

单词 更好的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕We went along with Eva's idea, since no one could think of a better one. 我们同意了伊娃的办法,因为没有人能想出更好的主意来。朗文写作活用〔CONTACT〕We need better contact between staff and management. 员工和管理部门之间需要更好的沟通。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Thousands of Irish families left their native land and went to America in search of a better life. 千千万万爱尔兰家庭背井离乡,前往美国寻求更好的生活。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPOINTED〕I'm very disappointed in both of you - I guess I expected better behavior. 我对你们俩感到非常失望,我原以为你们会有更好的表现。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕I wish I could be a better person. 我希望自己是个更好的人。朗文写作活用〔HOUSE〕She says she wants something better for her kids than what she had in the projects. 她说她想要给孩子们更好的,而不是她在廉租房里的那些。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Many people are forced to move from one city to another in search of better jobs or career advancement. 许多人为了得到更好的工作或提升,不得不从一个城市迁往另一个城市。朗文写作活用〔Jewry〕There could be no better way to strengthen the unity of world Jewry.没有比这更好的办法来加强全世界犹太人的团结了。柯林斯高阶〔LEARN〕We want to encourage people who left school early to train for better jobs. 我们想鼓励辍学早的人接受培训,争取找到更好的工作。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Polzeath is our local beach, but there are better surfing beaches further away. 波尔西是我们附近的一个海滩,但是再远些还有一些更好的可以冲浪的海滩。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕He'll work as a freelance consultant, unless he finds a better job elsewhere. 除非在其他地方找到更好的工作,否则他就做一个自由职业顾问。朗文写作活用〔PUBLIC〕We need to raise taxes to pay for better public healthcare. 我们得提高税收来为更好的公共医疗体系提供资金。朗文写作活用〔Portuguese〕If you are intent on learning to speak Portuguese, there is no better place.如果你想学葡萄牙语,没有比这儿更好的地方了。柯林斯高阶〔To summarize〕To summarize, we need better schools.总之,我们需要更好的学校。韦氏高阶〔adhesion〕Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.更好的驾驶装备会改善湿滑情况下的抓地力。外研社新世纪〔as ever〕The problem, as ever, is to find a better way to control spending.问题依旧是要找更好的方法来控制开销。韦氏高阶〔bargain for〕Trade unions bargain with employers for better conditions.工会与雇主谈判以争取更好的条件。外研社新世纪〔better〕Our long-suffering mining communities deserve better than this.我们长期受苦受难的采矿群体应该得到比这更好的待遇。柯林斯高阶〔better〕They came up with a better solution to the problem.他们想出了一个更好的解决办法。韦氏高阶〔be〕A nicer person has never breathed.世上活着的人里再没有比他更好的了。美国传统〔brawl〕The young men had nothing better to do than brawl in the streets.那些年轻人除了在街上打架外没更好的事干。21世纪英汉〔career〕Nurses want an improved career structure (=better opportunities to move upwards in their jobs) .护士希望有更好的职业结构。朗文当代〔cautious〕Perhaps a more cautious approach would bring better results.更谨慎一些的方法也许会带来更好的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔condition〕The project aims to provide better living conditions and health care for the elderly.该计划旨在为老年人提供更好的生活条件和医疗保健。麦克米伦高阶〔congruence〕Contradictions in approaches to childcare should be minimized to achieve greater congruence.应该尽量减少儿童保育方法中的矛盾以实现更好的统一。外研社新世纪〔creative〕We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients.要吸引大客户,我们就得拿出更好的创意。牛津高阶〔derivative〕They permit a shareholder to obtain leave from the court to bring a derivative action and thereby gain better access to a remedy.他们允许股东获得法院许可提起派生诉讼, 以便获得更好的补偿。外研社新世纪〔disease〕It's better to prevent disease by ensuring a clean water supply.更好的方法是通过确保供给洁净水来预防疾病。牛津搭配〔downside〕Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power.数码手机提供了更好的安全性,但其不足之处在于功率不大。朗文当代〔eloquently〕She spoke eloquently about the need for better schools.她滔滔不绝地谈到需要有更好的学校。