炼。柯林斯高阶〔heart〕The lad put his heart and soul into that piece of work, and it hurt him terribly when it was rejected.那个小伙子在这件作品上倾注了全部心血, 所以作品被拒绝时他感到很伤心。外研社新世纪〔heavily〕A heavily laden bus made its way slowly up the hill.一辆负载沉重的公共汽车缓慢地向山上开去。外研社新世纪〔helpful〕James is a very helpful and cooperative lad.詹姆斯是个肯帮忙、好合作的小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔immature〕Sometimes fruit trees will shed immature fruit simply because they are so heavily laden they can't carry them all.有时果树会掉下未成熟的果子, 这只是因为挂果太多, 不堪其负。外研社新世纪〔instil〕Tommy instilled discipline and respect for older players among the young lads.汤米逐渐向年轻小伙子们灌输纪律性以及对老一代选手的尊敬。外研社新世纪〔jump about〕Half-a-dozen lads surged round the corner, jumping about, shouting.六个少年挤在拐角处, 跳来跳去, 吼叫着。外研社新世纪〔knock around〕I used to knock about with all the lads from round where Mum lives.我过去常同妈妈住所周围的伙伴们一起玩儿。柯林斯高阶〔knock〕Who was that lad you used to knock around with? 以前经常和你混在一起的那个小伙子是谁?麦克米伦高阶〔laddie〕A boy or young man; a lad.男孩或年轻人;少年美国传统〔lade with〕He was laden with misery after the death of his wife.妻子去世后,他心里充满忧伤。21世纪英汉〔lade with〕Her eyes were laden with tears when she heard the sad news.听到不幸的消息时她泪流满面地哭起来。21世纪英汉〔lade with〕The ship was laden with war materials.船上装满了战争物资。21世纪英汉〔laden〕Gerard replied in a voice laden with contempt.杰勒德以极其鄙夷的口吻作了回答。麦克米伦高阶〔laden〕He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone.他从法国回来总是给大家带很多礼物。剑桥高阶〔laden〕He arrived laden with presents.他带了很多礼物来。文馨英汉〔laden〕He took the heavily laden tray from her.他接过她手中盛得满满的托盘。牛津搭配〔laden〕Heavily laden lorries were passing at a rate of one every three minutes.每三分钟就有一辆满载货物的卡车通过。外研社新世纪〔laden〕His voice was soft, yet laden with threat.他说话的声音很柔和,但充满了恐吓的语气。牛津高阶〔laden〕I came home laden with cardboard boxes.我带了很多纸箱回家。外研社新世纪〔laden〕I came home laden with cardboard boxes.我抱着一大堆纸箱回了家。柯林斯高阶〔laden〕Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt.他们的许多重工业企业都负债累累。外研社新世纪〔laden〕Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt.他们的重工业很多负债累累。柯林斯高阶〔laden〕Passengers got off the train laden with boxes and suitcases.旅客们携带着大包小箱下了火车。麦克米伦高阶〔laden〕She was laden with doubts about the affair.她心中对此事充满了疑问。朗文当代〔laden〕The air was laden with incense.空气中的熏香味很浓。麦克米伦高阶〔laden〕The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit.第二年夏天桃树就结满了桃子。柯林斯高阶〔laden〕The lorry was fully laden.货车装得满满的。朗文当代〔laden〕The table, as always, was laden with food.与以往一样,桌子上摆满了食物。剑桥高阶〔laden〕The tables were laden with food.那些桌子上摆满了食物。朗文当代〔laden〕The trees are laden with fruit.那些树结满果实。文馨英汉〔laden〕The trees were laden with apples.树上都挂满了苹果。牛津高阶〔laden〕The trees were laden with fruit.树上结满了果实。外研社新世纪〔laden〕They arrived laden with gifts.他们满载礼物到达了。牛津搭配〔laden〕Try to avoid discussing emotionally laden subjects.尽量避免谈论充满感情色彩的话题。牛津搭配〔laden〕We're so laden with guilt.我们深感内疚。外研社新世纪〔laden〕We're so laden with guilt.我们深感愧疚。柯林斯高阶〔lade〕He was laden with debts.