

单词 进化
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Evolution depends absolutely on the survival and reproduction of the species. 进化完全依赖于物种的生存和繁殖。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Teachers were forbidden by law to teach Darwin's theory of evolution. 法律禁止教师讲授达尔文的进化论。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Darwin's Theory of Evolution 达尔文的进化论朗文写作活用〔Lamarckism〕A theory of biological evolution holding that species evolve by the inheritance of traits acquired or modified through the use or disuse of body parts.拉马克主义:一种生物进化理论,它认为物种的进化是通过因为使用或弃用某些身体部位而获得或改变了的特点的遗传来完成的美国传统〔SHARP〕Over millions of years, some of the reptiles developed razor-sharp teeth. 有些爬行动物经过数百万年的进化长出了尖利的牙齿。朗文写作活用〔START〕Darwin's theory of evolution explains how different species came into being. 达尔文的进化论阐述了不同物种是如何出现的。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments.进化是生物适应新环境的结果。剑桥高阶〔adaptation〕The insect's evolutionary adaptations enable it to be almost invisible even when sitting in the middle of a leaf.这种昆虫在进化过程中形成了很强的适应能力,即使趴在树叶正中也很难被发现。韦氏高阶〔anagenesis〕A pattern of evolution that results in linear descent with no branching or splitting of the population.前进演化,进化:只有直系后代而无旁系后代的演化模式美国传统〔ancestor〕Lions and house cats evolved from a common ancestor (=the same ancestor) .狮子和家猫从共同的原种进化而来。朗文当代〔associate〕We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.我们在思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。英汉大词典〔blow〕The new research blows a hole in theories about the evolution of birds.新的研究批驳了关于鸟类进化的理论。麦克米伦高阶〔catastrophism〕Geology The doctrine that major changes in the earth's crust result from catastrophes rather than evolutionary processes.【地质学】 灾变说:一种认为地壳的重大变化是源于灾难而非进化过程的学说美国传统〔cephalization〕An evolutionary trend in the animal kingdom toward centralization of neural and sensory organs in the head or anterior region of the body.头部形成,头向集中:动物界神经和感觉器官向头部或身体前部集中的一种进化趋势美国传统〔clade〕Some animals appear to have nothing in common, though they are on the same clade.某些动物长得完全不同,虽然属于同一进化枝。剑桥高阶〔cladistics〕A system of classification based on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary history of groups of organisms.生物分类学,进化枝学:一种分类体系,其基于种系发生的关系和有机体群体的进化历史美国传统〔cladogenesis〕The evolutionary change and diversification resulting from the branching off of new taxa from common ancestral lineages.系枝进化:从共同远祖世系分支出的新类别而形成的进化和多样化美国传统〔contest〕His views on evolution are strongly contested by other scientists.他的进化论观点遭到其他科学家的强烈质疑。牛津搭配〔continent〕Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕He was converted to the Darwinian theory of evolution.他转而信仰达尔文的进化伦。英汉大词典〔credence〕The new work may also lend credence to evolutionary theories.这项新工作也可能会增加进化理论的可信度。外研社新世纪〔descend from sth〕Humans are descended from (= developed from) ape-like creatures.人类是从类人猿进化而来的。剑桥高阶〔descend from〕Darwin concluded that men were descended from apes.达尔文的结论是人由类人猿进化而来。21世纪英汉〔develop〕Caterpillars develop into butterflies.毛虫进化成蝴蝶美国传统〔develop〕Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals.陆上动物据信由海生动物进化而成。英汉大词典〔develop〕To progress from earlier to later or from simpler to more complex stages of evolution.进化:从进化阶段的早期到末期或从简单到复杂的发展过程美国传统〔differentiate〕Species differentiate as they evolve.物种在进化的过程中会发生分化。外研社新世纪〔doyen〕Richard Dawkins, the doyen of evolutionary biologists 理查德 · 道金斯 — 进化生物学家的泰斗牛津高阶〔evolutionary〕Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory.有些科学家拒绝接受进化论。朗文当代〔evolutionism〕A theory of biological evolution, especially that formulated by Charles Darwin.进化论:生物进化理论,尤指查尔斯·达尔文系统陈述的理论美国传统〔evolutionism〕Advocacy of or belief in biological evolution.对生物进化的主张和信仰美国传统〔evolution〕A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.