韦氏高阶〔expense〕They are worth having but not at the expense of better services.它们值得拥有,但是不能因此放弃更好的服务。柯林斯高阶〔faute de mieux〕Most conservatives may end up supporting him, faute de mieux.因为没有更好的候选人,大多数保守党党员可能最终会支持他。剑桥高阶〔gain〕We are hoping to gain a better understanding of the underlying process.我们希望能对基本程序有一个更好的了解。朗文当代〔game〕As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.这家航空公司在整个大陆拓展业务所带来的竞争会迫使其他航空公司有更好的表现。柯林斯高阶〔greener pastures〕He left for greener pastures after working here for 10 years.他在这儿工作了10年以后去了一个更好的地方。韦氏高阶〔greener pastures〕She is looking for pastures new.她在寻找更好的去处。韦氏高阶〔gussy up〕There were plans to gussy up the venues and to offer better food and games arcades.主办方曾计划将会场装饰得有趣些, 并提供更好的食物和比赛设施。外研社新世纪〔hard-pressed〕You'd be hard-pressed to meet a nicer person.你很难碰到一个更好的人。麦克米伦高阶〔inspiration〕What better way of finding inspiration for your own garden than by visiting others.还有什么比参观别人花园更好的获取灵感、扮靓自家花园的方法呢。柯林斯高阶〔insured〕There is evidence that privately insured patients are offered a higher level of care.有证据表明,私人投保的病人得到更好的照料。牛津搭配〔interfere〕She wants to further her career, and hopes having a baby will not interfere.她想在事业上有更好的发展, 希望生小孩不会对此造成影响。外研社新世纪〔jump ship〕She jumped ship when the competition offered her a better job.当公司竞争对手提出给她一个更好的工作机会时,她跳槽了。韦氏高阶〔leave ... for〕Her husband left the firm for a better position in a bank.她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。21世纪英汉〔light〕He has worked hard in recent months to portray the city in a better light.近几个月来他努力从更好的角度描绘这座城市。外研社新世纪〔like〕There was no feeling like it in the world.天底下没有比这更好的感觉了。外研社新世纪〔live with〕Until we get a better answer, we will have to live with not knowing for sure.除非得到更好的答复,否则我们只能继续存疑。韦氏高阶〔management〕The zoo needed better management rather than more money.动物园需要的是更好的管理方式, 而不是更多的资金。外研社新世纪〔map〕I'll never have a better chance to put myself on the map.我要扬名再也没有比这更好的机会了。英汉大词典〔may〕May I suggest a better idea? 我可以提个更好的主意吗?麦克米伦高阶〔melting pot〕Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。柯林斯高阶〔musty〕Isn't there something better to show us than musty old 1940s newsreels?除了20世纪40年代的过时新闻短片, 难道就没有更好的东西给我们看了吗?外研社新世纪〔ourselves〕The training programme will give us a better understanding of ourselves.这项培训计划会使我们对自己有更好的了解。麦克米伦高阶〔parent〕The government has promised a better deal for working parents.政府答应给予需要上班的父母更好的待遇。牛津搭配〔pasture〕Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons.迈克尔出于经济原因, 决定自己应该另寻更好的工作。外研社新世纪〔penetration〕The water has become clearer, permitting deeper penetration by the heat of the sun.水已经变得更清澈, 能够更好的传递太阳的热量。外研社新世纪〔perceptual〕Some children come to school with more finely trained perceptual skills than others.到了上学的年龄, 有些孩子比其他孩子受过更好的训练, 具有更强的感知能力。外研社新世纪〔perch〕People perched on the railing to get a better view.人们坐在栏杆上,以便看到更好的景致。韦氏高阶〔plane〕With practice, an athlete can reach a higher plane of achievement.通过练习,运动员可以取得更好的成绩。牛津搭配〔present〕Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.不要等到新年才下决心规划生活。没有比现在更好的时机了。外研社新世纪〔reform〕To improve by alteration, correction of error, or removal of defects; put into a better form or condition.改革:通过改变、改正错误或消除缺点来改进;置于更好的形式或状态中美国传统〔regenerate〕Restored to a better state; refreshed or renewed.复原的,复兴的:使恢复到更好的状态;重新振作精神的或更新的美国传统〔rehouse〕To provide with new, usually improved housing.提供新房:给…提供新住房,通常是更好的住房美国传统〔relaunch〕The editor relaunched the magazine with a new title and a better format.编辑以全新的刊名、更好的版式重新推出了这本杂志。韦氏高阶〔scarcely〕You can scarcely have chosen better.恐怕你找不到更好的了。21世纪英汉〔seduce〕The other team seduced him with a better offer.另一个队用更好的待遇来诱惑他加入。韦氏高阶〔seldom〕Seldom have I seen a better house.