

单词 解人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔as〕acting as a mediator. 充当调解人美国传统〔disaggregate〕disaggregate demographic data 分解人口统计资料英汉大词典〔empathetic〕a kind and empathetic friend 一位善良且善解人意的朋友剑桥高阶〔friendly〕the friendly sound of the motor 解人寂寞的马达声英汉大词典〔intermediary〕act as an intermediary in the hostage crisis 在人质问题危机中充当调解人英汉大词典〔intermediary〕an intermediary agent 调解人(或中间人)英汉大词典〔intermediary〕an intermediary role in the talks 谈判中调解人的角色朗文当代〔intermediary〕to play an intermediary role in the dispute 担任纠纷中的调解人牛津高阶〔moderator〕persuade both sides to continue their talks with the moderator 劝说双方继续和调解人洽谈英汉大词典〔peacemaker〕the Labour government's vision of acting as a peacemaker and mediator工党政府充当调解人和中间人的构想外研社新世纪〔penetrate〕attempting to penetrate the mysteries of human nature 试图了解人性的奥秘韦氏高阶〔penetrate〕scientists trying to penetrate the secrets hidden in our genes 力图了解人类基因奥秘的科学家们韦氏高阶〔play〕played the peacemaker at the conference. 在会议中扮演调解人美国传统〔referee〕to act as a referee between the parties involved 充当相关各方的调解人牛津高阶〔sensitive〕a deeply sensitive, caring man 极为善解人意、关心他人的男子牛津搭配〔sensitive〕a sensitive and intelligent young man 一位善解人意、非常聪明的年轻人朗文当代〔skilful〕sensitive and skillful leadership 善解人意、手腕巧妙的领导才能朗文当代〔take〕take up the role of a mediator 充当调解人的角色英汉大词典〔troubleshooter〕a financial troubleshooter 财务纠纷调解人韦氏高阶to act as (a) mediator in the negotiations 在谈判中充当调解人牛津商务to act as a referee between the parties involved 担任相关各方的调解人牛津商务




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