

单词 绿色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-ed〕He wore green-tinted glasses.他戴着绿色镜片墨镜。柯林斯高阶〔-tinted〕He wore green-tinted glasses.他戴绿色镜片的眼镜。柯林斯高阶〔-y〕Her eyes were a bluey-green colour.她的眼睛是蓝绿色的。柯林斯高阶〔COLOUR〕The carpets were a lurid shade of green. 地毯是俗艳的绿色。朗文写作活用〔EDGE〕Samantha was wearing a knee-length skirt with a green border. 萨曼莎穿了一条镶有绿色饰边的齐膝短裙。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕A Greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash. 绿色和平组织发言人称官方有关核废料处置的报告是隐瞒事实,粉饰太平。朗文写作活用〔Key lime〕A lime indigenous to the Florida Keys, having a yellow rind and yellowish-green fruit.浅绿莱姆:原产于佛罗里达群岛的莱姆,有着黄色外皮与黄绿色果实美国传统〔NATURAL〕The Princess was wearing a dark green dress made of raw silk. 王妃穿了一件墨绿色的生丝礼服。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕Green fences were put up around the construction site. 工地四周围起了绿色的栅栏。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕Which do you like better, the red tie or the green one? 你更喜欢哪一种,红色领带还是绿色的?朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕I'm sorry, but fluorescent green socks are just not suitable for a job interview. 荧光的绿色袜子恐怕不适合在面试的时候穿。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕There is growing support for environmental pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace. 人们对“地球之友”和“绿色和平”等环境压力团体给予越来越大的支持。朗文写作活用〔Stilton〕A rich, waxy cheese with a blue-green mold and a wrinkled rind.斯蒂尔顿干酪:一种发腻的蜡状乳酪,具有蓝绿色的霉和皱皮美国传统〔baby blue〕A very light to very pale greenish or purplish blue.婴儿蓝:从非常浅到非常黯淡的绿色或蓝紫色美国传统〔bath〕The curtains are green to match the bath.浴帘是绿色的, 好和浴缸相配。外研社新世纪〔blend〕Green results from blending blue and yellow.绿色是由蓝色和黄色掺和而成。21世纪英汉〔braid〕She braided turquoise ribbons into my hair.她给我的头发扎上了一根蓝绿色丝带。外研社新世纪〔call〕Would you call it blue or green? 你认为它是蓝色还是绿色?牛津高阶〔channel〕Revenues from 'green taxes' could then be channelled back into energy efficiency.从“绿色税收”得来的收入便可回过头来用于提高能效。柯林斯高阶〔chartreuse〕A strong to brilliant greenish yellow to moderate or strong yellow green.淡黄绿色:一种深的明亮的带绿的黄色至中等或深黄绿之间的颜色美国传统〔chlorenchyma〕Plant tissue consisting of parenchyma cells that contain chloroplasts.绿色组织:由含叶绿体的薄壁细胞构成的植物组织美国传统〔chrome green〕Color A very dark yellowish green to moderate or strong green.【色彩】 铬绿色:从很暗的淡黄绿色到中等或很深的绿色美国传统〔clothed〕The land is clothed in dense green forests.大地被茂密的绿色森林覆盖着。韦氏高阶〔colouring〕A few drops of green food coloring were added.加了几滴绿色的食用色素。外研社新世纪〔coolly〕The drawing-room was a cool silver green.客厅是冷色调的银绿色。柯林斯高阶〔crème de menthe〕A sweet green or white liqueur flavored with mint.薄荷酒:一种带薄荷味的绿色或白色的甜酒美国传统〔deeply〕The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves.这棵树的树枝扭曲多瘤且呈红色,树叶则是深绿色。柯林斯高阶〔deuteranopia〕A form of colorblindness characterized by insensitivity to green.绿色盲:对绿色不敏感的色盲美国传统〔effortless〕He dived effortlessly into the turquoise water.他轻松地一头跳入青绿色的水中。朗文当代〔emerald〕Of a strong yellowish green.深黄绿色的美国传统〔fashionable〕These days, it is fashionable to be green.如今绿色环保很时髦。外研社新世纪〔fleck〕The egg is green with small flecks of white.这只鸡蛋是绿色的, 带有白色小斑点。外研社新世纪〔foot〕She was dressed from head to foot in green velvet.她从头到脚都穿着绿色丝绒。牛津搭配〔greenery〕They have ordered a bit of greenery to brighten up the new wing at Guy's Hospital.他们订购了一些绿色植物,以给盖伊医院的新配楼增添一抹亮色。柯林斯高阶〔greenie〕An amphetamine pill that is green in color.安非他明兴奋药片:一种绿色的安非他明药片美国传统〔green〕Color Of the color green.