

单词 船桅
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WARN〕Another wave crashed onto the deck and the mast made an ominous creaking sound. 又一个浪头哗啦啦地打上了甲板,船桅发出了不祥的吱嘎声。朗文写作活用〔banderole〕A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or lance or flown from a ship's masthead.小旗,燕尾旗:连接到一根杆或矛上的或挂在船桅杆上的窄的叉形旗或三角旗美国传统〔bibb〕Nautical A bracket on the mast of a ship to support the trestletrees.【航海】 桅肩加强板,夹板:船桅杆上用来支撑桅顶纵桁的托座美国传统〔bristle〕The harbour bristles with masts.港口船桅林立。英汉大词典〔burton〕A light tackle having double or single blocks, used to hoist or tighten rigging.轻型滑车:双滑轮或单滑轮轻型滑车,用于升起或拉紧支撑船桅和帆的全部绳索美国传统〔course〕Nautical The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship.【航海】 大横帆:带有横帆装置的船桅杆的最低的帆美国传统〔crow's-nest〕Nautical A small lookout platform with a protective railing and windscreen, located near the top of a ship's mast or superstructure.【航海】 桅杆暸望台:设置有防护栏杆和挡风玻璃的小型了望平台,位于船桅或船的上层结构的顶部附近美国传统〔depth〕The ship's mast finally disappeared into the watery depths.船桅最终消失在水下很深的地方。牛津搭配〔fife rail〕A rail around the lower part of a ship's mast to which the belaying pins for the rigging are secured.艉楼栅栏,帆索栓座:船桅杆底部周围的栏杆,保护索具的缠索栓美国传统〔heel〕The lower end of a mast.桅脚,桅跟:船桅下面一端美国传统〔mast〕Nautical A tall vertical spar, sometimes sectioned, that rises from the keel or deck of a sailing vessel to support the sails and running rigging.【航海】 船桅,桅杆:一条高的(有时为分段的)垂直樯,从帆船的龙骨或甲板直立起来以支持帆和操纵装置美国传统〔parrel〕A sliding loop of rope or chain by which a running yard or gaff is connected to, while still being able to move vertically along, the mast.装于帆桁中央两侧的索具:能滑动的绳圈或链子,用来把帆桁或缆索拴在船桅上,使之仍可以随意升降美国传统〔royalmast〕The small mast immediately above the topgallant mast.顶桅:上桅以上紧挨着的较大的船桅美国传统〔snap〕From the ship's mast a flag snaps in the fresh breeze.船桅上旗子在劲风中啪嗒飘动。英汉大词典〔spanker〕A usually gaff-headed sail set from the aftermost lower mast of a sailing ship.后纵帆:帆船上最靠近底部船桅的斜木头的帆美国传统〔spar〕Nautical A wooden or metal pole, such as a mast, boom, yard, or bowsprit, used to support sails and rigging.【航海】 船柱:用于支撑船帆或索具的木头杆或金属杆,如船桅杆、吊杆、横杆或船首斜木美国传统〔topsail〕A square sail set above the lowest sail on the mast of a square-rigged ship.中桅帆:在方索船桅杆上,位于最低帆之上的方形帆美国传统During the storm, the crew of the vessel clung to the mast to stop themselves from being washed overboard.风暴中,船员紧抓着船桅,以免被冲走。剑桥国际The ship had five sails set from its two masts.船上的两根船桅上挂着五张帆。剑桥国际There was a pennant fluttering at the top of the mast.船桅顶上飘扬着一面三角旗。剑桥国际




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