

单词 移动的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Most birds cannot identify their parents at birth and simply follow the first moving object they see. 大部分鸟在出生时都不认得父母,只会跟着它们所看见的第一个会移动的物体走。朗文写作活用〔POPULAR〕There's no demand for heavy immovable furniture any more. 现在已不再有人需要沉重且无法移动的家具了。朗文写作活用〔accordion〕A portable instrument with a small keyboard and free metal reeds that sound when air is forced past them by pleated bellows operated by the player.手风琴:可移动的带很小的键盘和活动的金属簧片的乐器,由演奏者启动褶状风箱迫使风通过簧片而发声美国传统〔acquisition〕Aerospace The process of locating a satellite, guided missile, or moving target so that its track or orbit can be determined.【太空学】 搜索,探测:探测跟踪一卫星、导弹或移动的目标以确定其位置和轨迹美国传统〔aileron〕Either of two movable flaps on the wings of an airplane that can be used to control the plane's rolling and banking movements.飞机的副翼:飞机双翼上可以移动的两个副翼中的任一个,用来控制飞机的摇晃和转弯时的倾斜运动美国传统〔anaphase〕The stage of mitosis and meiosis in which the chromosomes move to opposite ends of the nuclear spindle.细胞分裂后期:染色体向细胞核轴心相反一端移动的有丝分裂和减数分裂阶段美国传统〔backwater〕A rowing or paddling stroke in which the oar or paddle is pushed forward, used to check a boat's forward motion or move it backward.倒浆:把橹或桨向前推以阻止船向前运动或向后移动的一种划船或摇桨方式美国传统〔belaying pin〕A short, removable wooden or metal pin fitted in a hole in the rail of a boat and used for securing running gear.系索栓:可插入船栏的洞内以固定船只的一种短的,可移动的木拴或金属栓美国传统〔bonnet〕A removable metal plate over a machine part, such as a valve.阀帽:机器某部分上可移动的金属盘,比如阀上的美国传统〔brush〕A sliding connection completing a circuit between a fixed and a moving conductor.电刷:连接一个固定的导体和移动的导体,使电路通畅的滑动物体美国传统〔bushing〕A fixed or removable cylindrical metal lining used to constrain, guide, or reduce friction.衬套,套管:一种固定或可移动的圆柱形金属套管,用来压紧、引导或减小摩擦美国传统〔cartridge〕A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup.唱头:留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子美国传统〔chattel mortgage〕A mortgage using movable personal property rather than real estate as security.动产抵押:用可移动的私人财产而不是房地产作担保的抵押美国传统〔cherry picker〕A mobile crane having a maneuverable vertical boom, at the top of which a passenger can do such work as tree pruning and street-light maintenance.移动升降台:一种可移动的具有可调的垂直支臂的升降台架,人可站在顶部做剪树枝和修路灯等工作美国传统〔commode〕A movable stand or cupboard containing a washbowl.盥洗台:有洗脸盆的可移动的台或橱柜美国传统〔craniotomy〕The cutting or breaking of the fetal skull to reduce its size for removal when normal delivery is not possible.穿颅术:当胎儿不能正常分娩时做的切割或挤碎胎儿头颅骨以减少其体积并利于移动的手术美国传统〔crawler〕A vehicle, such as a bulldozer, that moves on continuous belts of metal plates.履带式车辆:推土机之类的在延续的金属履带上移动的车辆美国传统〔crawl〕The action of moving slowly on the hands or knees or dragging the body along the ground.爬行:用于或膝盖拖曳身体在地上缓慢移动的行为美国传统〔cylinder〕The chamber in which a piston of a reciprocating engine moves.汽缸:有往复式发动机的活塞移动的空室美国传统〔descendent〕Moving downward; descending.下降的:向下移动的,下降的;向下的美国传统〔dolly〕To move the wheeled apparatus on which a movie or television camera is mounted toward or away from the scene of action.移动摄影车:以使电影或电视摄影机靠近或离开场景移动的摄影车美国传统〔drift〕Something moving along in a current of air or water.漂流物:随气流或水流移动的东西美国传统〔dumbwaiter〕A portable serving stand or table.可移动的上菜架或上菜桌美国传统〔electrojet〕An electric current that moves in an ionized layer above the equator in the earth's upper atmosphere.电喷(射气)流:在地球赤道上方大气上层电离子气体导电层中移动的电流美国传统〔enthral〕The child watched, enthralled by the bright moving images.这孩子看着那明亮的移动的影像,被迷住了。牛津高阶〔express〕Sent out with or moving at high speed.快递的:快速寄出的或移动的美国传统〔fixity〕Something fixed or immovable.固定或稳固的东西:固定或无法移动的东西美国传统〔floating dock〕A dock that is supported by metal pipes on which it can move up and down with the rise and fall of the water level.