单词 | 词意 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apprehension〕These nouns denote consternation that something untoward may be impending.这些名词意指对某些迫近的不吉之事的焦虑。美国传统〔aware〕These adjectives mean mindful or heedful of something.这些形容词意为对某件事很留心或很注意。美国传统〔awkward〕These adjectives mean lacking grace or skill in movement, manner, or performance.这些形容词意指在活动、举止或表演上缺少优雅和技巧。美国传统〔banish〕These verbs mean to send away from a country or state.这些动词意指将某人遣出某国或某州。美国传统〔beg〕These verbs mean to make an earnest request.这些动词意思是提出一个热切的要求。美国传统〔blaze〕These nouns denote bright light, especially when it is a visible sign of combustion.这些名词意指强烈的光,尤指燃烧时的可见信号。美国传统〔brave〕These adjectives all mean having or showing courage under difficult or dangerous conditions.这些形容词意思都是在艰难或危险的情况下显示出勇气。美国传统〔comfortable〕These words mean affording ease of mind or body.这些单词意味着给身心提供轻松。美国传统〔connotation〕Logic The set of attributes constituting the meaning of a term; intension.【逻辑学】 内涵:包含某单词意思的一系列属性;含义美国传统〔connote〕For her, the word “family” connotes love and comfort.对她来说,family这个词意味着爱与慰藉。韦氏高阶〔contextual〕It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.没有上下文提示不可能弄清单个单词意义上的细微差别。剑桥高阶〔denotable〕The word “dentist”denotes a doctor whose work is the care of teeth.“牙科医生”一词意谓其工作是医治牙齿的医生。21世纪英汉〔dictatorial〕These adjectives mean asserting or tending to assert one's authority or to impose one's will on other persons.这些形容词意思是“维护或倾向于维护自己的权威或把个人的意志强加到其它人身上”。美国传统〔escape〕These verbs mean to get or stay away from persons or things.这些单词意思是脱逃或离开人或事物的影响和控制。美国传统〔estimate〕These verbs mean to form a judgment of worth or significance.这些单词意思都是对事物价值和重要性的判断。美国传统〔excessive〕These adjectives mean exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit.这些形容词意思是超过了正常的、平常的、合理的或正当的限制。美国传统〔fat〕These adjectives mean having an abundance and often an excess of flesh.这些形容词意思是“有丰富且通常是过量的肉”。美国传统〔fragile〕These adjectives mean easily broken or damaged.这些形容词意思都是易打碎或损坏的。美国传统〔frighten〕These verbs mean to cause a person to experience fear.这些动词意思是使一个人感到害怕。美国传统〔glad〕These adjectives mean being in or showing good spirits.这些形容词意指处于好的精神中或表现出好精神:美国传统〔grant〕These verbs mean to give as a favor, prerogative, or privilege.这些动词意指作为帮助,特权和权利而给予。美国传统〔gruff〕These adjectives mean abrupt and sometimes discourteous in manner or speech.这些形容词意为粗鲁,有时意为在行为或言语上无礼。美国传统〔imprecision〕The official was forced into technical terms by the imprecision of the ordinary words.由于日常用词意义含混,那官员不得不改用术语。英汉大词典〔lure〕These verbs mean to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foolish course, as of action.这些动词意思是引导或试图诱导至错误或愚蠢的道路,如行动的道路。美国传统〔male〕These adjectives mean of, relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to men.这些形容词意思是男人的、与男人有关的、具有男人特点的、或适合于男人的。美国传统〔mix〕These verbs mean to put into or come together in one mass so that constituent parts or elements are diffused or commingled.这些动词意味着放入或混合成一团以致其构成部分或成分被分散或混合。美国传统〔moral〕These adjectives mean in accord with principles or rules of right or good conduct.这些形容词意为符合正确或好的行为的原则或规则。美国传统〔moving〕These adjectives mean arousing or capable of arousing deep, usually somber emotion.