

单词 赞助
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕The new sponsor gives the theatre some respectability. 新的赞助人使这家剧院添了几分体面。朗文写作活用〔ADVANTAGE〕The American team seemed to have all the advantages - better training, better facilities, and much better financial support. 美国队似乎占尽优势—训练好、设施好,得到的赞助更是多出许多。朗文写作活用〔ART/CULTURE〕A genuine culture lover, the Prime Minister was a patron of the arts on a grand scale. 作为一名真正的文化爱好者,首相是一个很大的艺术赞助人。朗文写作活用〔Deffand〕French literary patron noted for her correspondence with Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Horace Walpole.德弗昂:法国文学赞助人,因与伏尔泰,孟德斯鸠,以及沃波尔通信而闻名美国传统〔Four-H Club〕A youth organization sponsored by the Department of Agriculture and offering instruction in agriculture and home economics.四健会:一青少年组织,由农业部支持赞助并对农村青少年提供农业和家政等方面的科学技术教育美国传统〔MONEY〕Corporate sponsorship ensures that far more money finds its way into sport than would otherwise be the case. 私营公司的赞助确保了体育赛事能够得到更多的资金,不然的话资金是不会那么多的。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕Organizers were compelled to cancel the event after the sponsors pulled out. 赞助人退出以后,组织者被迫取消了该项活动。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Sponsors’ corporate logos are placed on the boards surrounding the field. 赞助商的公司标志放在场地四周的广告板上。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The bank is sponsoring an art exhibition. 该银行将赞助一次画展。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The new league will be sponsored by Pepsi Cola. 新联盟将由百事可乐赞助。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The exhibition is sponsored by the Arts Council in conjunction with British Airways. 展览由艺术委员会与英国航空公司共同赞助。朗文写作活用〔able〕The troupe was able to get a grant for the project from a large corporation.军队可以从一个大公司里获得这个项目的赞助。美国传统〔advertorial〕An advertisement promoting the interests or opinions of a corporate sponsor, often presented in such a way as to resemble an editorial.社论式广告:宣传公司赞助商的兴趣或观点的广告,经常以社论的形式刊登美国传统〔alight〕Eventually, we alighted on the idea of seeking sponsorship.最后我们偶然想到了寻求赞助。牛津高阶〔angel〕Informal A financial backer of an enterprise, especially a dramatic production or a political campaign.【非正式用语】 赞助人:企业的资助人,尤指戏剧制作或政治竞选美国传统〔appeal〕They're appealing to local businesses for sponsorship money.他们正请求当地公司提供赞助资金。麦克米伦高阶〔approach〕The club has made an approach to a local company for sponsorship.俱乐部已向当地一家公司寻求赞助。牛津高阶〔benefactor〕In his old age he became a benefactor of the arts.他晚年成了一个艺术赞助人。柯林斯高阶〔cold〕The plan failed after sponsors got cold feet.赞助人临阵退缩,计划失败。朗文当代〔constituency〕A group of supporters or patrons.支持者:一群支持者或赞助者美国传统〔contribution〕I'd like to thank our sponsors for their generous contribution.我要感谢赞助商们的慷慨解囊。外研社新世纪〔deal〕Any sponsorship deal would be scuppered if Jones misses the Olympics.如果琼斯不能参加奥运会,赞助商的所有赞助协议都会告吹。牛津搭配〔debase〕Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship.体育运动因受商业赞助而降低了声誉。牛津高阶〔endow〕She plans to endow a faculty position at the university.她计划出资赞助那所大学的一个教工岗位。韦氏高阶〔espouse〕To give one's loyalty or support to (a cause, for example); adopt.拥护,赞助:信奉或拥护(如,事业);采取美国传统〔fairy godmother〕The company played fairy godmother by deciding to sponsor the club for another five years.公司决定再赞助这家俱乐部5年,成了俱乐部的救星。剑桥高阶〔fallback〕They have a fallback plan in case the main backers pull out.他们有个应急备用计划, 以防主要赞助者撤资。外研社新世纪〔finish〕She finished off her speech by thanking her sponsors.她最后向她的赞助人表示感谢,结束了演讲。朗文当代〔friend〕Annabel is a friend of the Metropolitan Museum.安纳贝尔是大都会博物馆的赞助者。麦克米伦高阶〔indebted〕The museum is deeply indebted to its many generous patrons.