他债台高筑。英汉大词典〔lade〕Neil arrived laden with presents for the children.尼尔带着给孩子们的大批礼物到达。英汉大词典〔lade〕The tree was laden with fruit.树上果实累累。英汉大词典〔lad〕A group of young lads were standing outside the shop.一群小青年站在商店外面。剑桥高阶〔lad〕Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.来吧,小伙子。你该回家了。柯林斯高阶〔lad〕Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.过来, 小家伙。你该回家了。外研社新世纪〔lad〕Come on, lads, let's get this job finished! 来吧,小伙子们,咱们把这个活儿干完!剑桥高阶〔lad〕Come on then, lads, let's go.那就快点呀,小伙子们,我们走吧。麦克米伦高阶〔lad〕He used to be a real lad, but he's settled down a bit since he got married.他过去确实是放荡不羁,但自从结婚后,他就稍稍安定一些了。麦克米伦高阶〔lad〕He's a bit of a lad.他有点放荡不羁。外研社新世纪〔lad〕He's a good lad at heart.他是个心地善良的少年。韦氏高阶〔lad〕He's a nice lad.他是个好小伙子。牛津高阶〔lad〕He's a nice lad.他是个很不错的小伙子。剑桥高阶〔lad〕Her husband usually goes out with the lads on a Friday.她丈夫通常在周五和他的伙伴们一起出去。麦克米伦高阶〔lad〕Jack was certainly a bit of a lad.杰克确实有点放荡。英汉大词典〔lad〕Life was hard when I was a lad.当我还是个少年的时候,生活很艰难。韦氏高阶〔lad〕Sam's a really nice lad.萨姆是个很不错的小伙子。麦克米伦高阶〔lad〕That Chris is a bit of a lad, isn't he? 那个克里斯是个花花公子,对不对?朗文当代〔lad〕The lads don't join the union because they're frightened of being victimized.那几个伙计没加入工会是因为害怕成为牺牲品。柯林斯高阶〔lad〕The prime minister's a local lad (= he was born and lived in this area).首相是当地人。剑桥高阶〔lad〕They're a nice bunch of lads.他们是一帮好小伙儿。牛津搭配〔lad〕Things have changed since I was a lad.从我幼时至今,一切都发生了变化。牛津高阶〔lad〕Things were different when I was a lad.我年轻的时候,情况完全不同。朗文当代〔lad〕Well, lad, I hope you won't make the same mistake again! 嗯,小伙子,我希望你不会再犯同样的错误!韦氏高阶〔lad〕When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.我是他那样的小毛孩时, 莫明其妙地就会发笑。外研社新世纪〔lad〕When I was a lad his age I would laugh at the strangest things.我是他那样的小毛孩时,莫明其妙地就会发笑。柯林斯高阶〔lairy〕The bar was full of lairy, pint-swilling lads.酒吧里到处都是身穿足球运动衫、纵情畅饮的年轻人。剑桥高阶〔love triangle〕The 1947 classic film "Wild Harvest" is about a love triangle between Dorothy Lamour, Alan Ladd, and Robert Preston.1947年的经典影片《野性的收获》讲述的是多萝西‧兰莫尔,埃伦‧拉德和罗伯特‧普莱斯顿之间的三角恋情故事。剑桥高阶〔luck〕The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's best players.完全是运气使然,这位小伙子必须面对一位美国一流选手。柯林斯高阶〔may〕That's as may be, my lad, but you're not the one that has to look after it morning, noon and night.就算那样, 小伙子, 也犯不着由你早中晚都照看它。外研社新世纪〔mischief〕The little lad was a real handful. He was always up to mischief.这个小家伙真是难管教,他总是搞恶作剧。柯林斯高阶〔nay〕Nay, lad. It's not that bad.不,小伙子。没有那么糟。朗文当代〔never〕I never knew the lad.我不认识这个小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔no〕No lad of thirteen would have done that.一个13岁的小孩不会做出那样的事。英汉大词典〔pass〕I'll pass these clothes on to my nephew when my lads have outgrown them.等我的儿子们长大后穿不下这些衣服时,我就会把它们送给我侄儿。麦克米伦高阶〔peaceful〕He is a peaceful lad.他是一个性情温和的小伙子。英汉大词典〔pitch in〕Well, let's sit down, lads, and pitch in. I'm hungry.好了, 伙伴们, 我们坐下开始吃吧。我饿了。外研社新世纪〔plodding〕He used to be a fearful and plodding lad.