

单词 自己负责
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔caveat emptor〕The axiom or principle in commerce that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying.购买者注意:商业公理或原理,认为买方在购买前对所购货物的质量估计由其自己负责美国传统〔chart〕Each team was responsible for making its own decisions and charting its own course.每个小组都是自己负责作出决定,自己制定计划。朗文当代〔chore〕She let her husband manage the money while she handled other household chores.她让丈夫管钱,自己负责其他家务事儿。牛津搭配〔oneself〕When in charge oneself, one may rearrange the committees as one pleases.当自己负责管理时,便可以根据自己的意愿重新安排委员会美国传统〔peril〕Keep off at your peril.走开点,不然,出了事你自己负责。英汉大词典〔peril〕You become neglectful at your peril.你若粗心玩忽就要自己负责。英汉大词典〔responsibility〕I did it on my own responsibility(= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it had gone wrong).我做的这件事,由我自己负责。牛津高阶〔responsible〕Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior.有责任感的,对自己负责的:能够全靠自己做出道德或理性的决定并因而能对其行为负责的美国传统〔self-study〕A form of study in which one is to a large extent responsible for one's own instruction.自学:一种学习形式,在很大范围内自己负责指导自己学习美国传统Defence and foreign policy will remain the prerogative (= responsibility) of the central authorities, while the republics will control their own economies and resources.国防和外交事务仍归中央政府管,经济和资源由加盟共和国自己负责。剑桥国际If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own risk. 如果你不等向导来便走进洞去,后果由你自己负责。译典通




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