

单词 获任命为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔commission〕She was commissioned in 2007.她于 2007 年获任命为军官。牛津高阶〔reaction〕There has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director.对她获任命为主管一事,人们的反应各不相同。牛津高阶A French woman has been appointed as head of Switzerland's largest bank.一位法国女士获任命为瑞士最大银行的行长。牛津商务Franco Moretti has been nominated as the new Chief Executive.佛朗哥 • 莫雷蒂已获任命为新的总裁。牛津商务He has been made chairman of the group.他获任命为集团的董事长。牛津商务He has recently been appointed to the board.他最近获任命为董事会成员。牛津商务He was appointed as non-executive director in 2003.他于 2003 年获任命为非执行董事。牛津商务He was appointed company secretary last year.他去年获任命为公司秘书。牛津商务He was appointed executive assistant to the managing director.他获任命为董事总经理的行政助理。牛津商务He was appointed finance director of British Aerospace in 1992.他在 1992 年获任命为英国宇航公司财务总监。牛津商务He was appointed to an advisory panel on the issue of taxing Internet sales.他获任命为互联网销售征税委员会成员。牛津商务He was made President of the European Central Bank in 2003.他于 2003 年获任命为欧洲中央银行的行长。牛津商务She has been appointed (as) executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe.她获任命为欧洲经济委员会执行干事。牛津商务She has been appointed area manager for south Wales.她已获任命为南威尔士地区经理。牛津商务She has been appointed as a managing director of their European operations.她获任命为主管欧洲业务的总经理。牛津商务She was appointed as a champion of change in management's drive to modernize the company.她获任命为公司的改革领导者,带领公司进行现代化管理的改革。牛津商务She was appointed chief knowledge officer.她获任命为首席知识主管。牛津商务She was named president and CEO of the company last week.上周她获任命为公司的总裁兼首席执行官。牛津商务She's been appointed controller of their US operations.她获任命为美国业务的负责人。牛津商务




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