

单词 诊断
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Under cross-examination, the psychiatrist admitted that he could not be sure of his diagnosis. 经反复盘问,这位精神科医生承认,他对自己的诊断没有把握。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Much progress has been made in the diagnosis of genetic diseases. 对遗传性疾病的诊断有了很大的进展。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Several years ago, she was diagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease. 几年前,她被诊断患有阿尔茨海默病。朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕She had been suffering from mysterious fits for five years before the doctors diagnosed epilepsy. 她患有奇怪的痉挛五年后,被医生诊断为癫痫。朗文写作活用〔Wassermann test〕A diagnostic test for syphilis involving the fixation or inactivation of a complement by an antibody in a blood serum sample.瓦色尔曼试验:检验梅毒的诊断试验,包括用血清样品中的抗体使补体结合或失活美国传统〔Widal test〕A test of blood serum that uses an agglutination reaction to diagnose typhoid fever.肥达氏测试:用凝集反应来诊断伤害的一种血清测试美国传统〔acoustic neuroma〕He was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma.他被诊断出患有听觉神经瘤。剑桥高阶〔admission〕All patients are evaluated within eight hours of admission.所有病人在被接收后8小时内都作了诊断评估。麦克米伦高阶〔auscultation〕Medicine The act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders.【医学】 听诊:以听取内部器官,如心脏或肺的声音来帮助诊断某些疾病的行为美国传统〔autopsy〕The diagnosis was confirmed by autopsy.诊断结果得到了尸体剖检的证实。牛津搭配〔blindness〕Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.早期的诊断和治疗通常可以预防失明。柯林斯高阶〔blindness〕Early diagnosis can usually prevent blindness.早期诊断通常能防止失明。外研社新世纪〔borrow〕Perhaps that illness, diagnosed as fatal, gave him a sense of living on borrowed time.也许是那种被诊断为绝症的疾病让他有了活一天赚一天的感觉。外研社新世纪〔brittle〕Joanna was diagnosed as having brittle bones.乔安娜被诊断为骨质脆化。朗文当代〔cancer〕She was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix.她被诊断患有子宫颈癌。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕Two million new cases of hypertension are diagnosed each year.每年诊断出 200 万新增高血压病例。牛津搭配〔clinically〕She was diagnosed as being clinically depressed.她被临床诊断为患有抑郁症。柯林斯高阶〔clinical〕He was eventually diagnosed as clinically depressed.他最终被诊断为临床抑郁症。麦克米伦高阶〔clinic〕A facility, often associated with a hospital or medical school, that is devoted to the diagnosis and care of outpatients.门诊所:通常与医院或医学院有关的诊所,用于诊断及治疗门诊病人美国传统〔comment〕She accepted his diagnosis without comment.她默然接受了他的诊断结果。牛津搭配〔concur〕The doctor concurs with my diagnosis.医生同意我的诊断。牛津同义词〔consultation〕A meeting between physicians to discuss the diagnosis or treatment of a case.会诊:医生之间讨论某一病例的诊断或治疗的会议美国传统〔correctly〕Doctors examine their patients thoroughly in order to make a correct diagnosis.为了作出准确的诊断,医生会对病人进行彻底的检查。柯林斯高阶〔defer〕Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.诊断等进一步评估后才能作出。牛津搭配〔depressed〕At the time he was suicidal and clinically depressed.那时候他有自杀倾向而且临床诊断为抑郁。牛津搭配〔devastatingly〕The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.诊断结果令人震惊:她得了癌症。柯林斯高阶〔devastating〕The diagnosis was devastating. She had cancer.诊断结果把她击垮了:她得了癌症。外研社新世纪〔diacritical〕Serving as a diacritic.做出诊断的美国传统〔diagnose〕He generally diagnosed by examining the patient's urine.他一般通过检查病人尿液进行诊断。外研社新世纪〔diagnose〕He has recently been diagnosed with angina.他最近被诊断出患有心绞痛。牛津高阶〔diagnose〕He was diagnosed (a) diabetic.他被诊断患有糖尿病。牛津高阶〔diagnose〕He was diagnosed with leukaemia.他经诊断患有白血病。牛津搭配〔diagnose〕Joe struggled in school before he was diagnosed as dyslexic.