

单词 茄克
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anorak〕A heavy jacket with a hood; a parka.连帽雪衣:带风帽的皮茄克;连帽雪衣美国传统〔bad〕The jacket is a bad fit.这件茄克衫不合身。英汉大词典〔bind〕This jacket binds through the shoulders.这件茄克衫肩部太紧。英汉大词典〔dickey〕A woman's blouse front worn under a suit jacket or low-necked garment.女式衬领:一种穿在茄克上衣或纸领服装内的女式衬领美国传统〔fit〕She fitted me for a new jacket.她给我量做一件新茄克美国传统〔fit〕This jacket fits you perfectly.你穿这件茄克衫很合身。英汉大词典〔freedom〕This jacket gives me freedom.穿着这件茄克衫我行动自如。英汉大词典〔indescribable〕We've come across sweaters, jackets, shirts and one or two delightful indescribables.我们看到的有运动衫、茄克衫、衬衫以及一两种难以名状的讨人喜欢的服饰。英汉大词典〔inside〕I put the money in an inside pocket of my jacket.我把钱放在茄克衫里面的口袋里。英汉大词典〔jumper〕A loose, protective garment worn over other clothes.工作茄克:穿在其它衣服外面的宽松且有保护性的外套美国传统〔natty〕He is very natty in his striped jacket and white flannels.他穿着条子茄克衫和白色法兰绒裤显得十分整洁潇洒。英汉大词典〔reinforce〕I've reinforced the elbows of this jacket with leather patches.我已用皮片加固了这件茄克衫的肘部。英汉大词典〔reverse〕The jacket can be reversed.这件茄克衫可以翻过来穿。英汉大词典〔safari jacket〕A belted, often pleated shirt jacket with large patch pockets.猎装茄克:有大贴袋和腰带的衫式茄克衫,通常有褶美国传统〔separate〕A garment, such as a skirt, jacket, or pair of slacks, that may be purchased separately and worn in various combinations with other garments.单件衣着:可能是分别购买的与其它衣服合穿成各种搭配的单件衣服,例如裙子、茄克衫或便裤美国传统〔set〕This jacket sets well on you.这件茄克衫你穿着很合身。英汉大词典〔shrug〕A woman's short jacket or sweater open down the front.女式短茄克衫或前开襟毛线衫美国传统〔sponge〕I'll sponge that jacket for you — there are a few dirty marks on it.我用海绵把你那件茄克衫擦洗一下,上面有几处污渍。英汉大词典〔straitjacket〕A long-sleeved jacketlike garment used to bind the arms tightly against the body as a means of restraining a violent patient or prisoner.拘束衣:用作限制疯狂的病人或犯人的、能把胳膊紧紧拴在身体上的、似茄克衫的长袖外衣美国传统〔tracksuit〕A loose-fitting jacket and pants worn by athletes and exercisers usually before and after workouts.田径服:由运动员及锻炼者穿的宽松的茄克衫和短裤,通常在运动练习之前和之后穿美国传统〔tunic〕A long, plain, close-fitting military jacket, usually with a stiff high collar.长茄克:一种素色紧身的军用长茄克,通常有高而硬的领美国传统〔windup〕He sensed a long windup and tugged the man's jacket. “Sit down, man,” he hissed.他意识到会有一个很长的收场便拉了拉那男子的茄克衫,嘶声低语道:“坐下,伙计。”英汉大词典Do the zip up on your jacket--it's cold outside.拉好你茄克衫上的拉链,外面很冷。剑桥国际He thought it improvident of me to spend so much on a jacket so early on in the college term.他认为我还在学期初便花这么多钱买一件茄克衫是非常奢侈的。剑桥国际His jacket was hanging over the back of his chair.他的茄克衫挂在椅背上。剑桥国际I bought a waxed jacket for the winter.为了过冬我买了上蜡的防水茄克衫。剑桥国际I don't think I could spend that much money on a jacket--I couldn't square it with my conscience (= I would feel too guilty).我认为我不会在一件茄克上花那么多钱----我无法得到心理平衡。剑桥国际I like the style of the jacket but I don't like the yucky green colour.我喜欢这件茄克衫的式样,但不喜欢这令人反感的绿颜色。剑桥国际I paid for the jacket with the vouchers I'd been given for Christmas.我用圣诞节时得到的票券买了这件茄克衫。剑桥国际I really must get a new jacket --this one's starting to go in the elbows.我一定得买件新茄克了----这件肘部已开始磨破了。剑桥国际I've spotted a linen jacket that I think I might buy.我看到一件亚麻茄克,我想我也许会买下来。剑桥国际It specifically said/stated on the label that the jacket should be dry-cleaned only.商标上明确写着这件茄克只能干洗。剑桥国际It's a short jacket with padded shoulders.这是一件带有垫肩的短茄克。剑桥国际Leather jackets are as American as apple pie and Harley-Davidsons.皮茄克就同苹果馅饼和哈莱-戴维森这种姓名一样具有典型的美国特色。剑桥国际My jacket is lined with fleece / is fleece -lined (=has sheep's fur inside it).我的茄克衫是衬了羊毛的。剑桥国际Oh sugar, I've just spilt coffee all down my jacket! 糟了,我把咖啡倒翻在茄克衫上了!剑桥国际She dived (= moved her hand quickly) into her jacket pocket and pulled out a gun.她的手迅速伸进茄克衫的口袋里,掏出了一把枪。剑桥国际She had slept with her head on a folded jacket and the buttons had left an impression on her cheek.她睡的时候把头枕在叠起的茄克衫上,扣子在她脸颊上留下了压痕。剑桥国际She put on a helmet and a leather jacket and gauntlets before getting on the motorbike.她戴上头盔和长手套,穿上皮茄克,然后骑上摩托车。剑桥国际She was wearing a black leather jacket and shades.她穿了一件黑色的皮茄克,戴着太阳镜。剑桥国际She wore a grey jumper with black speckles all over it.她穿着一件布满黑点的灰色茄克。剑桥国际That jacket won't do much for your street cred. It looks awful! 那茄克对你的街头信誉没多大帮助。它看上去太糟了!剑桥国际The collar of his black jacket was covered with scurf -- it looked horrible! 他的黑茄克的领子上覆盖了一层头皮屑,看上去太可怕了!剑桥国际The jacket hung loosely on his thin body.他纤瘦的身体上宽松地套着一件茄克衫。剑桥国际There was a handkerchief sticking out of his jacket pocket.他茄克衫的口袋中有块手帕露了出来。剑桥国际This jacket was sold as a second because it had some buttons missing.这件茄克衫由于一些钮扣掉了,所以作为次品出售。剑桥国际This range of jackets is styled to look good whatever the occasion.这种类型的茄克衫设计巧妙,各种场合穿着都很好看。剑桥国际We don't have any green jackets in stock at present.我们现在没有绿茄克的存货。剑桥国际Wearing a stained jacket and trousers, he made even my scruffy brother look a model of good grooming (= extremely neat and tidy).他穿着沾满污迹的茄克和裤子,甚至使我邋遢的弟弟成了整洁的典范。剑桥国际Whatever made him buy that awful purple jacket.他竟然买了那件可怕的紫色茄克衫。剑桥国际




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