

单词 the weak
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRIGHT〕In the weak light inside the bus Tom couldn't see to read. 公共汽车内灯光很暗,使汤姆无法看书。朗文写作活用〔attack〕The offense attacked the weak defensive line.进攻队员攻击了对方薄弱的防线。韦氏高阶〔beam〕We could just pick out the trail in the weak beam of the flashlight.我们借着手电筒微弱的光仅能勉强认清路。剑桥高阶〔befriend〕We are willing to befriend the weak and the poor.我们愿意扶助弱者与穷人。21世纪英汉〔do (someone or something) an injustice〕The weak punishment does an injustice to the criminal's victims.轻罚罪犯是对受害者的不公。韦氏高阶〔drag along〕The weak old woman dragged along slowly.那弱老太婆拖着沉重的脚步缓慢地往前走。21世纪英汉〔infirmity〕We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.我们来这里保护、帮助年迈体弱者。柯林斯高阶〔intermediate vector boson〕Either of two bosons, the W particle or the Z particle, that are quanta of the weak interaction.中度向量玻子: W质点或是Z质点两种玻子之一,为交互作用微弱的量子美国传统〔intimidate〕The strong often intimidate the weak.强者常常恫吓弱者。牛津同义词〔mission〕He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil.他认为自己毕生的使命就是保护弱者不受邪恶势力的欺凌。柯林斯高阶〔mission〕He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak.他认为自己的天职就是保护弱者。外研社新世纪〔pinch〕The gardener pinched out the weak shoot on a plant.园林工人掐掉植物上发育不良的芽。21世纪英汉〔spillover〕The weak European economy will have a spillover effect on the US dollar.疲软的欧洲经济会对美元带来影响。朗文当代〔tyrannize〕The strong should not tyrannize the weak.强者不该欺压弱者。21世纪英汉〔victimize〕Don’t victimize the weak.别欺侮弱小的人。牛津同义词〔weak spot〕That's the weak spot in my great theory.那是我的宏大理论中的一处漏洞。外研社新世纪〔weakly〕The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners.美元疲软意味着美国的产品对外国人来说相对便宜。柯林斯高阶〔weakly〕He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenceless.他表示自己同弱势和无助群体站在一起。柯林斯高阶〔weak〕The weak dollar meant American goods were cheap for foreigners.美元疲软意味着美国产品对外国人来说相对便宜。外研社新世纪〔weak〕The weak winter light shone through the window.冬日里一抹暗淡的光线从窗户照射进来。韦氏高阶〔weak〕They exploited the weak points in their opponents' defences.他们利用了对手辩词中的弱点。麦克米伦高阶〔zero〕She immediately zeroed in on the weak point in his argument.她立即抓住了他论据中的薄弱环节。朗文当代The weak dollar has encouraged many foreigners to visit America.美元疲软促使许多外国人赴美旅游。牛津商务The weak economic data suggest the US may relapse into recession.疲软的经济数据表示美国可能再度陷入衰退。牛津商务The weak economy forced retailers to offer deep discounts (= big reductions in price).经济疲软迫使零售商大幅度打折。牛津商务We could just pick out the path in the weak beam of the (Br and Aus usually) torch/(Am) flashlight.我们刚巧能够在手电筒发出的微弱的光线下辨清道路。剑桥国际We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside. 我们要关心那些弱者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。译典通




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