【色彩】 绿色的:绿颜色的美国传统〔green〕Raw coffee beans are green in colour.生咖啡豆是绿色的。朗文当代〔green〕Something green in color.绿色的东西美国传统〔green〕Stormy weather has greened pastures.暴风雨天气使草原恢复了绿色的生机。外研社新世纪〔grey〕The water was a greyish-green.这水是灰绿色的。麦克米伦高阶〔iceberg lettuce〕A crisp, round, compact head of lettuce with light green, tightly folded leaves.球叶莴苣:长有紧叠的淡绿色叶子的一种有脆而结实的圆头的莴苣美国传统〔ice〕The glass was filled with green liquid and crushed ice.玻璃杯里装满了绿色液体和碎冰。牛津搭配〔indamine〕Any of a group of organic bases forming unstable bluish or greenish salts and used in making dyes.吲达胺,苯撑蓝:能够形成不稳定的带蓝色或绿色的盐的有机盐基,用于制染料美国传统〔indication〕Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.深绿色的树叶充分表明树的根部状态良好。朗文当代〔indophenol〕Any of various synthetic blue or green dyes.靛酚染料:任何一种人造合成的蓝色或绿色染料美国传统〔inspection〕From a distance, the birds appear mainly green in colour. However, closer inspection reveals that their chests are banded with yellow.从远处看,这些鸟主要是绿色的。但是,近距离仔细看,就会发现它们的胸部带有黄色条纹。柯林斯高阶〔iron gray〕A dark gray with a slightly greenish tinge.铁灰色:略带淡绿色的黑灰美国传统〔lapis lazuli〕An opaque to translucent blue, violet-blue, or greenish-blue semiprecious gemstone composed mainly of lazurite and calcite.天青石:一种不透明或半透明的蓝色、蓝紫色或蓝绿色的准宝石,主要由天蓝石和方解石组成美国传统〔leaf〕A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants.叶子:连接在茎上的结构,通常是绿色、扁平且侧生,在多数植物中是光合作用和呼吸的主要器官美国传统〔lime〕The egg-shaped fruit of this plant, having a green rind and acid juice used as flavoring.莱檬果:莱檬树蛋形果实,绿色外皮、汁酸,可用作调料美国传统〔luteous〕Of a light or moderate greenish yellow.深橘黄色的:一种淡的或中等程度的黄绿色的美国传统〔marbled〕The plant has green leaves marbled with brownish-purple.这种植物的叶子是绿色椭圆形,带有紫棕色大理石花纹。剑桥高阶〔marrow squash〕An edible squash having very large, elongated greenish fruit.西葫芦:一种可食的南瓜科植物,具有长而大的绿色果实美国传统〔moss green〕A moderate yellow green to grayish or moderate olive or dark yellowish green.苔藓绿色:一种柔和的黄绿色,接近灰白绿色、或柔和橄榄色、或深黄绿色美国传统〔must〕For the engine to work, the green lever must be in the 'up' position.要启动引擎,绿色操纵杆必须在“上”的位置。朗文当代〔nephrite〕A white to dark green variety of jade, chiefly a metasilicate of iron, calcium, and magnesium.软玉:一种由浅至深的绿色玉,主要指铁、钙和镁的硅酸盐物质美国传统〔ochre〕There were many colours − pale green, red, a bright rust-red, ochre.有许多颜色——淡绿色、红色、明亮的铁锈红和赭色。外研社新世纪〔ophite〕Any of various green rocks, such as serpentine.蛇纹石:一种绿色岩石,如蛇纹大理岩美国传统〔outside〕The house is painted green outside.房子的外面漆成了绿色。牛津高阶〔overdose〕An overdose of sun, sea, sand and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge.过量接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。柯林斯高阶〔overdose〕An overdose of sun, sea, sand, and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge.长时间接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。外研社新世纪〔paint〕She painted the door green.她把房门漆成了绿色。外研社新世纪〔palm〕The island has long golden beaches fringed by palm trees.这个小岛周围金色海滩绵延,环抱于绿色的棕榈中。剑桥高阶〔paper〕She picked a light green paper for the living room.她为客厅挑选了淡绿色的壁纸。韦氏高阶〔patch〕The flowers made white patches against the grass.绿色草地上缀着丛丛白花。英汉大词典〔pigment〕Chlorophyll is a group of green pigments.叶绿素是一组绿色色素。韦氏高阶〔plaster〕There were huge cracks in the plaster, and the green shutters were faded.灰泥上出现多条大裂缝,绿色百叶窗也褪色了。柯林斯高阶〔primary color〕Additive, physiological, or light primaries red, green, and blue. Lights of red, green, and blue wavelengths may be mixed to produce all colors.原色:附加的,生理上的或光原色的红、绿、蓝三色。