

单词 height
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adjust〕adjust a seat to the height of a person 根据人的身高调节座位英汉大词典〔against〕a graph that plots height against weight 身高体重对照图韦氏高阶〔average〕a man of average height 一个中等身材的人英汉大词典〔boom〕a labour shortage at the height of the boom经济繁荣期的劳动力短缺外研社新世纪〔castellated〕a castellated height 建有城堡的高地英汉大词典〔correlation〕the correlation of height with weight 身高与体重的关联性牛津搭配〔elevation〕a boy who grew to a height of six feet. 男孩长高到六英尺。 美国传统〔entry〕the minimum height for entry into the police force 加入警队的最低身高(要求)朗文当代〔fashion〕wears clothes in the height of fashion; 穿着新潮时装;美国传统〔finder〕a height finder 测高仪英汉大词典〔heft〕sb.'s height and heft 某人的身高和体重 英汉大词典〔height〕a bird that opens shellfish by dropping them from a height onto rocks 把贝类从高处抛向岩石从而打开其壳的一只鸟朗文当代〔height〕a chronic addiction to nicotine that at its height saw her smoking 60 cigarettes a day她长期吸烟, 烟瘾最大的时候每天可以抽60支外研社新世纪〔height〕a graceful tower, rising to 400 feet in height 一座外形优美的塔,高度为400英尺麦克米伦高阶〔height〕a man of middle height 中等身材的男子牛津搭配〔height〕a test in which a 6.3 kilogram weight was dropped from a height of 1 metre让6.3千克的重物从1米高的地方落下的试验外研社新世纪〔height〕a test in which a 6.3 kilogram weight was dropped on it from a height of 1 metre.让6.3公斤的重物从1米高的地方落到它上面的试验柯林斯高阶〔height〕a woman of average height 普通身高的女子韦氏高阶〔height〕at the height of her career.在她事业的最高峰美国传统〔height〕be situated at a height 座落在距地面相当高的地方英汉大词典〔height〕look down from a great height 从极高处往下看 英汉大词典〔height〕measure the height of the building 测量建筑物的高度 英汉大词典〔height〕reach the height of the mountain (tower) 到达山 (塔) 顶 英汉大词典〔height〕rise to one's full height 站直身子 英汉大词典〔height〕the height at which the plane was travelling飞机飞行的高度外研社新世纪〔height〕the height of a mountain.山的高度。牛津同义词〔height〕the height of a storm.暴风雨最猛烈的时候美国传统〔height〕the height of arrogance/folly/hypocrisy 极度傲慢/愚蠢/虚伪韦氏高阶〔height〕the height of fashion 时尚的极致剑桥高阶〔height〕the height of style/luxury 最流行的款式;极度奢侈韦氏高阶〔height〕the height of the tourist season 旅游旺季的高峰期朗文当代〔height〕to be at shoulder/chest/waist height 齐肩╱胸╱腰高牛津高阶〔height〕to be of medium/average height 中等身材牛津高阶〔heyday〕the city's heyday at the height of the Renaissance文艺复兴鼎盛时该城市的黄金时期外研社新世纪〔hysteria〕at the height of hysteria over global terrorism在人们对全球恐怖主义谈虎色变的时候外研社新世纪〔indifferent〕a hill of indifferent height 不高不低的山英汉大词典〔luxury〕the height of luxury 极致奢华韦氏高阶〔measure〕measured the height of the ceiling.测量了天花板的高度美国传统〔medium〕a girl of medium height 中等身材的女孩剑桥高阶〔medium〕a man of medium height 中等身材的男人英汉大词典〔middle〕a man of middle height 中等身材的人英汉大词典〔middling〕a man of about middling height 中等身材的男子剑桥高阶〔miss〕mis.ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions. mis.ses 少女(或妇女)尺码:为平均高度和身材的女人或女孩制定的一系列衣服的尺寸美国传统〔multiply〕multiply the height by the width to determine the area 将高乘以宽以求出面积英汉大词典〔of〕a height of six feet 6英尺的高度英汉大词典〔perpendicular〕the perpendicular height 垂直高度英汉大词典〔rappel〕descend from a steep height by rappel 用绕绳下降法从陡峭的高峰下降英汉大词典〔regular〕a man of moderate height with regular features一个个头中等、五官匀称的男子外研社新世纪〔sophisticated〕a New York nightclub that was the height of sophistication (=very fashionable and expensive) 纽约一家最为时髦豪华的夜总会朗文当代〔sublime〕by which it is sublimed to a height of glory由此它被升华到了荣耀的高度外研社新世纪〔triangulate〕triangulate the height of a mountain 用三角学求出山的高度英汉大词典〔wrangle〕a lengthy planning wrangle over the height of the building 长期以来对于建筑高度的规划争论牛津搭配




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