

单词 军备
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-controlled〕Their talks are expected to focus on arms control.他们的会谈预计会集中讨论军备控制问题。柯林斯高阶〔ACCEPT〕Congress voted not to approve the President's plans for cutting the arms budget. 国会投票表决,对总统缩减军备预算的计划不予通过。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕They nominated her as the British spokesperson at the International Arms Conference. 他们提名她为国际军备大会上代表英国的发言人。朗文写作活用〔CRAZY〕It is madness for a country to spend that much on its military. 一个国家投那样的巨资在军备上是愚蠢的。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The United States, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy. 美国作为世界唯一现存的超级大国,必须继续把军备控制作为其对外政策的中心点。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕Eventually an interim agreement on arms control was reached. 最终达成了一项临时军备控制协议。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕In the months leading up to the outbreak of war, both countries were involved in a massive arms build-up. 战争爆发前的几个月里,两个国家都在大规模地扩张军备。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕The two countries have just signed a new agreement on arms control. 两国刚签署了一份新的军备控制协议。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕They remain opposed to any suggestion that the country should be allowed to rearm. 他们仍反对允许该国重整军备的建议。朗文写作活用〔agreement〕The government has entered into/signed an international arms control agreement.政府接受/签署了一项国际军备控制协议。剑桥高阶〔armaments〕Half their total spending is allocated to armaments.他们总开支的一半用于军备开支。麦克米伦高阶〔armament〕As the country prepares for war, more and more money is being spent on armament.这个国家准备开战,军备开支越来越大。剑桥高阶〔armament〕The fears have prompted several countries to embark on massive armament plans.几个国家开始实施大规模的军备计划,以防患于未然。柯林斯高阶〔arms〕The country's economic growth could fuel an arms build-up.这个国家的经济发展会助推其扩充军备。牛津搭配〔breath〕He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.他称赞本周达成的军备协议, 但同时又对美国的动机表示怀疑。外研社新世纪〔covenant〕The rival nations signed a covenant to reduce their armaments.敌对的国家签署了裁减军备条约。英汉大词典〔depot〕A storage installation for military equipment and supplies.军备仓库:存放军事装备及物资的仓库美国传统〔equilibrium〕A new arms race in the region would upset the delicate equilibrium between the opposing factions.该地区新的军备竞赛会扰乱对立双方之间的微妙平衡。麦克米伦高阶〔halt〕We must call a halt to the arms race.我们必须下令停止军备竞赛。文馨英汉〔high〕Arms control is high on the agenda.军备控制排在议程表的前列。朗文当代〔insupportable〕Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity.在重整军备上支出过多会给国家的生产能力带来难以承受的负担。外研社新世纪〔insupportable〕Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity.过于庞大的重整军备开支会给国家的生产力带来难以承受的负担。柯林斯高阶〔lating〕Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty.全部裁减军备条款是和平协议的必要条件。21世纪英汉〔lunatic〕The arms race is resuming on a scale more lunatic than ever.军备竞赛卷土重来, 疯狂程度前所未有。外研社新世纪〔military-industrial complex〕The aggregate of a nation's armed forces and the industries that supply their equipment, materials, and armaments.军队军工厂混和型基地:一个国家的军队及供给设备、原物料及军备的混和型基地美国传统〔no man's land〕Land under dispute by two opposing parties, especially the field of battle between the lines of two opposing entrenched armies.真空地带,无人地带:相对的双方争执的土地,尤指战场上在双方围以壕沟的军备界线之间的地带美国传统〔non-proliferation〕The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.该声明涉及裁减军备和防止核武器扩散问题。外研社新世纪〔opportune〕The time would seem to be opportune to negotiate a halt to the arms race.看来这是通过谈判停止军备竞赛的大好时机。英汉大词典〔parachute〕To drop (supplies or troops, for example) by means of a parachute.伞投:用降落伞投下(例如,军备或物资)美国传统〔peril〕The arms race is the greatest single peril now facing the world.军备竞赛是现在世界面临的最大威胁。外研社新世纪〔pillar〕The treaty is a pillar of arms control in the nuclear age.这份条约是核武器时代进行军备控制的重要基础。麦克米伦高阶〔powder keg〕The build-up of forces in the region is creating a powder keg.在该地区加强军备是在制造紧张局势。剑桥高阶〔preparation〕NATO continued its military preparations.北约继续其军备活动。麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕Slowing the arms race relieved pressure on the Soviet economic system.放慢军备竞赛速度减轻了苏联经济体制所面临的压力。朗文当代〔rearmament〕They announced plans for rearmament.他们宣布了重整军备的计划。韦氏高阶〔rearm〕After 1934 it was known that Germany was rearming.众所周知,1934年之后德国就在重整军备了。英汉大词典〔rearm〕The treaty forbids the country to rearm.条约禁止这个国家重整军备。韦氏高阶〔rearm〕They neglected to rearm in time and left Britain exposed to disaster.他们由于疏忽没有及时重整军备,结果使英国面临灾祸。柯林斯高阶〔rearm〕To arm again.使重整军备美国传统〔resolution〕The General Assembly rejected the resolution on the subject of arms control.联合国大会否决了关于军备控制的决议。牛津搭配〔rev up〕The temptation to rev up the arms race is especially dangerous.这种试图推进军备竞赛的念头尤其危险。外研社新世纪〔rev up〕The temptation to rev up the arms race with high-tech weapons is especially dangerous.通过研发高科技武器加速军备竞赛的诱惑尤其危险。柯林斯高阶〔revolt〕It revolts me to know that the world spends so much money on arms when millions are dying of hunger.这个世界有数以百万计的人因饥饿挣扎在死亡线上,但却有那么多的钱花在军备上,这真让我感到震惊。剑桥高阶〔seize on〕The main fear was that both sides may seize upon a ceasefire and free food aid to rearm.最担心的是双方可能利用停火和无偿食品援助的机会重整军备。柯林斯高阶〔shot〕The arms race isn't over by a long shot.军备竞赛远远没有结束。外研社新世纪〔shot〕The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.导弹削减条约大幅度减少了导弹数量,然而军备竞赛还远没有停止。柯林斯高阶〔steam〕The arms race was picking up steam.军备竞赛愈演愈烈。英汉大词典If the country continues building up its supply of weapons, one of the neighboring states may respond with a pre-emptive air strike.如果该国继续加强军备,某个邻国就会采取先发制人的空袭。剑桥国际Many politicians argued that this was no time to disarm (= give up the country's weapons and army).许多政客争辩说这不是裁减军备的时候。剑桥国际The build-up of armaments in this region is creating a powder keg.在这一地区加强军备会制造紧张局势。剑桥国际The country's armaments programme included developing their own nuclear weapons.这个国家的军备计划包括发展他们自己的核武器。剑桥国际The government has entered into / signed an international arms-control agreement.政府已签订了一个国际军备控制协议。剑桥国际The new missiles will be useful as a bargaining counter in the arms control talks. 新飞弹在控制军备谈判中作为讨价还价的筹码将很有用处。译典通The party has adopted a more pragmatic approach towards arms reduction.该党采纳了一种更实用的方法来缩减军备。剑桥国际The re-armament programme will safeguard the country from attack.重整军备的计划可以保卫国家免遭攻击。剑桥国际The size of the military budget is only a small percentage of national income.军备预算规模只占国民收入的很少一部分。剑桥国际There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of unilateral disarmament.关于单方面裁减军备的问题,有很大的分歧。剑桥国际There's an arms-control agreement between the superpowers limiting the number of weapons that each is allowed to possess.超级大国之间制订了一项军备控制协议,限制各方可允许拥有的武器数量。剑桥国际




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