

单词 赤贫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔POOR〕Seven out of every 10 Guatemalans live in dire poverty and half cannot read or write. 每十个危地马拉人中有七个生活在赤贫中,半数不会读写。朗文写作活用〔abject〕The family lived in abject poverty.这家人生活在赤贫中。外研社新世纪〔abject〕They live in abject poverty.他们过着赤贫的生活。剑桥高阶〔beggary〕Extreme poverty; penury.赤贫:极度贫穷;贫美国传统〔beggary〕He was reduced to beggary by several unwise investments.几项不智的投资使他沦为赤贫。文馨英汉〔breadline〕They're not exactly on the breadline.严格说来他们并没有处于赤贫状态。柯林斯高阶〔concept〕People have no concept of what it is like to live in real poverty.人们不了解生活在真正赤贫状态是怎么一回事。麦克米伦高阶〔confront〕The photographs confront the viewer with images of desperate poverty.这些照片向观众展现了一幅幅赤贫的画面。韦氏高阶〔crushing〕They are struggling to escape the crushing poverty they've known all their lives.他们正努力摆脱这辈子再熟悉不过的赤贫生活。韦氏高阶〔destitution〕Extreme want of resources or the means of subsistence; complete poverty.赤贫:十分缺乏生存的资源或手段;完全的贫困美国传统〔destitution〕He died in complete destitution.他死时赤贫。文馨英汉〔dirt poor〕In the tiny town where I grew up, my family and most of our neighbors were dirt poor.在我长大的小镇上,我家和大多数邻居当时都处于赤贫状态。剑桥高阶〔extreme〕Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.许多农村地区仍处于赤贫状态。朗文当代〔from rags to riches〕She went from rags to riches overnight.她一夜之间从赤贫变成巨富。韦氏高阶〔gospel〕She preached the Christian gospel to the poor and destitute.她向穷人和赤贫者宣扬基督的福音。牛津搭配〔graft〕Eighteenth-century England was a rip-roaring world of abject poverty, drunkenness, political graft, and loose sexual morals.18世纪的英格兰是一个满目赤贫、酒徒遍地的喧嚣社会, 政治上以权谋私, 道德上荒淫无耻。外研社新世纪〔impoverish〕To reduce to poverty; make poor.使穷困;使赤贫美国传统〔mockery〕The few packages of food seemed a mockery in the face of such enormous destitution.对于众多赤贫的人们,这几袋食物简直是杯水车薪美国传统〔nausea〕I felt a sense of disgust and nausea at the sheer poverty that many of these people lived in.看到这么多人生活赤贫, 我深感不快与厌恶。外研社新世纪〔pauperize〕To make a pauper of; impoverish.使成为贫民;使沦为赤贫美国传统〔poor〕My grandparents grew up dirt poor (=very poor).我的祖父母在赤贫的环境里长大。朗文当代〔poor〕Thousands of impoverished peasants are desperate to move to the cities.成千上万赤贫的农民急切盼望搬到城里去。牛津高阶〔poverty〕According to World Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty.根据世界银行的统计数字,41%的巴西人生活在赤贫中。柯林斯高阶〔poverty〕They are living in abject poverty.他们过著赤贫的生活。文馨英汉〔poverty〕Two million people in the city live in abject (= very great) poverty.这个城市有两百万人生活在赤贫中。剑桥高阶〔rags〕His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.他的故事是一个从赤贫到巨富的传奇故事, 人们都很羡慕。外研社新世纪〔rags〕The classic American dream is to go from rags to riches in one generation.最典型的美国梦就是经过一代人的努力就可以从赤贫发展到暴富。外研社新世纪〔rag〕Almost overnight, she went from rags to riches.几乎是一夜之间,她从赤贫一跃成为巨富。麦克米伦高阶〔rag〕Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches.她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子。牛津高阶〔rust belt〕She had grown up dirt poor in the rust belt of the mid-west.她在中西部衰落地带长大, 出身赤贫。外研社新世纪〔starve〕Having survived starvation , we're beginning to live happily.经过了赤贫之后,我们开始了幸福的生活。21世纪英汉〔story〕The movie is the rags-to-riches story of a country girl who becomes a famous singer.这部影片讲述的是一个从赤贫到巨富的故事:一名乡村女孩成了著名歌星。牛津搭配Born to a poverty-stricken family, she dragged herself out of the gutter to become one of the wealthiest people in Britain today.虽然出生在一个赤贫的家庭,但她挣脱出了贫民窟而成为当今英国最富有的人之一。剑桥国际Destitute families were living in appalling conditions.赤贫家庭的生活状况骇人听闻。剑桥国际Destitution has become a major problem in the capital city.赤贫已经成为首都的主要问题。剑桥国际She told a rags-to-riches story of a child brought up in poverty becoming owner of a hotel chain. (infml) 她讲了一个在贫穷中长大的孩子成为连锁酒店业主从赤贫到巨富的故事。剑桥国际They live in abject poverty/ misery.他们的生活赤贫/非常悲惨。剑桥国际Two million people in the city live in abject (= very great) poverty.这个城市有两百万的人生活在赤贫之中。剑桥国际We're in desperate straits (= have no money).我们正处于赤贫中。剑桥国际




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