这家博物馆深深受惠于它的众多慷慨赞助人。韦氏高阶〔join〕Thousands of people are expected to join the sponsored walk.预计会有数千人参加这次有赞助的慈善筹款步行。牛津搭配〔live up to〕Had he lived up to his promise, he would have made a fortune in sponsorship money.要是他遵守了诺言的话,他本应该已经从赞助费中赚了一大笔钱了。柯林斯高阶〔malign〕Reliance on sponsorship can have a malign effect on theatre groups.依赖赞助商可能会给剧团带来极坏的结果。外研社新世纪〔malign〕Reliance on sponsorship can have a malign effect on theatre groups.对赞助的依赖会给剧团带来不良的影响。柯林斯高阶〔overhype〕Promoters grossly overhyped the movie.赞助者们大肆宣传此部影片美国传统〔pair〕The pair are looking for sponsorship from local businesses.两人正在寻求当地企业的赞助。朗文当代〔part〕The course is part funded by the European Commission.这个课程由欧洲委员会部份出资赞助。牛津高阶〔patronize〕The family patronizes the arts/symphony.这家人赞助艺术/交响乐活动。韦氏高阶〔patronize〕To act as a patron to; support or sponsor.保护,赞助:做…赞助人;支持或赞助美国传统〔patron〕Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists.腓特烈大帝是许多艺术家的赞助人。牛津高阶〔patron〕He was an enthusiastic patron of the arts.他是一位热心的艺术赞助者。麦克米伦高阶〔patron〕The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities.众所周知长公主是数家慈善机构的赞助人。剑桥高阶〔public relations〕Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations.赞助当地球队有利于公共关系。牛津高阶〔public works〕Construction projects, such as highways or dams, financed by public funds and constructed by a government for the benefit or use of the general public.公共工程:如高速公路或水坝等由公共基金赞助,并由政府实施的为公众的利益或用途而建造的工程美国传统〔raise〕We managed to raise over £4,000 through sponsored events.我们设法通过赞助活动筹集了4,000多英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔reliant〕The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.这家收容所在很大程度上依赖赞助。牛津高阶〔shout-out〕This is a shout-out to all our sponsors and advertisers.这是对我们所有赞助方和广告商的公开致谢。牛津高阶〔shy〕It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by.一边对宣传避之不及, 一边又抱怨没有赞助人搭理我们, 这样做是没有用的。外研社新世纪〔split〕The initiative was funded in a three-way split between the sponsors, the League and the clubs.这个动议需要的资金由赞助商、联赛和俱乐部三方均摊。牛津搭配〔sponsorship〕Private sponsorships only accounted for a third of all arts funding last year.个人赞助只占去年所有艺术基金的三分之一。柯林斯高阶〔sponsorship〕She has a sponsorship from the sneaker company.她获得了那家运动鞋公司的赞助。韦氏高阶〔sponsorship〕The company has decided to withdraw from some of its sports sponsorship.这家公司已决定撤销部分体育项目的赞助。牛津搭配〔sponsorship〕The company has entered into a sponsorship agreement with the team.公司已经与该队签了赞助协议。牛津搭配〔sponsorship〕The corporation has dropped its sponsorship of this television program.这家公司已不再赞助这一电视节目。英汉大词典〔sponsorship〕The group protested the tobacco company's sponsorship of the tournament.那个团体抗议烟草公司对联赛的赞助。韦氏高阶〔sponsorship〕Two million pounds were raised through sponsorship.通过赞助筹集了 200 万英镑。牛津搭配〔sponsorship〕You cannot race without sponsorship.没有赞助,你不能参加比赛。韦氏高阶〔sponsor〕Eva said she was doing a ten-mile walk for charity and asked if I'd sponsor her.伊娃说她打算步行10英里募集慈善捐款,问我愿不愿意赞助她。剑桥高阶〔sponsor〕Her sponsors include a major sneaker company.她的赞助商之一是一家大型的运动鞋公司。韦氏高阶〔sponsor〕Mercury, in association with The Independent, is sponsoring Britain's first major Pop Art exhibition for over 20 years.《信使报》正携手《独立报》一起为 20 多年来英国举办的首届大型通俗艺术展览提供赞助。柯林斯高阶〔sponsor〕Our company is a sponsor of the race.我们公司是这次比赛的赞助商。韦氏高阶〔sponsor〕Our team’s sponsor donated the new equipment.我们队的赞助人捐了新设备。牛津同义词〔sponsor〕Over £35,000 was raised by young people sponsored by friends at a penny a mile.在朋友们的赞助下,按每完成1英里捐助1便士的标准,青年们筹集了3万5千余镑。英汉大词典〔sponsor〕The competition was sponsored by Ruinart Champagne.比赛是由慧纳酒庄赞助的。柯林斯高阶〔sponsor〕The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors.