

单词 要来
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(and) all the rest〕Karen and Laura and all the rest are coming to dinner tonight.凯伦、劳拉和其他人今晚要来参加晚宴。剑桥高阶〔CAN/CAN'T〕Look, I know I said I'd come, but I can't. 哎,我知道我说过要来,但来不了。朗文写作活用〔DARK〕It's getting very dark out there -- there's going to be a storm. 外面天很黑了—暴风雨就要来了。朗文写作活用〔FAMILY〕My sister and brother-in-law are coming to visit next week. 我妹妹和妹夫下周要来访。朗文写作活用〔Hindi〕The literary and official language of northern India that is based on these dialects. It is written in Devanagari and uses Sanskrit as a resource language.印地语:北印度的文学和官方语言,以北印度方言为基础有天城体字母书写,以梵语为主要来源美国传统〔SAVE〕We'd have kept some food for you if we'd known you were coming. 早知道你要来的话,我们就给你留点吃的东西。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕In fact, the situation is far worse than these figures suggest. 事实上,情况远比这些数据所反映的要来得严重。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕There are two more people coming -- can you make room for them to sit down? 还有两个人要来—你能腾个地方给他们坐吗?朗文写作活用〔accrual〕The major portion of fresh investment is expected to come through internal accruals.预计新投资主要来自于内部的增长。外研社新世纪〔adamant〕I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming.我告诉过她应该在家休息,可她坚持要来。剑桥高阶〔ahead〕Can you tell me ahead of time if you're coming ? 如果你要来,能不能事先告诉我?朗文当代〔all〕He started to get all excited when I told him Cynthia was coming.当我告诉他辛西娅要来时,他开始变得非常激动。麦克米伦高阶〔any〕Please let me know how many people are coming, if any.如果有人要来的话,请告诉我有多少。牛津高阶〔approximation〕Could you give me a rough approximation of how many people will be coming? 你能告诉我要来的大概人数吗?剑桥高阶〔banana〕Do you want a nice piece of banana cake?你要来一块美味的香蕉蛋糕吗?外研社新世纪〔bet〕You can bet your life she'll insist on coming too.肯定她会坚持也要来。麦克米伦高阶〔brew〕We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.我们乘船外出时就已发现暴风雨要来了。外研社新世纪〔cake〕Would you like a slice of cake? 你要来一块蛋糕吗?朗文当代〔call〕Before I go away I will call round to say goodbye to you.离开以前我要来看你们,向你们道别。英汉大词典〔cater〕I'm catering for twelve on Sunday - the whole family is coming.星期天我要招待12个人,全家都要来。剑桥高阶〔caught in a storm〕A storm was brewing.暴风雨要来了。韦氏高阶〔chewing gum〕Would you like a piece/stick of chewing gum? 你要来片/块口香糖吗?剑桥高阶〔clan〕Is/Are the whole clan coming to visit you for Christmas? 你那一大帮亲戚圣诞节都要来看望你吗?剑桥高阶〔clan〕The whole clan will be here over Christmas.全部一大家子人圣诞节都要来这里。朗文当代〔comer〕We welcome all comers —but be prepared to learn something when you get here.我们欢迎所有来到这里的人——但只要来了, 就要做好学习的准备。外研社新世纪〔come〕Diane and Ian are coming for dinner tonight.黛安和伊恩今天晚上要来吃晚餐。外研社新世纪〔come〕My parents are coming down for the weekend.我父母要来这儿度周末。麦克米伦高阶〔come〕My parents are coming for a visit. = My parents are coming to visit.我父母要来看我。韦氏高阶〔cry〕She said she was coming to the party, but cried off at the last moment.她说过她要来参加聚会,可到最后一刻又变卦了。牛津高阶〔delighted〕They are delighted at the prospect of a visit from their grandchildren.听说孙辈们要来,他们满心欢喜。韦氏高阶〔doomsday〕Ecologists predict a doomsday scenario (= a time when death and destruction will happen) if global warming continues to increase at the present rate.