

单词 行将
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bequeath〕bequeath a difficult political problem to the incoming administration 给行将就职的新一届政府留下一个政治难题英汉大词典〔boost〕specify the type and number of the rockets to be boosted 具体说明行将发射升空的火箭种类和数目英汉大词典〔brief〕brief oneself on the upcoming visit beforehand 事先熟悉行将出访途中可能碰到的各种情况英汉大词典〔brink〕come to the brink of resignation 行将辞职英汉大词典〔clear〕clear sb. out by force 强行将某人赶走英汉大词典〔depart〕the departing president 行将卸任的总裁牛津高阶〔fading〕a fading doctrine 行将过时的教条英汉大词典〔gasp〕the last gasp of a dying system of censorship. 行将就木的审查制度的最终时刻柯林斯高阶〔gasp〕the last gasp of a dying system of censorship行将就木的审查制度的最终时刻外研社新世纪〔laten〕the latening summer season 行将逝去的夏天英汉大词典〔point〕at the point of leaving 行将动身之际 英汉大词典〔ramshackle〕a ramshackle federation of states 一个行将解体的国家联盟麦克米伦高阶〔ramshackle〕the ramshackle structure of federal taxes 行将解体的联邦税制英汉大词典〔scent〕a scent of profits 行将获利的迹象英汉大词典〔self-fulfilling〕panic buying of spirits caused largely by forecasts of the shortage — a self-fulfilling prophecy 主要由烈酒行将出现短缺的预测——一种本身自会成为事实的预言——所引起的抢购英汉大词典〔signature〕the signatures of incipient tornadoes (different earthquakes) 行将出现的陆龙卷(差异地震)的识别标志英汉大词典〔totter〕a tottering company 行将倒闭的公司韦氏高阶〔wildlife〕a species of vanishing wildlife 一种行将灭绝的野生动物英汉大词典




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