

单词 躺在草地上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIE〕There was Quinn, sprawled out on the grass, sound asleep. 奎因摊着手脚躺在草地上,睡得正香。朗文写作活用〔PASS/GO PAST〕I lay on the grass and watched the clouds floating by. 我躺在草地上,看着白云飘过。朗文写作活用〔commune〕Lying naked in the grass, among the trees and birds, he felt he was communing with nature.赤裸裸地躺在草地上,置身于树木和鸟儿中间,他觉得自己与大自然融为了一体。剑桥高阶〔contemplate〕She lay back on the grass to contemplate the high, blue sky.她躺在草地上, 凝望高远湛蓝的天空。外研社新世纪〔full-length〕He was lying full-length on the grass.他四肢伸开躺在草地上。剑桥高阶〔grass〕Stephen was lying full length on the grass.斯蒂芬伸展全身,躺在草地上。麦克米伦高阶〔idly〕She lay idly on the grass.她懒洋洋地躺在草地上。剑桥高阶〔lay〕Let's lie on the grass.我们来躺在草地上吧。朗文当代〔lie〕Don't lie on the grass.不要躺在草地上。外研社新世纪〔pillow〕She lay on the grass, her head pillowed on her arms.她头枕着胳膊躺在草地上。牛津高阶〔prickle〕She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.她躺在草地上,干硬的草轻轻扎着她的双腿。剑桥高阶〔recline〕A solitary figure was reclining on the grass.有个人孤零零地斜躺在草地上。朗文当代〔recline〕He lay reclined upon the grass.他躺在草地上。英汉大词典〔sprawl〕He is lying in a sprawl on the grass.他正大张着四肢躺在草地上。英汉大词典〔sprawl〕The tired boy sprawled on the grass.累坏了的男孩摊开手足躺在草地上。英汉大词典〔sprawl〕We sprawled on the lawn.我们伸开手脚躺在草地上。牛津同义词〔spread-eagle〕He spread-eagled his limbs while lying on the grass.他四肢张开躺在草地上。21世纪英汉〔spreadeagled〕William was lying spreadeagled on the grass, blind drunk.威廉喝得烂醉如泥,四肢摊开躺在草地上。剑桥高阶〔up〕He was lying face up on the grass.他脸朝上躺在草地上。英汉大词典Lying naked in the grass, among the trees and birds, he felt he had communed with nature.全身赤裸地躺在草地上,伴随着的是四周的树木和小鸟,他觉得自己和大自然融为了一体。剑桥国际She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.她躺在草地上,坚硬的干草刺痛了她腿的背面。剑桥国际She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky. 她躺在草地上,凝视著高高的蓝天。译典通She was lying spread-eagled on the grass.她张开四肢躺在草地上。剑桥国际The boy lay at full length on the grass. 男孩伸直身体躺在草地上。译典通The lifeless (= dead) body of the little bird lay on the grass.死去的小鸟躺在草地上。剑桥国际The tired boy sprawled on the grass. 累坏了的男孩摊开四肢躺在草地上。译典通




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