

单词 saclike
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acinus〕One of the small saclike dilations composing a compound gland.腺泡:组成复合腺体的小的泡囊美国传统〔air sac〕A saclike, thin-walled enlargement in the trachea of an insect.气囊:昆虫气管中囊状薄壁的扩张美国传统〔bladder〕Botany Any of various hollow or inflated saclike organs or structures, such as the floats of certain seaweeds or the specialized traps of bladderworts.【植物学】 囊状物:一种中空或充气的囊状器官或结构,如某种海草的浮囊或狸藻的特有存水囊美国传统〔cecum〕A saclike cavity with only one opening.盲端:只有一个开口的囊状洞美国传统〔cisterna〕Cytology One of the saclike vesicles that comprise the endoplasmic reticulum.【细胞学】 池,扁囊:构成内质网的囊状小管中的一个美国传统〔coelenteron〕The saclike cavity within the body of a coelenterate.体肠腔:腔肠动物体内的囊状腔美国传统〔cul-de-sac〕Anatomy A saclike cavity or tube open only at one end.【解剖学】 肓管:只在一端有开口的囊状腔或管美国传统〔pouch〕Zoology A saclike structure, such as the cheek pockets of the gopher or the external abdominal pocket in which marsupials carry their young.【动物学】 袋状结构:袋状结构,如地鼠的脸颊袋或袋鼠腹部外面的用来装其幼兽的袋子美国传统〔sacculate〕Formed of or divided into a series of saclike dilations or pouches.囊状的:由一系列膨胀的囊或袋子组成的或分成一系列膨胀的袋或囊美国传统〔sporocyst〕A saclike larval stage in many trematode worms.幼虫期:一种许多吸虫都有的液状幼虫阶段美国传统〔spur〕Botany A tubular or saclike extension of the corolla or calyx of a flower, as in a columbine or larkspur.【植物学】 花距:花冠或花萼的管状或囊液状延伸,如耧斗菜或飞燕草美国传统〔synaptosome〕A saclike structure formed by nerve endings at a synapse that remains intact after homogenization of nerve tissue.突触体:一种袋状构造体,由经过神经组织均质后仍保持原状的突触神经末梢形成美国传统〔thylakoid〕A saclike membrane that is the structural unit of the grana in the chloroplasts of plant cells.类囊体:植物细胞叶绿体的叶绿饼中的一种扁平袋状构造单位美国传统




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