

单词 衰败的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOT〕The President has a raft of new proposals for dealing with inner city decay. 总统提出了许多新的建议来解决旧城区衰败的问题。朗文写作活用〔concentrate〕We need to concentrate resources on the most run-down areas.我们需要把资源集中用于最衰败的地区。牛津高阶〔decayed〕Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.国会已试行过数十种方法来重振正在走向衰败的城乡地区。柯林斯高阶〔decay〕It seems that all countries decay in time.看来所有国家都会逐渐衰败的。21世纪英汉〔dilapidated〕Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, as through neglect; broken-down and shabby.毁坏的,破旧的:因疏忽而失修或衰败的;残垣断壁的美国传统〔downfallen〕Fallen, as from high position; ruined.衰败的:如从高职位上下贬的;衰败的美国传统〔factor〕The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.矿井的关闭是这个镇衰败的唯一最重要的因素。牛津搭配〔finish〕The reason for one's ruin; downfall.衰败的原因;衰落美国传统〔genteel〕The mansion had an atmosphere of genteel elegance and decay.这座大宅透出上流社会的高贵典雅,也散发着衰败的气息。剑桥高阶〔pride〕The novel is about a family consumed with pride and vanity.这部小说讲述一个家族在傲慢和虚荣中衰败的故事。韦氏高阶〔result〕The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management.公司衰败的直接原因是经营不善。牛津高阶〔retrogression〕The act or process of deteriorating or declining.恶化:变糟的或衰败的行为或过程美国传统〔revive〕This movie is intended to revive her flagging career.这部电影意在使她渐趋衰败的事业再现辉煌。牛津高阶The mansion had an atmosphere of genteel elegance and decay.这座豪宅有着上流社会的那种雅致和衰败的气息。剑桥国际




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