

单词 花瓣
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕Marigold petals were once used for colouring butter and cheese. 万寿菊的花瓣曾被用来给黄油和乳酪染色。朗文写作活用〔MIDDLE〕The flower has white petals, and is deep pink at the centre. 这种花长着白色花瓣,中心是深紫色的。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕She buried her nose in the fragrant, velvety petals. 她把鼻子埋进柔软光滑的、带有芳香的花瓣里。朗文写作活用〔WEAK〕The plant in the corner was wilting, its brilliant yellow petals scattered on the floor. 角落里那株花正在枯萎,金黄色的花瓣散落在地上。朗文写作活用〔adnate〕United to a part or organ of a different kind, as stamens attached to petals.贴生的,并生的,连生的:与不同种类的部分或器官相联的,如贴生在花瓣上的雄蕊美国传统〔alternate〕Arranged regularly between other parts, as stamens between petals.有规律排列着的:在其它部分间有规律地排列的,如花瓣间的雄蕊美国传统〔apetalous〕Having no petals.无花瓣的,单花被的美国传统〔ballflower〕An ornament in the form of a ball cupped in the petals of a circular flower.圆球饰:置于圆形花的花瓣中的球状装饰物美国传统〔bicyclic〕Botany Composed of or arranged in two distinct whorls, as the petals of a flower.【植物学】 二轮的:由两个不同的轮生体组成或排列的,如花瓣美国传统〔blade〕Botany The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.【植物学】 叶片:叶子或花瓣的展开部分。此词经常被不严格地用于泛指草和类似植物的叶子总称美国传统〔calcar〕A spur or spurlike projection, such as one found on the base of a petal or on the wing or leg of a bird.距骨或距状突起:距骨或距状突起,如花瓣根部和鸟的翅膀或腿部美国传统〔calceolate〕Shaped like a slipper, as the pouchlike petal of the flower of the lady's slipper.拖鞋状的:形状象拖鞋的,如女式拖鞋上的花的袋状花瓣美国传统〔carina〕A keel-shaped ridge or structure, such as that on the breastbone of a bird or of the fused lower two petals of flowers of many members of the pea family.龙骨状突起,龙骨瓣:龙骨状脊或结构,如鸟的突出胸骨或豆科中很多植物的两片下层融合在一起的花瓣的龙骨状结构美国传统〔choripetalous〕Having separate petals; polypetalous.离瓣的:具有分裂的花瓣;多瓣的美国传统〔claw〕Botany The narrowed, stalklike basal part of certain petals or sepals.【植物学】 瓣爪:某些花瓣或萼片狭长、柄状的基部美国传统〔closeup〕The slide gave close-up detail of petal formation.幻灯片展示了花瓣结构的细部特写。牛津搭配〔colour〕The petals can be cooked with rice to colour it yellow.可以把这些花瓣跟米饭一起煮,使米饭变成黄色。柯林斯高阶〔complete〕Botany Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.【植物学】 完整的花的:具有全部基本器官的,即:花萼、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊。用于花卉美国传统〔conduplicate〕Folded together lengthwise, as certain leaves or certain petals in a bud.摺合的:纵向折叠的,如某些叶子或一些花朵的花瓣美国传统〔contain〕The envelope contained a few dried rose petals.信封里装着几片干的玫瑰花瓣。麦克米伦高阶〔convolute〕Rolled or coiled together in overlapping whorls, as certain leaves, petals, or shells.盘旋的:某些叶、花瓣或贝壳等卷曲或盘绕成重叠的螺旋状物的美国传统〔corolla〕The petals of a flower considered as a group or unit.花冠:被认为是一组或一个部分的花瓣美国传统〔cover〕They covered the path with rose petals.他们在小道上撒满了玫瑰花瓣。麦克米伦高阶〔cuneate〕Wedge-shaped. Used especially to describe a leaf or petal base that is narrowly triangular.楔形的:楔形的。尤其用来描述呈窄三角形的叶子或花瓣的基部美国传统〔cup〕The flowers' white petals contrast handsomely with their lemon-yellow cups.这种花的白色花瓣和浅黄色花萼形成悦目的对比。朗文当代〔cycle〕Botany A circular or whorled arrangement of flower parts such as those of petals or sepals.【植物学】 花序:花的圆形或者螺纹状的排列,比如花瓣或者萼片美国传统〔dimerous〕Botany Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of two.【植物学】 二基数的:花的每一轮有两个组成部分的,例如花瓣、萼片和雄蕊美国传统〔dipetalous〕Having two petals.