

单词 自居
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔be〕There once was a man who dwelt alone in a small village.曾经有个人独自居住在小村庄里。韦氏高阶〔call〕She's no right to call herself a feminist.她无权以女权主义者身分自居。牛津高阶〔cliquey〕He found the school very cliquey and elitist.他发现这所学校很排外并以精英自居。牛津高阶〔herself〕Miss Bennet lives by herself.贝内特小姐独自居住。朗文当代〔humility〕For a long time he still thought like a millionaire, but he has humility now.长期以来, 他仍一直以百万富翁自居, 但现在他知道谦虚了。外研社新世纪〔identification〕An unconscious process by which a person transfers the response appropriate to a particular person or group to a different person or group.自居作用:指一人下意识将适应于某一特定个人或人群的感受转移到另一不同个人或人群之上的过程美国传统〔portray〕The President likes to portray himself as a friend of working people.总统喜欢以工薪阶层的朋友自居。朗文当代〔pretence〕I make no pretence to be an expert on the subject.我并不以这一领域的专家自居。牛津搭配〔proprietary〕Directors weren't allowed any proprietary airs about the product they made.主管们不允许对他们生产的产品以所有者自居。柯林斯高阶〔set up as〕She set herself up as the perfect wife.她以完美妻子自居。外研社新世纪〔set yourself up as sth〕He sets himself up as an expert on vegetable growing, but he doesn't seem to me to know much about it.他以蔬菜种植专家自居,但在我看来他对此懂得并不多。剑桥高阶〔single〕The apartments are ideal for single people living alone.这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。牛津高阶He sets himself up as an expert on vegetable growing, but he doesn't seem to me to know much about it.他以蔬菜种植专家自居,但在我看来他对此懂得并不多。剑桥国际She is no triumphalist and looks forward to working with her former rivals.她并不以胜利者自居,而是期待和她以前的竞争对手一起工作。剑桥国际We dislike to have anyone patronize us. 我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。译典通




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