生态学家预言,如果全球气候变暖继续以目前的速度发展下去,那么世界末日就要来临。剑桥高阶〔doom〕As I approached the exam room, I had a feeling of impending doom.我走近考场时,觉得末日就要来临。牛津搭配〔down〕My parents live down in Florida, but they come up to Chicago every summer.我父母住在南方的佛罗里达,但他们每年夏天都要来芝加哥。剑桥高阶〔drop by〕She and Danny will drop by later.她和丹尼一会儿要来坐坐。柯林斯高阶〔egg〕Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早餐要不要来个煮蛋?文馨英汉〔else〕Who else is coming to the party? 还有谁要来参加聚会?韦氏高阶〔ever〕If you (should) ever come to Taipei, you must call on us.你要是到台北来,一定要来看我们。文馨英汉〔extra〕I got a few extra in case anyone else decides to come.我另外准备了一些,以防其他人也决定要来。朗文当代〔factoid〕The Web is a prime source of insignificant factoids.网络是小趣闻的主要来源。朗文当代〔fall〕Several weeks of fall remain before winter begins.秋天还会持续几个星期,冬天就要来临。韦氏高阶〔get it out of your system〕You keep talking about making a cross-country trip. I think you just need to do it and get it out of your system.你一直说要来一次横贯全国之旅。我认为,你只要去做就好了,之后就不会老惦记着这事了。韦氏高阶〔harbinger〕Is this news a harbinger of better days to come? 这条消息预示着好日子要来了吗?韦氏高阶〔have to〕The bus has to be coming soon.公共汽车肯定快要来了。韦氏高阶〔help〕She was coming to help clean the machines.她要来帮忙擦洗机器。朗文当代〔hemosiderin〕A protein that stores iron in the body, derived chiefly from the hemoglobin released during hemolysis.血铁黄素,血铁黄蛋白:体内贮存铁的蛋白,主要来源于血细胞溶解时所释放的血红蛋白美国传统〔herald〕Flashing blue lights heralded the arrival of the police.闪烁的蓝色灯光说明警察就要来了。朗文当代〔hit〕Can you hit who will come to detail of us?你能猜中谁要来给我们分派任务吗?21世纪英汉〔hour〕My job is very flexible – I can fit my hours around my children.我的工作很灵活,我可以根据孩子们的需要来定我的工作时间。麦克米伦高阶〔househusband〕A married man who manages the household as his main occupation and whose wife usually earns the family income.管家先生:以掌管家庭事务为其主要职责的已婚男人,而其妻通常为家庭收入的主要来源美国传统〔how〕How about Philip? Is he coming too? 菲利普怎么样?他也要来吗?麦克米伦高阶〔individual〕You can have the bathroom designed to suit your individual needs .你可以让人按照你的个人需要来设计浴室。朗文当代〔inform〕I haven't been informed as to whether he's coming or not.我还没有得到通知他是否要来。麦克米伦高阶〔input〕The power input will come largely from hydroelectricity.电力输入主要来自水力发电。剑桥高阶〔inspect〕An official from the Department of Health will be inspecting the restaurant this afternoon.今天下午卫生部的一名官员要来视察这家餐馆。剑桥高阶〔know〕I don't know whether she's coming.我不确定她是否要来。外研社新世纪〔like〕Would you like a drink? 你要来杯饮料吗?朗文当代〔macaroni〕Would you like some macaroni?要不要来点通心面?外研社新世纪〔madder〕The root of this plant, formerly an important source of the dye alizarin.茜草根:该植物的根,原为染料茜素的重要来源美国传统〔major〕Citrus fruits are a major source of vitamin C.柑橘类水果是维生素C的重要来源。剑桥高阶〔muddle〕I'm in such a muddle, I'd completely forgotten you were coming today.我真糊涂透了,我完全忘了你今天要来。朗文当代〔mum〕Mum and Dad are coming for lunch.爸爸和妈妈要来吃午饭。柯林斯高阶〔must〕You must come to lunch with us.你一定要来和我们一起吃午饭。柯林斯高阶〔need〕The house is in need of a thorough clean.这房子需要来个大扫除。牛津高阶〔noise〕Tom said that the political noise came mainly from the businessmen.汤姆说政治议论主要来自商人。