

单词 被打败
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Antaeus〕A giant wrestler who could not be defeated as long as he remained in contact with the earth. Hercules defeated him by lifting him off the ground.安泰俄斯:巨人角斗士,他只要与地面保持接触就不会被打败。赫勒克里斯将安泰俄斯从地面举起而打败他美国传统〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕After years of trench warfare, the Kaiser's army had finally been brought to its knees. 经过了多年的堑壕阵地战,皇帝的军队终于被打败了。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕In 37 fights, Lewis has only been beaten once. 37场拳击赛中,刘易斯只被打败过一次。朗文写作活用〔baddy〕In the old cowboy movies, the baddies always get beaten in the end.在过去的牛仔影片中,坏蛋最终都会被打败。剑桥高阶〔beating〕We took a beating (= we were defeated) in our last game.我们在最后一场比赛中被打败了。剑桥高阶〔bite〕To be defeated.被打败美国传统〔comfort zone〕I knew if I could find my comfort zone I would be difficult to beat.我知道如果我能达到自己的最佳状态就难以被打败。牛津高阶〔conviction〕Nothing could shake her conviction that she could not be beaten.她深信自己不会被打败,什么都不能动摇她的这一信念。牛津搭配〔defeat〕After their defeat in battle, the soldiers surrendered.士兵们在战斗中被打败后就投降了。剑桥高阶〔euchre〕She was euchred out of first place in the competition.她被打败而没获比赛第一名。21世纪英汉〔flight〕The army was defeated and the king put to flight.军队被打败,国王落荒而逃。牛津搭配〔get the worst of it〕The bruises on his face after the fight showed that he'd gotten the worst of it.打完架后他脸上的青肿说明他被打败了。韦氏高阶〔hand-to-hand〕They were defeated in hand-to-hand combat.在肉搏战中他们被打败了。朗文当代〔order〕More men will have to be ordered up (to the front) if we are to avoid a defeat.如果我们想不被打败,必须把更多士兵调上前线。英汉大词典〔outgun〕The Democrat is doing well in the polls in most states, but he seems to be outgunned in Florida.这位民主党参选人在大部分州的民意调查中表现很好,但似乎在佛罗里达州被打败了。剑桥高阶〔outgun〕The defending champions were outgunned last night 36-10.昨晚,卫冕冠军以10:36的比分被打败了。韦氏高阶〔palooka〕Sports An incompetent or easily defeated athlete, especially a prizefighter.【体育运动】 无经验的选手:没有经验或易被打败的运动员,尤指职业拳击手美国传统〔poor〕The rebels' defences were poor and they were quickly overcome.叛乱者的防御很差,很快就被打败了。麦克米伦高阶〔pwn〕You were just pwned! 你刚刚被打败了!剑桥高阶〔retain〕She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.她被打败了,失去了继续掌管公司的权力。剑桥高阶〔round〕I got beaten in the first round.我在第一轮就被打败了。朗文当代〔salutary〕It was a salutary lesson to see the whole team so easily defeated.看到整个球队如此轻易被打败是个有益的教训。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕Sports To be counted out in boxing.【体育运动】 被打败:在拳击中直到数点结束仍未站起来美国传统〔than〕The beaten enemy had no other choice than to surrender.被打败的敌人只得投降。英汉大词典〔time〕The four-times champion (= the champion on four occasions in the past) was defeated in the second round.这名曾4度夺冠的选手在比赛的第二轮就被打败了。剑桥高阶〔tournament〕They were defeated in the first round of the tournament.他们在锦标赛的第一轮就被打败了。剑桥高阶〔trounce〕He was trounced in a prize fight.他在一场职业拳击赛中被打败。21世纪英汉〔undefeated〕They are undefeated in 13 games.他们 13 场比赛未被打败过。牛津高阶England are fighting for survival (= trying not to be defeated) in the match.比赛中英格兰队努力不被打败。剑桥国际Rapacious soldiers looted the houses in the defeated city.贪婪的士兵洗劫了被打败的城市。剑桥国际The (Br and Aus) four-times/(Am) four-time champion (= the person who had been the winner on four occasions in the past) was unexpectedly defeated in the second round of the competition.这名曾四度夺冠的选手出人意料地在比赛的第二轮就被打败了。剑桥国际The French were defeated at Waterloo in 1815. 1815 年法军在滑铁卢被打败。剑桥国际The enemy troops were finally defeated though they exceeded in number. 敌军虽在数量上占优势,但最后还是被打败了。译典通They bragged that they had never been beaten.他们吹嘘说他们从没被打败过。剑桥国际They were defeated in the first round of the tournament.他们在联赛的第一轮比赛中就被打败了。剑桥国际




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