这些形容词意指能激起或能够激起深深的、通常为悲伤的感情的。美国传统〔normal〕These adjectives mean not deviating from what is common, usual, or to be expected.这些形容词意为不偏离正常的、通常的或期望的事物。美国传统〔noticeable〕These adjectives mean attracting notice.这些词意为引起注意。美国传统〔opinion〕These nouns signify something a person believes or accepts as being sound or true.这些名词意思是某人相信或接受已成的声音或事实。美国传统〔origin〕These nouns signify the point at which something originates.这些名词意指某物的起源。美国传统〔playful〕These adjectives mean inclined to or marked by lighthearted fun.这些形容词意指倾向于轻松愉快的嬉戏或以轻松愉快的嬉戏为特点。美国传统〔prone〕These adjectives mean lying down, as on the ground.这些形容词意为躺下来,如躺在地上。美国传统〔prudence〕These nouns are compared as they refer to the exercise of good judgment and common sense, especially in the conduct of practical matters.当这些名词意指良好的判断和常识的运用时,常把它们进行比较,尤其是指对实际事务的处理。美国传统〔qualm〕These nouns denote a feeling of uncertainty about the fitness or correctness of an action.这些名词意味着对于行为的合适程度或正确程度的不确定而产生的感觉。美国传统〔real〕These adjectives are compared as they mean not imaginary but having verifiable existence.当这些形容词意为非想象的而是能证实存在的时,常把它们进行比较。美国传统〔restrain〕These verbs are compared as they mean to hold back or keep under control.当这些动词的词意为抑制或处于控制之下时,常对它们进行比较。美国传统〔rest〕All of these nouns mean freedom or relief from labor, responsibility, or strain.所有这些名词意味着从劳动、责任或劳累中解脱、解放出来。美国传统〔rhythm〕These nouns are compared as they denote the regular patterned ebb and rise of accented and unaccented sounds, especially in music, speech, or verse.当这些名词意为有规律地形式化的重读与非重读音节的降低和升高时,尤其在音乐、演说或韵文中,它们有所区别。美国传统〔ridicule〕These verbs refer to making another the butt of amusement or mirth.这些动词意指使别人成为取笑和欢笑的靶子。美国传统〔satiate〕These verbs mean to fill or become filled to the utmost.这些动词意思是使充满或充满至极。美国传统〔save〕These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.这些动词意为使人或事物免于危险、邪恶、受困或奴役,其比较如下面所述。美国传统〔scold〕These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.这些动词意为愤怒或恶毒地斥责或批评。美国传统〔sensuous〕These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.这些形容词意为给予或提供感官的满足。美国传统〔separate〕These verbs are compared as they mean to become or cause to become parted, disconnected, or disunited.当这些动词意为变得或使变得分开的,断开的或分离的时,可对它们进行比较。美国传统〔shake〕These verbs mean to manifest involuntary vibratory movement.这些动词意味着显示出不由自主的振动。美国传统〔sinister〕These adjectives apply to what is indicative of or threatens great harm, disaster, or evil.这些形容词意思中都有预示或面临巨大伤害、灾难或邪恶的。美国传统〔still〕These adjectives mean marked by or making no sound, noise, or movement.这些形容词意味着没有或不发出声音、噪音或不移动或有其特点。美国传统〔surrender〕These nouns denote the act of giving up one's person, one's possessions, or people under one's command to the authority, power, or control of another.这些名词意指把某人自身、财产或领导之下的人移交给他人的权威、权力或控制权之下。美国传统〔teach〕These verbs mean to impart knowledge or skill.这些动词意为传授知识或技术。美国传统〔tear〕These verbs mean to separate or pull apart by force.这些动词意为用力分开或拉开。美国传统〔word〕Perhaps 'lucky' is not exactly the right word .也许 lucky 这个单词意思还不是太准确。朗文当代It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.没有上下文提示不可能弄清单个单词意义上的细微差别。剑桥国际 |
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