英汉大词典〔now〕There was a knock at the door. Now Jan knew her mother had promised to come by, so she assumed it was her.有人敲门。简知道妈妈答应过要来,所以认为敲门的是她。剑桥高阶〔only〕Everyone promised they would come, but in the end only Ted and Jack showed up.每个人都答应要来,但最后只有特德和杰克到场。麦克米伦高阶〔or〕Either Tom is coming or his sisters are.不是汤姆就是她的姐妹们要来。美国传统〔outtravel〕He outtravel(l)ed the news of his coming.他要来的消息还没有到他人就来了。英汉大词典〔please〕A cup of tea?—Yes, please.要来杯茶吗?——好的, 谢谢。外研社新世纪〔potluck〕Having arrived unannounced for supper, we had to take potluck.由于没有提前通知我们要来吃晚饭,我们只能吃些家常便饭美国传统〔property〕We have a potential buyer who wants to view the property.有一个潜在的购房者要来看房。牛津搭配〔rattle sth off〕She rattled off the names of the people who were coming to the party.她一口气说出了要来参加聚会者的名字。剑桥高阶〔reckoning〕The moment of reckoning is approaching.算账的时刻就要来了。外研社新世纪〔source〕The census constitutes the principal source of official statistics.人口普查是官方统计数字的主要来源。牛津搭配〔splendid〕You're both coming? Splendid! 你们俩都要来?太好了!牛津高阶〔storm〕The sky got dark and it looked like a storm was coming.天变黑了,看样子暴风雨要来了。韦氏高阶〔that〕She said (that) she would come and that she would bring her daughter.她说她要来,并把女儿带来。英汉大词典〔the hard stuff〕Would you like a drop of the hard stuff? 你要不要来点烈酒?剑桥高阶〔the〕The Jacksons are coming to visit on Saturday.杰克逊一家周六要来看我们。剑桥高阶〔ticketless〕Ticketless fans were told to stay away from the match.没买票的球迷被告知不要来比赛现场。剑桥高阶〔trade〕The tourist trade is our main source of state revenue.旅游业是我们财政收入的主要来源。韦氏高阶〔uncle〕My Uncle David is visiting next week.我叔叔戴维下星期要来看我。韦氏高阶〔us〕My mother is coming to stay with us .我妈要来和我们同住。朗文当代〔visit〕Pay us a visit next time you're in town.你下次进城时一定要来看我们。牛津搭配〔vitamin C〕Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.橙子是维生素C的重要来源。韦氏高阶〔wellhead〕A principal source; a fountainhead.主要来源;源泉美国传统〔would've〕I would've picked you up from the airport if I had known you were coming.如果我知道你要来,我就会去机场接你了。韦氏高阶〔write back〕I'll write back and tell her we're coming.我会给她回信,告诉她我们要来。剑桥高阶Carla's coming over this summer or so I've heard.卡拉今年夏天要来,我是这么听说的。剑桥国际Get off the line! There's a train coming! 离开铁路!火车要来了!剑桥国际He knew my examination was pending. 他知道我的考试就要来临。译典通James is coming tonight, or so he said.詹姆斯今晚要来,至少他是这么说的。剑桥国际Look at those clouds! There's a storm threatening.看那些云!暴风雨就要来了。剑桥国际The English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock. 英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。译典通The Schmidts are coming to lunch on Saturday.施密特一家星期六要来吃午饭。剑桥国际The dogs were feeling restive because they sensed a storm was in the air.狗表现焦躁不安,因为它们感觉到暴风雨就要来临了。剑桥国际The recent factory closures and job losses are just a foretaste of the recession that is to come.最近的工厂关闭和失业现象正是将要来临的经济衰退的预兆。剑桥国际Tourism is the staple source of income in the coastal villages.旅游是海滨村庄收入的主要来源。剑桥国际You got it wrong--it's Maria who's coming not Marina.你弄错了----要来的是玛丽亚,不是玛丽娜。剑桥国际You must come and stay with us for the weekend.你一定要来和我们度周末。剑桥国际




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