双瓣的,二枚花瓣的美国传统〔dust〕The visiting president was dusted with flower petals.前来访问的总统身上撒满了花瓣。英汉大词典〔emarginate〕Having a shallow notch at the tip, as in some petals and leaves.有凹缘的:在顶端有一浅沟的,例如花瓣或叶子美国传统〔epipetalous〕Borne on or attached to the petals or corolla, as the stamens of the petunia.花冠上生长的:长于或附着于花瓣或花冠上的,如矮牵牛属植物的花蕊美国传统〔expand〕Flowers expanded their petals in the sunshine.花瓣在阳光下绽开。21世纪英汉〔expand〕The petals of flowers expanded.花瓣绽开了。英汉大词典〔exsert〕Thrust outward or protruding, as stamens projecting beyond petals.突出的:突出的或伸出的,如突出花瓣的雄蕊美国传统〔fall〕Botany The outer series of perianth in the irises and related plants.【植物学】 花被:蝴蝶花或相关植物外层常垂的花瓣美国传统〔fimbriate〕Having fimbriae; fringed, as the edge of a petal or the opening of a duct.有毛缘的,边缘呈须毛状的:有毛缘的;加饰边的,如在花瓣或导管开口边缘美国传统〔flake〕Petals flaked down in the breeze.花瓣随风纷纷落下。英汉大词典〔floral cup〕A tubular or cup-shaped structure of a flower, bearing on its rim the sepals, petals, and stamens.花托:花朵长于萼、花瓣和雄蕊边缘的管状或杯形结构美国传统〔galea〕A helmet-shaped part, such as the upper petal of certain plants or part of the maxilla of an insect.盔瓣:盔状部分,例如特定植物的上部花瓣或者昆虫下颚部分美国传统〔gamopetalous〕Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals.合瓣的:带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的美国传统〔hexamerous〕Botany Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of six.【植物学】 六份的:有六个一组花朵部分的,如花瓣、萼片及雄蕊美国传统〔hexamerous〕Botany Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of six.【植物学】 六基数的:花朵各部分,如花瓣、萼片和雄蕊均是六个一列的美国传统〔hypanthium〕The ringlike, cup-shaped, or tubular structure of a flower on which the sepals, petals, and stamens are borne, as in the flowers of the rose or cherry.隐头花序:一朵花的环形、杯形、管形结构,此结构中有萼片、花瓣、雄蕊,比如玫瑰或樱桃的花里美国传统〔hypogynous〕Having the floral parts, such as sepals, petals, and stamens, borne on the receptacle beneath the ovary.下位的:花各部分,比如萼片、花瓣、雄蕊等长在子房下面的花托上的美国传统〔incomplete flower〕A flower lacking sepals, petals, stamens, or pistils.不完全花:没有萼片、花瓣、雄蕊或雌蕊的花美国传统〔inflexed〕Bent or curved inward or downward, as petals or sepals.内折的:向内或向下弯曲的,比如花瓣和花萼美国传统〔keel〕A pair of united petals in certain flowers, as those of the pea.龙骨瓣:在某些花(如豌豆花)中的两个相连的花瓣美国传统〔labellum〕The often enlarged petal of an orchid flower.唇瓣:通常增大了的兰花花瓣美国传统〔lacinia〕A slash, as in a leaf or petal.切痕:深的切痕,如在树叶上或花瓣上的美国传统〔lacy〕The flower's petals are lacy and delicate.这种花的花瓣像蕾丝似的,非常精致。韦氏高阶〔lip〕Botany One of the two divisions of bilabiate corolla or calyx, as in the snapdragon, or the modified upper petal of an orchid flower.【植物学】 唇瓣:双唇花冠或花萼两部分之一,如金鱼草或兰花的装饰性上部花瓣美国传统〔monopetalous〕Having the petals united to form one unit; gamopetalous.单瓣的:具有结合在一起形成一个单元的花瓣的;合瓣的美国传统〔openness〕The flower opens to reveal a Queen Bee.花瓣展开,一只蜂王露了出来。柯林斯高阶〔overlap〕The petals of the flower overlap. = The flower has overlapping petals.花瓣层层叠叠。韦氏高阶〔papilla〕Botany A minute projection on the surface of a stigma, petal, or leaf.【植物学】 乳突:花柱头、花瓣或叶子表面上细小的隆起物美国传统〔pentamerous〕Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of five, as in the geranium.五个一组的花的组成部分:花朵中的组成部分,如花瓣、萼片和雄蕊成五个一组排列的,如在天竺葵中美国传统〔perfume〕A substance that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor, especially a volatile liquid distilled from flowers or prepared synthetically.