

单词 英国国教
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Anglican〕the Anglican community. 英国国教会团体柯林斯高阶〔Anglo-Catholic〕a parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. 英国国教高教会派的牧师柯林斯高阶〔Anglo-Catholic〕a parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition英国国教高教会派传统的教区外研社新世纪〔C of E〕a C of E service 英国国教礼拜仪式剑桥高阶〔C of E〕a C of E vicar一位英国国教会的教区牧师外研社新世纪〔admission〕the admission of women to the office of bishop in the Church of England任命女性在英国国教会内担任主教职务外研社新世纪〔archbishop〕the Archbishop of Canterbury(= the head of the Church of England) 坎特伯雷大主教(即英国国教会领袖)牛津高阶〔article〕the Thirty-nine Articles (英国国教的)39条教规英汉大词典〔commissioner〕the Church Commissioners(= the group of people responsible for controlling the financial affairs of the Church of England) 英国国教会财政管理委员会委员牛津高阶〔congregational〕the Congregational Church (基督教的)公理教会(由英国国教分出之一派,为独立教会之联盟,各教会自行处理其事务)文馨英汉〔disestablish〕a campaign to disestablish the Church of England 废除英国国教运动牛津高阶〔doctrinal〕the doctrinal position of the English church 英国国教教义的地位牛津高阶〔episcopal〕the Episcopal Church 英国国教文馨英汉〔established〕the Established Church (尤指)英国国教文馨英汉〔go〕leave the Church of England and go over to Rome 脱离英国国教而皈依罗马教廷英汉大词典〔law〕the laws of the Church of England. 英国国教会的教规柯林斯高阶〔polity〕the polity of the Anglican church 英国国教的体制英汉大词典〔priest〕an Anglican priest一位英国国教会牧师外研社新世纪〔primate〕the Primate of All Ireland 阿尔马大主教(爱尔兰天主教和英国国教的大主教)英汉大词典〔reunion〕the reunion of the Church of England with the Church of Rome 英国国教和罗马天主教的再度联合牛津高阶




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