进化:一套有顺序的动作中的一部分美国传统〔evolution〕Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论剑桥高阶〔evolution〕Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论牛津高阶〔evolution〕Evolution requires intermediate forms between species.进化要求物种之间有过渡形式。牛津搭配〔evolution〕The new fossil finds may tell us more about human evolution.新发现的化石也许可以使我们对人类进化有更多的了解。麦克米伦高阶〔evolved〕Are humans just an evolved animal? 人类不过是进化了的动物,对吗?剑桥高阶〔evolve〕Amphibians evolved into reptiles.两栖类进化成爬行类。外研社新世纪〔evolve〕Biology To develop or arise through evolutionary processes.【生物学】 通过进化进程发展或发生美国传统〔evolve〕Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.鱼是由史前的海洋生物进化而来的。朗文当代〔evolve〕Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.玉米是从墨西哥的一种野生禾本植物进化而来的。柯林斯高阶〔evolve〕Mammals evolved from reptiles.哺乳动物是从爬行动物进化而来的。英汉大词典〔evolve〕Man has evolved from the ape.人是从类人猿进化来的。21世纪英汉〔evolve〕More complex animals gradually evolved from these very simple creatures.复杂的动物是由这些非常简单的动物逐步进化而成的。牛津搭配〔evolve〕New species were continually evolving.新物种在不断进化。外研社新世纪〔evolve〕Slowly, these tiny organisms evolved into multicelled creatures.慢慢地,这些微小的有机体进化成了多细胞生物。麦克米伦高阶〔evolve〕Some believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. = Some believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds.有些人认为鸟是从恐龙进化而来。韦氏高阶〔evolve〕The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females.很多雄鸟进化出鲜艳的羽毛是为了吸引雌鸟。柯林斯高阶〔evolve〕The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females.很多雄鸟进化出鲜艳的羽衣来吸引雌鸟。外研社新世纪〔evolve〕The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.海豚已经进化形成高度发达的下颌。牛津高阶〔evolve〕These are very highly evolved animals.这些是高度进化的动物。牛津搭配〔evolve〕These unique plants evolved undisturbed for millions of years.这些独特的植物在没有干扰的情况下经历了数百万年的进化。麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.达尔文认为生存竞争是进化的主要推动力。牛津搭配〔exposition〕The paper contained a clear exposition of the theory of evolution.论文对进化论作了清楚的说明。外研社新世纪〔guess at〕Researchers can only guess at how this weird creature evolved.研究者们只能猜测这个奇怪的生物是如何进化的。外研社新世纪〔hominization〕The evolutionary process leading to the development of human characteristics that distinguish hominids from other primates.人性化:一种进化过程,它导致人类特性的发展形成,从而使人区别于灵长目其他动物美国传统〔homologous〕Biology Similar in structure and evolutionary origin, though not necessarily in function, as the flippers of a seal and the hands of a human being.【生物学】 同源的:在结构和进化起源上相似,尽管功能不一定相似,象海豹的鳍状肢和人手美国传统〔indictment〕This is a rather too sweeping indictment of the field of evolutionary psychology.对进化心理学的这一批评过于以偏概全了。牛津搭配〔irreligious〕Belief in evolution is irreligious.相信进化的观点是违反宗教原则的。英汉大词典〔lower〕Biology Less advanced in organization or evolutionary development.【生物学】 低级的:在组织或进化发展中较低级的美国传统〔macroevolution〕Large-scale evolution occurring over geologic time that results in the formation of new taxonomic groups.宏观进化:产生新的分类群体形的跨越地质时代的大规模进化美国传统〔masked〕Having the anatomy of the next developmental form outlined beneath the integument, as in certain insect pupae.有覆盖物的:具有在外皮下成形的下一进化形式的骨骼的,如某些昆虫的蛹美国传统〔matriarchate〕A hypothetical stage in the evolution of a society in which authority is held by women.母系氏族:由女性掌握政权的社会进化的假定阶断美国传统〔microevolution〕Evolution resulting from a succession of relatively small genetic variations that often cause the formation of new subspecies.微进化:由一系列相对较小通常能产生新的亚科的基因变异引起的进化美国传统〔missing link〕A theoretical primate postulated to bridge the evolutionary gap between the anthropoid apes and human beings.被推定存在于类人猿和人类之间的过渡动物:被假设来弥补从类人猿到人类的进化空白的仅存在于理论上的一种灵长目动物美国传统〔modelling〕Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。柯林斯高阶〔naturalness〕Nineteenthth-century theories of evolution placed an emphasis on the naturalness and inevitability of such changes.19世纪的进化理论强调了这些变化的必然性与不可避免性。外研社新世纪〔obsolescent〕Biology Gradually disappearing; imperfectly or only slightly developed. Used of an organ or other part of an animal or a plant.