他从前是个胆怯而迈不开步子的孩子。英汉大词典〔pop〕The old man took the pop away from the lad.老汉拿走了小伙子的手枪。英汉大词典〔prepossessing〕The poor lad was not prepossessing. His features were rough-hewn and his movements awkward.这个穷小子不讨人喜欢。他长相粗陋, 笨手笨脚。外研社新世纪〔procession〕Heavily laden donkeys joined the procession of jeeps and trucks.满载货物的驴子加入了吉普车和卡车的队伍。牛津搭配〔punt〕Men punted laden boats down a peaceful canal.人们沿着平静的运河用篙撑着满载货物的平底船。外研社新世纪〔queasiness〕Despite their queasiness, if war comes, most MPs will back our lads.虽然感到不安,但是如果战争来临,大多数议员还是会支持我们的小伙子的。柯林斯高阶〔rolling〕Burns is a big lad with a rolling gait.伯恩斯是一个走起路来一摇一晃的高大小伙子。柯林斯高阶〔rough up〕The lads loved it after the goals – they really roughed their hair up.小伙子们喜欢在进球后把头发揉乱。外研社新世纪〔roughly〕The virus won't go away and the lad is still feeling a bit rough.病毒无法清除,这个小伙子仍然觉得有点不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔send〕He let David go with a thrust of his wrist that sent the lad reeling.他手腕猛一用力推开戴维,让这小伙子打了个踉跄。柯林斯高阶〔ship's papers〕The documents, such as the ship's license, logbook, or bills of lading, that a ship must carry under international law and that must be shown on inspection.船舶证件:依据国际法,船只必须携带并在检查时出示的文件,包括船的执照,航海日志或提货单美国传统〔slip〕He's a mere slip of a lad compared to his brother.跟他哥哥一比,他不过是个小毛孩。柯林斯高阶〔slouch〕Scowling, the lad slouched over.这个小家伙愁眉苦脸,一副垂头丧气的样子。柯林斯高阶〔smoke〕He was a young lad of 16 when he first came to the big smoke.他初次来到这座大城市时还是个16岁的小伙子。剑桥高阶〔sock〕Come on, lads. Sock it to 'em.来吧,伙计们,让他们开开眼。柯林斯高阶〔soup up〕Young lads buy sports cars and soup them up.小伙子们购买跑车然后加以改装。外研社新世纪〔so〕Just as you like to have a night out with the lads, so I like to go out with the girls now and again.就像你喜欢和小伙子晚上出去一样,我偶尔也喜欢和女孩子一起出去。剑桥高阶〔square〕The two lads squared up to each other.这两个少年摆好了打架的架势。朗文当代〔stick〕I get some stick from the lads but I don't mind.我遭到了伙伴们的取笑, 但是我不在乎。外研社新世纪〔sting〕He's a sensitive lad and some of the criticism has stung him.他是个敏感的小伙子,有些批评刺痛了他。柯林斯高阶〔strapping〕A big strapping lad like you shouldn't have much difficulty lifting that! 像你这样人高马大的小伙子,举那个东西应该没什么问题!剑桥高阶〔sunny〕He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition.他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗。柯林斯高阶〔swain〕A country lad, especially a young shepherd.乡村青年,尤指年轻牧羊人美国传统〔team〕The lads were given a rousing half-time team talk by the coach.中场时教练发表讲话给小伙子们鼓劲儿。牛津搭配〔the lads〕I'm having a night out with the lads.我要和几个哥们儿晚上在外面玩。剑桥高阶〔trolley〕The waiter was pushing a laden sweet trolley towards our table.服务员推着甜点车向我们这一桌走来。牛津搭配〔trudge〕The men trudged up the hill, laden with supplies.这些人背着补给品疲惫地往山上爬。牛津高阶〔weed〕The lad is a bit of a weed.这个小伙子稍显孱弱。外研社新世纪〔wee〕He's just a wee lad.他只是个丁点大的男孩。韦氏高阶〔wee〕You were just a wee lad the last time I saw you.我上次见到你的时候,你还是一个小男孩。剑桥高阶〔wheel〕Halfway through the talk someone wheeled in a trolley laden with drinks.会谈进行到一半时,有人推进来一辆装满饮料的手推车。