香水:一种可以散发香味的物质,尤指从花瓣中提取的液体或合成物质美国传统〔perigynous〕Having sepals, petals, and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary, as in flowers of the rose or cherry.周位的:有萼片、花瓣或雄蕊围在包含子房的杯状花托周围的,如玫瑰或樱桃花美国传统〔petaliferous〕Bearing petals.有花瓣的美国传统〔petaline〕Of or resembling a petal.花瓣的,花瓣状的美国传统〔petaloid〕Resembling a petal.似花瓣的,花瓣状的美国传统〔petalous〕Having petals.具有花瓣的美国传统〔petal〕A unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored.花瓣:花冠的基本部分,通常绚丽多彩的美国传统〔petal〕Bowls of dried rose petals fragranced the room.一盘盘干玫瑰花瓣令满屋飘香。外研社新世纪〔petal〕The flower has seven petals.这种花有七片花瓣。朗文当代〔picotee〕A carnation having pale petals bordered by a darker color.花边香石竹:浅色花瓣由深色边围绕的康乃馨美国传统〔polypetalous〕Having separate petals, as on the corolla of a rose or carnation.离瓣的:具有分离花瓣的,如玫瑰或康乃馨花冠上的花瓣美国传统〔potpourri〕A mixture of dried flower petals and spices used to scent the air.百花香:干燥花瓣和能使空气变香的香料的混合物美国传统〔quatrefoil〕A representation of a flower with four petals or a leaf with four leaflets, especially in heraldry.四小叶复叶,十字花:由一朵花和四片花瓣或一片叶子和四片小叶组成的图纹,尤见于纹章美国传统〔rose water〕A fragrant preparation made by steeping or distilling rose petals in water, used in cosmetics, as toilet water, and in cookery.玫瑰水,蔷薇水:一种通过蒸馏玫瑰花瓣或把其浸泡在水中制成的芳香剂,用来做花露水等化妆品并用于烹饪美国传统〔safflower〕The dried flowers of this plant.干红花花瓣:这种植物的干花美国传统〔scatter〕She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.她掰开玫瑰花,将花瓣撒在坟墓上。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕Botany The folding together of leaflets or petals at night or in the absence of light.【植物学】 夜间闭合:夜间或没有光线时小叶片或花瓣的闭合现象美国传统〔snow〕The peach snowed its petals on the pond.桃花花瓣纷纷落入水池。英汉大词典〔splay〕The petals splay out from the middle of the flower.花瓣从花的中央绽开。剑桥高阶〔staminode〕A sterile stamen, sometimes resembling a petal, as in the canna.退化雄蕊:一种退化雄蕊,有时象一片花瓣,如在美人蕉中的美国传统〔strewn〕The floor was strewn with rose petals.地上撒满了玫瑰花瓣。外研社新世纪〔symmetrical〕The petals are arranged symmetrically.花瓣被对称摆放着。麦克米伦高阶〔sympetalous〕Having united petals; gamopetalous.有共同花瓣的;合瓣的美国传统〔tetramerous〕Botany Having flower parts, such as sepals, petals, and stamens, in sets of four, as in the evening primrose.【植物学】 四重的,四个一组的:有花的部分的 ,如萼片、花瓣和雄蕊,四个一组,如在月见草中美国传统〔trimerous〕Botany Having flower parts, such as petals, sepals, and stamens, in sets of three.【植物学】 三基数的:花的各部分,如花瓣,萼片和雄蕊是三个或三个一组的美国传统〔tripetalous〕Having three petals.三花瓣的:有三片花瓣的美国传统〔unguis〕Botany The clawlike base of some petals.【植物学】 某些花瓣爪样的基部美国传统〔valvate〕Meeting at the edges without overlapping, as some petals do.镊合状的:在没有重叠的情状下边上镊合的,例如花瓣美国传统〔whorl〕Botany An arrangement of three or more leaves, petals, or other organs radiating from a single node.【植物学】 轮生体:一个节上三个或多个叶子、花瓣或其它器官的排列美国传统〔wing〕One of the lateral petals of the flower of a pea or of most plants in the pea family.翼瓣:豌豆或大部分豆科植物的花的侧面花瓣的一个美国传统A rose has many petals. 玫瑰花有许多花瓣。译典通Single flowers have only one set of petals--double flowers have two sets.单瓣花只有一层花瓣----复瓣花有两层。剑桥国际The flowers have creamy white petals and dark green leaves.这些花有着乳白色的花瓣和深绿色的叶子。剑桥国际The petals splay out from the middle of the flower.花瓣从花的中央绽放开。剑桥国际




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