

单词 贵族
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apparel〕lords and ladies in fine apparel 衣着漂亮的贵族和贵妇牛津高阶〔aristocracy〕a member of the aristocracy 贵族成员韦氏高阶〔aristocracy〕a member of the aristocracy. 一个贵族成员柯林斯高阶〔aristocracy〕members of the aristocracy 贵族成员牛津高阶〔aristocracy〕the landed aristocracy (=who own a lot of land) 拥有大量土地的贵族朗文当代〔aristocratic〕an old aristocratic family.老贵族家庭。牛津同义词〔birth〕of noble birth.贵族出身。牛津同义词〔breeding〕a person of noble breeding. 一个贵族血统的人美国传统〔effete〕the charming but effete Russian gentry of the 1840s and 1850s. 19世纪四五十年代迷人但怯懦的俄国贵族柯林斯高阶〔ennoble〕the newly ennobled Lord Archer. 新近被封为贵族的阿彻男爵柯林斯高阶〔esoteric〕a spoiled aristocrat with pretentious airs and esoteric tastes一个自命不凡而又品味怪异的骄纵贵族外研社新世纪〔fawn〕nobles truckling to the king. 拍皇帝马屁的贵族们 美国传统〔folly〕the follies of aristocratic society 贵族社会的荒唐事朗文当代〔gong〕peerages, knighthoods, and other assorted gongs贵族头衔、爵士称号等各种各样的荣誉外研社新世纪〔haughty〕the haughty, patrician former French President高傲且充满贵族气度的法国前总统外研社新世纪〔hereditary〕a hereditary peer 世袭贵族朗文当代〔hereditary〕hereditary peers/rulers 世袭的贵族╱统治者牛津高阶〔hoi polloi〕aristocrats who treated the hoi polloi with contempt 瞧不起寻常百姓的贵族韦氏高阶〔inbred〕inbred aristocrats 近亲繁衍的贵族们麦克米伦高阶〔lady〕the lords and ladies of the court 宫廷的贵族及夫人牛津高阶〔landed〕the erosion of the aristocracy's landed wealth. 贵族所拥有的土地财产的日渐消亡柯林斯高阶〔landed〕the landed gentry/aristocracy/class 拥有大量土地的士绅/贵族/阶级韦氏高阶〔lazy〕fainéant aristocrats; 懒惰的贵族;美国传统〔lord〕the king and all the great lords 国王及全体高等贵族们英汉大词典〔lumpen〕the lumpen aristocracy 破落贵族英汉大词典〔my〕my lord mɪˈlɔːd (对某些贵族或主教、法官等的尊称)老爷英汉大词典〔nobility〕the nobility.贵族。牛津同义词〔patrician〕a patrician air 贵族气派英汉大词典〔patrician〕her crisp, patrician voice她干净利落的贵族式嗓音外研社新世纪〔patrician〕local magnates and patrician families 当地权贵和贵族家庭英汉大词典〔peer〕a hereditary peer=a peer of the realm 世袭贵族文馨英汉〔place〕an aristocrat of power and place 权重位高的贵族英汉大词典〔predominant〕the aristocracy's predominant influence贵族的权势外研社新世纪〔prince〕a grand (或great) prince (帝俄贵族、奥地利皇帝的尊衔)大王爷英汉大词典〔proud〕a proud noble 显赫的贵族英汉大词典〔rabble〕an aristocrat who was killed in the street by rabble. 一个在街头被暴徒杀死的贵族美国传统〔remainder〕living members in remainder to a peerage 对贵族爵位有预定继承权的现有成员英汉大词典〔scion〕the scions of a distinguished [an aristocratic] family 名门[贵族]的后裔文馨英汉〔titled〕a titled family.贵族的家庭。牛津同义词〔tony〕tony private schools 私立贵族学校韦氏高阶




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