

单词 自我牺牲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕The idea of the selfless, self-sacrificing mother is not one that appeals to most women these days. 当一个无私的、具有自我牺牲精神的母亲,如今对大多数妇女来说都不会有吸引力了。朗文写作活用〔endow with〕He was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice.他富有自我牺牲精神。21世纪英汉〔immolate〕He was immolating himself for his family's sake.他在为子女家人作自我牺牲。英汉大词典〔martyr〕One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy.假圣人:假装自我牺牲或受苦以博得别人同情者美国传统〔morality〕They argued for a new morality based on self-sacrifice and honesty.他们大力宣扬一种以自我牺牲和诚实为基础的新道德观。剑桥高阶〔self-abnegation〕The setting aside of self-interest for the sake of others or for a belief or principle.克己,自我牺牲:为了别人或为了一种信仰或原则而将自己的利益搁置于一旁美国传统〔self-denial〕The mission required total self-denial.这一任务需要有彻底的自我牺牲精神。英汉大词典〔self-devotion〕Devotion or dedication of oneself, especially to a service or an ideal.献身,自我牺牲:献身或自我牺牲,尤指为了某一公用事业或理想美国传统〔self-giving〕Characterized by self-sacrificing behavior; unselfish.无私的,牺牲的:表现为自我牺牲的态度的;无私的美国传统〔self-immolation〕Deliberate sacrifice of oneself.自我牺牲,自我毁灭:从容的自我牺牲美国传统〔self-sacrifice〕I thanked my parents for all their self-sacrifice on my behalf.我感谢父母为我做出的所有自我牺牲。柯林斯高阶〔self-sacrifice〕People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但坦白地说,我看过太多善良、自我牺牲和慷慨之举,因此不会轻信这个说法。剑桥高阶〔self-sacrifice〕Sacrifice of one's personal interests or well-being for the sake of others or for a cause.自我牺牲:为了别人或某项事业的利益而牺牲个人的利益或幸福美国传统〔self-sacrifice〕The job requires a lot of enthusiasm, dedication and self-sacrifice.这项工作需要极大的热情、奉献和自我牺牲精神。剑桥高阶〔self-sacrifice〕We should honor the courage and self-sacrifice of the brave soldiers who died for our country.对于那些为国捐躯的英勇战士们,我们应赞扬其勇气和自我牺牲。韦氏高阶〔self-sacrificing〕He was a generous self-sacrificing man.他是一个慷慨大方、勇于自我牺牲的人。柯林斯高阶It requires self-denial. 它要求有自我牺牲的精神。译典通People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但是坦白地说,我看到过太多的仁慈、自我牺牲和慷慨,因而不会轻信这一观点。剑桥国际She's a tremendously loyal, self-sacrificing and heroic person who's never betrayed anyone.她是个非常忠诚、有自我牺牲精神的英雄人物,从没背叛过任何人。剑桥国际The job requires a lot of enthusiasm, dedication and self-sacrifice.这项工作需要极大的热情、奉献和自我牺牲精神。剑桥国际They argued for a new morality based on self-sacrifice and honesty.他们大力宣扬一个以自我牺牲和诚实为基础的新道德。剑桥国际




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