乔在学校里学习很吃力,后来被诊断出患有诵读困难症。朗文当代〔diagnose〕The doctor was unable to diagnose the skin condition.医生没能诊断出这种皮肤病。韦氏高阶〔diagnose〕The hospital failed to diagnose her illness.医院没能诊断出她的病情。外研社新世纪〔diagnose〕The specialist diagnosed cancer.那位专家作出的诊断是癌症。剑桥高阶〔diagnose〕The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.此项化验可用于诊断多种疾病。牛津高阶〔diagnose〕These questions help doctors diagnose personality disorders.这些问题有助于医生诊断人格错乱。麦克米伦高阶〔diagnose〕This disorder is easily diagnosed but not so easily treated.这种疾病容易诊断,但却不容易治疗。柯林斯高阶〔diagnosis〕An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests.准确的诊断是在一系列的化验后作出的。牛津高阶〔diagnosis〕Diagnosis can be difficult.诊断可能会很困难。外研社新世纪〔diagnosis〕Further tests have confirmed the diagnosis.进一步的化验已经证实了所作的诊断。牛津搭配〔diagnosis〕He is skilled in diagnosis.他擅长诊断。文馨英汉〔diagnosis〕His doctor made an initial diagnosis of pneumonia.医生初步诊断他得了肺炎。韦氏高阶〔diagnosis〕The doctor cannot give a diagnosis without knowing the full medical history.不了解全部的病史,医生无法作出诊断。牛津搭配〔diagnosis〕The doctor has made an initial diagnosis.医生已经作出了初步诊断。剑桥高阶〔diagnosis〕They are waiting for the doctor's diagnosis.他们正在等待医生的诊断结果。牛津高阶〔diagnostics〕This technology could revolutionize medical diagnostics.这项技术能够使医学诊断发生革命性变化。韦氏高阶〔diagnostic〕Of, relating to, or used in a diagnosis.诊断的:诊断的,与诊断有关的,或在诊断中使用的美国传统〔diagnostic〕Ultrasound is now widely used as a diagnostic tool.超声波现在是一种广泛使用的诊断工具。韦氏高阶〔diagnostic〕X-rays and other diagnostic toolsX射线和其他诊断工具。外研社新世纪〔each〕She began to consult doctors, and each had a different diagnosis.她开始四处寻医,但每个医生的诊断都不相同。柯林斯高阶〔etiology〕The cause or origin of a disease or disorder as determined by medical diagnosis.病原,病因:医学诊断确定的疾病或身体失调的起因或起源美国传统〔gerodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged.老年牙医学:牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治疗美国传统〔guessing game〕Making a diagnosis in such cases can be a real guessing game.对这样的病例做出诊断可算是真正的猜谜游戏。韦氏高阶〔illness〕Her husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness . (=doctors found that her husband had a terminal illness) 她丈夫被诊断患有不治之症。朗文当代〔ill〕Two years ago my husband was declared to be terminally ill.两年前,我丈夫被诊断患了不治之症。柯林斯高阶〔improper〕The doctor gave him an improper diagnosis.医生对他的诊断有误。韦氏高阶〔insane〕In 1975 she was certified clinically insane and sent to a mental hospital.1975 年她被诊断为精神失常并被送进了精神病院。牛津搭配〔malformation〕Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy.有些胎儿的畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来。牛津高阶〔manic-depressive〕He was diagnosed as a manic-depressive.他被诊断为躁狂抑郁症患者。外研社新世纪〔medicine〕The science of diagnosing, treating, or preventing disease and other damage to the body or mind.医学:有关诊断、治疗或预防疾病及其它对身体或精神之损伤的科学美国传统〔neurotic〕He was diagnosed as a neurotic.他被诊断为神经官能症患者。韦氏高阶〔nuclear medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radionuclides in diagnosis and treatment of disease.核医疗学:在疾病诊断和治疗中使用放射性核元素的医疗学的一个分支美国传统〔operable〕In about half of diagnosed cases, the condition is operable.在诊断出的病例中,约半数是可以进行手术治疗的。剑桥高阶〔paranoid〕He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.他被诊断患有妄想型精神分裂症。剑桥高阶〔pathologist〕Four experienced pathologists reviewed all the diagnoses.4 名经验丰富的病理学家审查了所有的诊断。牛津搭配〔patient〕Many patients present with conditions that cannot be easily diagnosed.许多病人显现出一些无法轻易诊断的症状。牛津搭配〔patient〕The patient was first diagnosed with malaria.患者开始被诊断患有疟疾。