我很少看过(比这栋)更好的房子。文馨英汉〔serve〕In the absence of anything better the settee could serve as a bed for a couple of nights.如果没有更好的选择,长沙发可以当几天床用。剑桥高阶〔settle〕Why settle for second best when you can have something better? 你可以得到更好的东西的时候,为什么退而求其次呢?麦克米伦高阶〔ship〕When my ship comes in, I'll move to a better apartment.如果我交了好运,我要找个更好的公寓住美国传统〔shop〕To look for something, such as a better job.寻找想要的东西:寻找某物,如一个更好的工作美国传统〔sidekick〕I've been his sidekick for long enough - it's time I found myself something better to do.我给他当助手的时间已经够长了——是该为自己找点儿更好的事做的时候了。剑桥高阶〔solution〕Do you have a better solution? 你有更好的解决办法吗?牛津高阶〔speak〕Factory workers have finally spoken up for better working conditions.工厂的工人们终于为争取更好的工作条件而大声疾呼了。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕He stood aside in favour of a better man.他退出来把机会留给比自己更好的人。英汉大词典〔stepping stone〕I see this job just as a stepping stone to better things.我只不过把这份工作当作找到更好的工作的垫脚石。剑桥高阶〔sure〕This sure beats working.这无疑是比工作更好的选择。韦氏高阶〔tough it out〕She hated her job, but she toughed it out until she found a better one.她讨厌她的工作,但是她一直坚持着直到找到了一份更好的。韦氏高阶〔wanted〕Many of them had gone into teaching for want of anything better to do.因为没有更好的工作,他们当中很多人做了教师。柯林斯高阶〔work ... out〕Students worked out a better method of learning English.学生们找到了一种更好的学习英语的方法。21世纪英汉〔working〕They want to establish a better working relationship between medical and nursing staff.他们希望在医护人员之间建立一种更好的工作关系。朗文当代For want of anything better to do I watched television for a while.因为没有什么更好的事情可做,我看了一会儿电视。剑桥国际Her father transferred her to a better school. 她父亲把她转到了一所更好的学校。译典通I think this room would be better lit if it had overhead lighting (= lights in the ceiling), as well as table lamps.我想这个房间如果既有台灯又有顶灯的话会有更好的照明效果。剑桥国际I went to Maxim's restaurant in December, and have not had a better meal before or since.我十二月去了马克西姆饭店,在那之前和之后我都没有吃过比那更好的一餐饭了。剑桥国际I'll meet you at the theatre. No, better still, let's meet in a pub and have a drink first.我在剧院和你见面。不,更好的是,让我们在酒吧见面,先喝一杯。剑桥国际I'm surprised Chris was selected for the job. Pat was a much better candidate.我很奇怪克里斯会入选做这份工作,帕特是更好的人选。剑桥国际If you don't say something better than that, people will just laugh at you.如果你不说些比这更好的,人们会嘲笑你的。剑桥国际If you've got nothing better to say, then keep quiet.要是你说不出更好的话,那就闭嘴吧。剑桥国际In the absence of anything better the settee would serve (= could be used) as a bed for a couple of nights.在没有更好的东西的情况下,长沙发可以当几天床用。剑桥国际It's self-delusion if he thinks he'll be offered a better contract.要是他以为能签到更好的合同的话,就是自己骗自己了。剑桥国际It's the nicest present I've ever had--I couldn't ask for (=hope to receive) a better one.这是我迄今收到过的最好礼物----我不能指望收到比这更好的礼物了。剑桥国际Mary has never improved on her first book. 玛丽再也没有写出比她处女作更好的书来。译典通Mary is after a better job. 玛丽在寻找一个更好的工作。译典通She was only half-joking when she said that dogs were treated better than homeless people.她说狗比无家可归的人受到更好的待遇时只是半开玩笑。剑桥国际The payoff for years of research is a microscope which performs better than all of its competitors.多年来研究的结果是一架比所有竞争对手都功能更好的显微镜。剑桥国际There's nothing better than fresh bread, straight from the oven.没有比新出炉的新鲜面包更好的东西了。剑桥国际They're petitioning for/about better facilities for disabled people on public transport.他们在为残疾人在公共交通工具上有更好的设施而请愿。剑桥国际We have to find ways of making the existing system work better. 我们得找寻能使现行制度实施得更好的方法。译典通We make sacrifices now to give our children a better tomorrow.我们现在作些牺牲为的是给我们的孩子一个更好的未来。剑桥国际You're as good a friend as anyone could ask for. (=You are the best friend anyone could possibly hope to have.) 谁也不可能得到比你更好的朋友。剑桥国际




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