

单词 deliberative
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deliberative〕Congress is a deliberative body.国会是一个审议机构。韦氏高阶〔deliberative〕The discussions were characterized by a degree of ability that would do credit to any deliberative body.这些讨论的特点在于能在一定程度上给各审议机构长脸。外研社新世纪〔deliberative〕The process has taken a long time because of Obama's deliberative nature.由于奥巴马生性审慎, 这个过程历时很久。外研社新世纪〔general assembly〕General Assembly Abbr. GA,G.A.The principal deliberative body of the United Nations, in which each member nation is represented and has one vote. General Assembly 缩写 GA,G.A.联合国土的:联合国的最高审议机构,于此每一成员国都有代表且可投一票美国传统〔house〕Often House A legislative or deliberative assembly. 常作 House 立法会议,审议会美国传统〔juror〕One who serves on a deliberative body analogous to a jury.评委:与陪审团类似的起审议作用的团体中的成员美国传统〔pair〕Two members of a deliberative body with opposing opinions on a given issue who agree to abstain from voting on the issue, thereby offsetting each other.两个对立的议员:对所给问题有相反意见的两个审议团议员,双方都同意对此问题弃权,因此互相抵销美国传统〔parliamentary law〕A body of rules governing procedure in legislative and deliberative assemblies.议会法:规定立法和审议大会程序的一套规章制度美国传统〔procès-verbal〕A detailed official record of diplomatic, deliberative, or legal proceedings.笔录,会议记录,会谈记录:外交、谈判或法律程序的官方的详细记录美国传统〔resolve〕A formal resolution made by a deliberative body.决议:由审议团做出的正式决议美国传统〔testimony〕A declaration by a witness under oath, as that given before a court or deliberative body.证词:证人在誓言下所做的陈述,如在法庭或审议机构前做的证词美国传统〔testimony〕All such declarations, spoken or written, offered in a legal case or deliberative hearing.证词:此种口头或书面的、在一起案件或听证会中提出的陈述美国传统




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