【生物学】 退化的:逐渐消亡的;没有完全退化或进化程度微小的。用于指动物或植物的器官或其它部分美国传统〔originate〕The theory of evolution did not originate with Darwin.进化论并非始自达尔文。英汉大词典〔origin〕We shouldn't forget our animal origins.我们不应忘记自己是由动物进化而来的。牛津搭配〔past〕Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future.进化能解释过去,但永远无法预知未来。剑桥高阶〔phyletic〕Of or relating to the evolutionary descent and development of a species or group of organisms; phylogenetic.系统发育的;线系的,种族的:一个物种或一群有机物的进化和发展的;或与之有关的;系统发育的美国传统〔phytogenesis〕The origin and evolutionary development of plants.植物发生,植物进化:植物的起源和进化发展美国传统〔primitive〕Biology Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.【生物学】 原生的:出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的美国传统〔proteinoid〕A proteinlike polypeptide formed abiotically from amino acid mixtures in the presence of heat, thought to resemble early evolutionary forms of protein.类蛋白质:一种类似蛋白质的多肽,由氨基酸混合物受热后以无生命的形式形成,人们认为它类似于蛋白质进化过程中的早期阶段美国传统〔radicalization〕The trial was a radicalizing experience for her.这次审讯对她来讲是一次激进化的经历。柯林斯高阶〔recapitulate〕Biology To appear to repeat (the evolutionary stages of the species) during the embryonic development of the individual organism.【生物学】 重演:在个体有机体胚胎培育发展中重现(物种进化的过程)美国传统〔scale〕Primates are high up on the evolutionary scale.在进化等级中,灵长类动物是最高等的类群。韦氏高阶〔simple〕They evolved from simple life forms that existed millions of years ago.它们是从几百万年前就存在的简单的生命形式进化而来的。朗文当代〔speciation〕The evolutionary formation of new biological species, usually by the division of a single species into two or more genetically distinct ones.物种形成:通过进化形成的新的生物物种进化形式,通常是由某一物种分成两个或多个基因的不同物种美国传统〔stage〕This adaptation represented an important stage in human evolution.这一适应性变化代表着人类进化的重要阶段。牛津搭配〔subhuman〕Below the human race in evolutionary development.低于人类的:在进化发展程度上低于人类的美国传统〔symbiosis〕He examines the link between bacteria, symbiosis, and the evolution of plants and animals.他仔细观察细菌、共生现象和动植物进化之间的联系。外研社新世纪〔systematics〕Biology The systematic classification of organisms and the evolutionary relationships among them; taxonomy.【生物学】 分类学:对有机体及其进化关系进行有系统的分类;分类法美国传统〔theory〕Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论朗文当代〔theory〕Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论英汉大词典〔theory〕Darwin's theory of evolution达尔文的进化论外研社新世纪〔trade〕Stan trades in fossils from many countries.斯坦从很多国家买进化石。麦克米伦高阶〔traditionalist〕Religious traditionalists objected to theories of evolution being taught in schools.信仰传统宗教的人反对在学校教授进化论。剑桥高阶〔value〕Evolutionary psychology does not make a value judgement about the way we behave.进化心理学不对我们的行为方式进行价值判断。牛津搭配〔virgin〕Existing in native or raw form; not processed or refined.原始的:以自然的或原始的形式存在的;未进化或精炼的美国传统〔watershed〕Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.达尔文的进化论是划分新旧思维方式的分水岭。牛津搭配Animals and plants are perpetually evolving (= They are in a continual state of development).动物和植物永远在进化。剑桥国际Darwin spent more than twenty years working on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。译典通Evolution can successfully explain the past, but it can never predict the future.进化能够成功地解释过去,但永远不能预见未来。剑桥国际Evolution occurs as a result of adaptation to new environments.进化是对新环境适应的产物。剑桥国际Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.化石证据表明非洲是早期人类进化的发源地。剑桥国际It took a long time for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to gain acceptance.查理·达尔文的进化论经过了很长的时间才被人们所接受。剑桥国际Religious traditionalists (= people who believe in and follow ideas and ways of behaving that have been followed by a particular society or group for a long time) objected to theories of evolution being taught in schools.遵循宗教的人反对学校正在教授的进化论。剑桥国际Scientists think that birds probably evolved from reptiles. 科学家认为,鸟很可能是由爬行动物进化而来的。译典通




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