剑桥高阶〔with〕The trucks were laden with food and medicine.那些卡车满载着食品和药品。剑桥高阶〔wolf〕A lot of the lads took small jobs to help keep the wolf from the door.很多少年打零工帮补家里维持生计。柯林斯高阶〔work sb over〕Do you want me to get some of the lads to work him over? 你要不要我找几个小伙子揍他一顿?剑桥高阶A big strapping lad like you shouldn't have much difficulty lifting that! 像你这样魁梧的青年举那东西应该没什么困难。剑桥国际A group of young lads were standing outside the shop.一群男孩子站在商店外面。剑桥国际Come on, lads, let's get this job finished, shall we! 来,小伙子们,我们来把这活干完!剑桥国际Halfway through the talk someone wheeled in a trolley laden with drinks.谈判进行到一半时,有人推进来一辆装满饮料的小车。剑桥国际He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone.他从法国回来总带了许多礼物给每个人。剑桥国际He was a naive young lad of 16 when he first came to the smoke to look for work.他第一次来到大城市寻找工作时,还是个16岁的天真男孩。剑桥国际He's a nice lad.他是个好小伙子。剑桥国际Heavily laden tank-transporters rumbled past.满载的油槽运输车隆隆开过。剑桥国际I had a game of soccer with the lads.我和小伙子们一起踢足球。剑桥国际I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young lad. 当这位太太说起一个聪明小伙子时,我知道她指的是比尔。译典通I'm having a night out with the lads tonight.今晚我要和朋友们出去。剑桥国际Joe's a big lad so he's quite a weight to carry round all afternoon.乔是个胖小子,整个下午将他背来背去的确不轻。剑桥国际Just as you like to have a night out with the lads, so I like to go out with the girls now and again.就像你喜欢和小伙子在晚上出去一样,我偶尔也喜欢和姑娘一起出去。剑桥国际That new boyfriend of yours is a canny lad.你的新男朋友是个不错的青年。剑桥国际The lads played some great football this afternoon.今天下午伙计们球踢得真棒。剑桥国际The Prime Minister's a local lad (= he was born and lived in this area).首相是当地人。剑桥国际The White House said yesterday that the ship was laden with tank parts, explosives, and other military hardware.昨天白宫说那只船装载着坦克部件、炸弹和其它军事装备。剑桥国际The company is laden with debts of $13 billion.这公司负债 130 亿元。牛津商务The ship owner issued a clean bill of lading, acknowledging that the goods were received in good order.船东签发了清洁提单,表明所收到的货物状况良好。牛津商务The smorgasbord table was laden with fresh baked salmon, salads, pickled herring, fruit, cheese, bread and desserts.斯堪的纳维亚式自助餐餐桌上摆满了新鲜的烤鲑鱼、色拉、腌鲱鱼、水果、奶酪、面包和甜食。剑桥国际The table, as always, was laden with food.桌子上和平时一样,摆满了食物。剑桥国际The tanker was laden with 520 000 barrels of oil.油船载满了 52 万桶石油。牛津商务The trucks were laden with food and medicine to take to the war zone.卡车上堆满了运往交战地区的食品和药物。剑桥国际These lads seemed proud of their city's infamous reputation as the capital of bad manners.这些少年看来对所在的城市拥有被称为恶习之都的臭名很自豪。剑桥国际These two lads from a remote village in Norway have enjoyed undreamed of success with their first album.这两个来自挪威一个遥远山村青年的第一张专辑获得了梦想不到的成功。剑桥国际They set out on their errand of mercy laden with blankets and hot soup.他们拿着毯子,提着热汤,开始了他们的仁慈之行。剑桥国际You'll always find Ian in some bar with his mates -- he's one of the lads all right (= certainly a typical member of this group).你总会在某个酒吧找到伊恩和他的一伙朋友们在一起----他正是这群人中的一个。剑桥国际




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