牛津搭配〔pointer〕His symptoms gave no obvious pointer to a possible diagnosis.对他的症状无法作出明确的诊断。牛津搭配〔radiology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.医疗辐射学:医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗美国传统〔rarity〕The rarity of the disease makes it difficult to diagnose.这种病很少见,因此难以做出诊断。韦氏高阶〔rheumatoid factor〕An immunoglobulin present in the blood serum of many individuals affected by rheumatoid arthritis, used as a means of diagnosing the disease.风湿病因子:出现在许多被类风湿性关节炎侵袭的个体血浆中的免疫,用作诊断这种疾病的工具美国传统〔riddled〕By the time they diagnosed what was wrong with her she was riddled with cancer.等到他们诊断出她得了什么病的时候, 她已经饱受癌症的折磨。外研社新世纪〔schizophrenic〕She has been diagnosed as schizophrenic.她被诊断为精神分裂症。韦氏高阶〔second opinion〕I would like a second opinion on my doctor's diagnosis.对于我的医生的诊断,我想找一位专家进行二次诊断。柯林斯高阶〔self-diagnosis〕Diagnosis of one's own illness or disease without professional medical consultation.自我诊断:不借助职业医学顾问对自己的疾病或病症进行的诊断美国传统〔show〕The results show that doctors cannot rely on tests alone.结果证明,医生不能仅仅依赖化验来诊断病情。麦克米伦高阶〔sight〕It's rather a large order to diagnose a patient sight unseen.在未经检查的情况下给病人下诊断结论是件相当难办的事。英汉大词典〔stress〕He was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot.他被诊断为右脚应力骨折。牛津搭配〔succussion〕The act or process of shaking violently, especially as a method of diagnosis to detect the presence of fluid and air in a body cavity.震动,猛摇:猛烈地摇晃的行为或过程,尤指作为一种诊断方式以确定体腔内是否有液体和气体美国传统〔suffer〕He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer.他最终被诊断为癌症晚期。外研社新世纪〔suffer〕He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer.他最终被诊断出患了晚期癌症。柯林斯高阶〔surgery〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease by manual and instrumental means.外科学:用手或器械来诊断和治疗受伤、畸形或疾病的一门医学美国传统〔tendinitis〕She was diagnosed with tendinitis of the elbow.她被诊断为肘部肌腱炎。韦氏高阶〔terminal〕Terminal cancer was diagnosed.诊断为癌症晚期。麦克米伦高阶〔urinalysis〕Laboratory analysis of urine, used to aid in the diagnosis of disease or to detect the presence of a specific substance, such as an illegal drug.尿分析:尿液的试验分析,用于诊断病情或发现特定物质的存在,如非法毒品美国传统〔veterinarian〕The veterinarian examined my pony before giving her diagnosis.兽医先对我的小马进行检查,然后给出了诊断。牛津搭配〔veterinary medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals, especially domestic animals.兽医学:医学分支,对动物(尤指家畜)的疾病和损伤进行分析、诊断和治疗美国传统〔what〕If the diagnosis is not correct, what then? 如果诊断错了,那会怎样呢? 英汉大词典〔workup〕A thorough medical examination for diagnostic purposes.诊断检查:为诊断而做的全面身体检查美国传统Diagnosis of the illness is notoriously/fiendishly difficult.该病的诊断出奇地/极其困难。剑桥国际Diagnostic methods/techniques/tests for the condition are improving all the time.这种疾病的诊断方法/技术/检测一直在改进。剑桥国际He is only forty years old, but he has been diagnosed with diabetes. 他才四十岁,但已被诊断出有糖尿病。译典通I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing.我将进行诊断测试以弄清服务器总是崩溃的原因。牛津商务In about half of diagnosed cases, the condition is operable.大约半数诊断出的病例是可进行手术的。剑桥国际Jo has been diagnosed as clinically depressed (= as suffering from a mental illness which makes her feel unhappy and without hope).乔被诊断为临床性抑郁症。剑桥国际The doctor diagnosed that the child had an ear infection.医生诊断说孩子耳朵感染。剑桥国际The nurse curtained off the bed (=pulled a curtain around it) so that the doctor could see the patient in private.护士拉起床帘,让医生能单独为病人诊断。剑桥国际They've diagnosed cancer.他们诊断出癌症。剑桥国际




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