红色、绿色和蓝色的光波混合起来可产生各种颜色美国传统〔protanopia〕A form of colorblindness characterized by defective perception of red and confusion of red with green or bluish green.红色盲:一种色盲,表现为对红色感受的缺陷和分不清红色和绿色或蓝绿色美国传统〔reason〕The reason why grass is green was a mystery to the little boy.对这个小男孩来说,草为什么是绿色的是一个谜。剑桥高阶〔salad〕A dish consisting of green, leafy raw vegetables, often with radish, cucumber, or tomato, served with a dressing.沙拉:由绿色有叶生菜制成的一道菜,常加有萝卜、黄瓜或西红柿,并加调味品食用美国传统〔sapsago〕A hard green cheese made from skim-milk curd, colored and flavored with sweet clover.萨普萨戈干酪:一种用薄层凝乳制成的绿色干酪,具有彩色和甜苜蓿调味美国传统〔sense〕The packaging is green - in both senses of the word (= it is green in colour and it is good for the environment).包装是绿色的——这个“绿色”有两层含义。剑桥高阶〔shade〕The walls were painted in two shades of green.墙刷成了两种深浅不同的绿色。外研社新世纪〔spot〕They spotted the wall with green paint.他们用绿色涂料装饰墙壁。21世纪英汉〔stand〕His turquoise tie stood out against his black suit.他那青绿色的领带在黑色套装的衬托下很显眼。麦克米伦高阶〔sweep〕The scenery was beautiful, with cool green forests sweeping down the hillsides.绿色的森林顺着山坡绵延而下,清凉舒爽,景色宜人。麦克米伦高阶〔synaesthesia〕A person with synaesthesia may see, for example, the number 2 as a green number and the number 5 as a red number.有复合感觉的人可能会把2看成是一个绿色号码,5是一个红色号码。剑桥高阶〔the〕We live in the house with green shutters.我们住在那所带有绿色百叶窗的房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔thing〕People want to do the right thing and buy 'green'.人们想做正确的事, 所以购买“绿色”产品。外研社新世纪〔thing〕People want to do the right thing and buy 'green'.人们想要做正确的事,于是购买“绿色”产品。柯林斯高阶〔tint〕Green has many different shades and tints.绿色分很多不同的色度与色调。外研社新世纪〔tone〕Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.玛格丽特公主那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。柯林斯高阶〔twine〕A dark green ivy plant twined around the pole.一条深绿色的常春藤缠绕着柱子。朗文当代〔uniform〕Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.每面墙边都一溜摆着相同的绿色金属档案柜。外研社新世纪〔unlike〕The stems are dark green and glossy, not unlike a young bamboo cane.这些茎是深绿色的, 非常光滑, 和小竹条有些相似。外研社新世纪〔verd antique〕A dull green, mottled or veined serpentine used in interior decoration.古绿石,杂蛇纹石:用于内部装饰的暗绿色有杂色花纹的蛇纹石美国传统〔viridity〕The quality or condition of being green; greenness.绿色,翠绿:绿色的品质或状态;绿色美国传统〔voyage〕The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Barents Sea.绿色和平组织的旗舰正在穿越巴伦支海航行。外研社新世纪〔yellowish〕The leaves vary from yellowish-green to dark green.叶子从黄绿色到深绿色各不相同。剑桥高阶Green marketing often uses terms like ‘recyclable’, ‘refillable’ and ‘biodegradable’.绿色营销经常使用“可回收的”、“可重复充填的”和“可生物分解的”这类术语。牛津商务He's got pink walls and a green carpet, which to my mind (= in my opinion) looks all wrong.他弄了粉红色的墙和一张绿色的地毯,这些在我看来全不对头。剑桥国际In the film there were green monsters which roared and gnashed their teeth.电影里的绿色怪兽咬着牙齿吼叫着。剑桥国际She prefers wearing muted blues and greens rather than bright primary colours.她喜欢穿不显眼的兰色和绿色,不愿穿鲜艳的红色和黄色。剑桥国际She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (=shoes, hat, bag, etc.).她穿着一套绿色羊毛套装并佩戴着相称的饰品。剑桥国际She's got strange brownish-green eyes.她有一双奇特的棕绿色眼睛。剑桥国际The downstairs rooms were painted all in greens and blues.楼下的房间全都漆成绿色和蓝色。剑桥国际The dress is available in cinnamon (=the colour of cinnamon) and green.这种样子的连衫裙有黄棕色和绿色的。剑桥国际The traffic lights turned green as we approached the junction.我们靠近十字路口时,红绿灯变成了绿色。剑桥国际The traffic lights turned green, and the car moved off.交通灯变为绿色,于是汽车开动了。剑桥国际




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