

单词 走红
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔around〕a new tennis champion who could be around for a long time 可能会走红很长时期的新网球冠军牛津高阶〔big time〕a bit-part actor who finally made/hit the big time 一位终于走红的小角色演员牛津高阶〔breakout〕a breakout hit/movie 一炮走红的唱片/电影牛津高阶〔hot〕one of Hollywood's hottest young directors 好莱坞最走红的年轻导演之一麦克米伦高阶〔hot〕the hottest singer of 2006 2006年最走红的歌手英汉大词典〔odor〕a doctrine that is not currently in good odor. 一种时下不再走红的学说美国传统〔shimmer〕the stars that shimmer闪光的星星;走红的明星21世纪英汉〔skyrocket〕to skyrocket oneself by a song因一支歌而走红21世纪英汉〔smash〕her latest chart smash 她的最新一首十分走红的上榜歌曲牛津高阶〔smash〕the recent club smash, 'Rocking Music' 最近在俱乐部走红的歌曲《摇滚音乐》牛津搭配〔sought after〕a much sought-after actress 非常走红的女演员牛津高阶〔stardom〕his rapid rise to stardom 他的迅速走红朗文当代〔strike〕a lucky strike 大赚钱;走红运文馨英汉〔successful〕a successful actor 走红的演员牛津高阶




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