比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助者。牛津高阶〔sponsor〕The radio station sponsored the concert.这家无线电台赞助了这场音乐会。韦氏高阶〔sponsor〕The sponsors of a television program pay the costs of making the program.电视节目赞助商出资承担编制节目的费用。英汉大词典〔sponsor〕They have been sponsored by us.他们一直得到我们的赞助21世纪英汉〔sponsor〕To act as a sponsor for.赞助美国传统〔sponsor〕Would you sponsor Jane in her swim for cancer research next week? 你愿意赞助简参加下星期为癌症研究筹款举行的游泳比赛吗? 英汉大词典〔stay tuned〕Stay tuned for more after this word from our sponsors.赞助商广告之后请继续收听节目。韦氏高阶〔success〕We're trying to get him to sponsor us, but there's not much hope of success.我们正设法让他赞助我们,但成功的希望不大。牛津搭配〔supplement〕Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding.工业界的赞助是对政府拨款的补充。牛津高阶〔support〕The charity depends on your support.该慈善机构主要依靠你们的赞助。麦克米伦高阶〔title〕Dodge was the title sponsor of the Darlington race.道奇是达灵顿比赛的冠名赞助商。牛津搭配〔tune〕The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors.商业主义的危险就是教会最终可能会被大赞助商牵着鼻子走。外研社新世纪〔tune〕The danger of commercialism is that the churches end up dancing to the tune of their big business sponsors.商业主义的危险就是教会最终可能会被大赞助商牵着鼻子走。柯林斯高阶〔tune〕They've been sponsoring the World Cup to the tune of a million and a half pounds.他们已经向世界杯提供了高达150万英镑的赞助费。外研社新世纪〔tune〕They've been sponsoring the World Cup to the tune of a million and a half pounds.他们已经对世界杯提供了高达 150 万英镑的赞助费。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕Universities are turning from academic to commercial sponsorship.各大学正从学术赞助转而寻求商业赞助。柯林斯高阶〔wait〕Any changes will have to wait until sponsors can be found.任何改变都要等找到赞助商之后再作决定。外研社新世纪〔word〕And now a word from our sponsors...接下来要发言的是我们的赞助商⋯⋯牛津搭配〔wring out〕It's impossible to wring a donation out of him.到他那儿拉赞助绝无可能。21世纪英汉All the major theatres now have sponsors, especially for particular high-cost productions.现在所有的主要剧院都有赞助人,特别是对某些高成本戏的赞助。剑桥国际Eva said she was doing a ten-mile walk for charity and asked if I'd sponsor her for £1 a mile.伊娃说她为慈善机构捐款走了10英里的路,并问我是否能按1英里捐助1英镑的标准赞助她。剑桥国际Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.在国际货币基金组织的赞助下,这个国家正获得财政援助。剑桥国际He became a sponsor of the charity by invitation.他应请求成为该慈善团体的赞助者。剑桥国际He was lucky to have found a millionaire patron. 他有幸找到了一位百万富翁赞助人。译典通Sponsoring the local team is good for public relations.赞助当地球队有利于搞好公共关系。牛津商务The Friends of (=The organization which supports) the Royal Academy raised £10,000 towards the cost of the exhibition.皇家艺术院的赞助单位为了此次展览筹集了 10,000 英镑。剑桥国际The company's sponsorship of the arts festival was clearly a case of enlightened self-interest (= something advantageous to them as well as to others) , because they got a lot of publicity out of it.公司对艺术节的赞助很明显属于明智的利己之举,因为他们由此获得大量宣传。剑桥国际The drug company is supporting cancer research.该医药公司出资赞助癌症研究工作。剑桥国际The idea of allowing players to wear the sponsor's logo may win approval.让运动员佩戴赞助商的标志的主意有可能获得批准。剑桥国际The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor.这笔钱是由一位不愿透露姓名的赞助人捐献的。剑桥国际The orchestra receives £2 million a year in sponsorship.这个交响乐团每年收到二百万英镑的赞助。剑桥国际The race organizers are trying to attract major sponsors.比赛组织者正设法吸引大赞助商。牛津商务The society's august patron, the Duke of Norfolk, gave a speech at the annual dinner.这个学会受人敬重的赞助人诺福克公爵在年度宴会上致了辞。剑桥国际This concert was made possible by the kind patronage of Smith Industries.史密斯工业集团好心的赞助使这个音乐会开成了。剑桥国际This play is supported by a grant from the Arts Council.这出戏剧由艺术委员会出资赞助。剑桥国际We need financial backers for the project.我们需要经济上的支持者赞助这项工程。剑桥国际




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