浮码头:一种底部由金属管支撑并可随着水位的升降而上下移动的码头美国传统〔float〕A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled or driven in a parade.游行花车:在一个可移动的平台上布置好的游行时可拉动或推动的展览或场景美国传统〔follower〕A machine element moved by another machine element.机械的从动部:靠其它机器部件移动的机器部件美国传统〔free-living〕Moving independently; not sessile.独立移动的;非固着的美国传统〔freshen〕The wind is expected to freshen as it moves in from the east.预计在自东向西移动的过程中风力会增强。剑桥高阶〔friction〕Physics A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact.【物理学】 摩擦力:一种阻止两个相接触物体之间的相对位置移动的发生的力美国传统〔gland〕A device, such as the outer sleeve of a stuffing box, designed to prevent a fluid from leaking past a moving machine part.密封装置,密封套:一种装置,比如填充函的外套,设计出来以防止液体从一移动的机器零部件中渗漏出来美国传统〔gridlock〕A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused by the blockage of key intersections within a grid of streets.交通大堵塞:车辆完全不可能移动的交通堵塞,尤指因为在棋盘式街道中的重要路口发生堵塞而引起的交通停滞美国传统〔hurdle〕A light, portable barrier over which competitors must leap in certain races.跨栏用栏:在某些赛跑中参赛者必须越过的一种轻便、可移动的障碍美国传统〔ladder〕An often portable structure consisting of two long sides crossed by parallel rungs, used to climb up and down.梯子:一种通常是可移动的结构物,由长长的两边和两边平行的梯级连接组成,用于爬上爬下美国传统〔landing gear〕The components of an aircraft or a spacecraft that support the weight of the craft and its load and give it mobility on ground or water.起落架:飞机或航天器上用来支撑飞行器及其装载物的重量并使其在陆地或水面上能够移动的部分美国传统〔lead〕To aim in front of (a moving target).超前瞄准:在(移动的目标)前瞄准美国传统〔leaf〕A hinged or otherwise movable section of a folding door, shutter, or gate.扇:折叠门、百叶窗或大门上装有铰链或可移动的部分美国传统〔line〕The path traced by a moving point.直线:移动的点描绘出的线美国传统〔locomotor〕Of or relating to locomotion; locomotive.运动的:运动的或与运动有关的;能自己移动的美国传统〔logjam〕An immovable mass of floating logs crowded together.木材堵塞:一堆挤在一起的、无法移动的飘浮的原木美国传统〔motionless〕Having or making no motion.不动的:不移动的或静止的美国传统〔movable〕Something, especially a piece of furniture, that can be moved.可被移动的物体,尤指一件家俱美国传统〔movable〕The wooden fence is movable.这个木栅栏是可移动的。柯林斯高阶〔move〕The act or an instance of moving.移动:移动的行为或移动的实例美国传统〔nappe〕Geology A large sheetlike body of rock that has been moved far from its original position.【地质学】 移动的岩石:被移于远离原先位置的巨大层状岩石美国传统〔peregrine〕Roving or wandering; migratory.流动的或移动的;有移动倾向的美国传统〔personal property〕Temporary or movable property.动产:暂时的或可移动的财产美国传统〔point〕A movable rail, tapered at the end, such as that used in a railroad switch.转辙器:一端尖细可移动的铁轨,如用于铁路岔道的美国传统〔point〕A reconnaissance or patrol unit that moves ahead of an advance party or guard, or that follows a rear guard.尖兵:在一群前进的士兵或卫兵前面移动的侦察或巡逻的单位,也指尾随一支殿后的卫队美国传统〔port de bras〕The technique or practice of positioning and moving the arms in ballet.手臂姿势:芭蕾舞中手臂摆放或移动的技巧美国传统〔procession〕The act of moving along or forward; progression.游行,行进:沿…或向前移动的动作;行进美国传统〔radial〕Moving or directed along a radius.沿着或向着半径移动的美国传统〔reed〕A narrow, movable frame fitted with reed or metal strips that separate the warp threads in weaving.笳:装有苇条或金属条的狭窄的可移动的框子,在纺织中用于分开经纱美国传统〔removal〕The fact of being removed.移动:被移动的事实美国传统〔remove〕The act of removing; removal.移动:移动的动作;移动美国传统〔retrograde〕Moving or tending backward.后退的:向后移动的或向后倾的美国传统〔rub〕To subject to the action of something that moves back and forth with friction and pressure.擦:受到摩擦力和压力前后移动的物质的运动美国传统〔sedentary〕Attached to a surface and not moving freely, as a barnacle.(贝壳等)固定附着的:附在表面上不能自由移动的,如附着甲壳动物美国传统〔seesaw〕A back-and-forth or up-and-down movement, as of the lead between two contesting parties.拉锯式的动作,一起一伏的交替过程:上下或前后交替移动的动作,如比赛或竞争双方交替占优势美国传统〔shuffle〕A dance in which the feet slide along or move close to the floor.曳步舞:一种脚沿着地面滑动或脚靠近地面移动的舞蹈美国传统〔skittery〕Moving quickly, restlessly, or irregularly; skittish.迅速的,多变的:快速地、不停息地或不规则地移动的;易变的美国传统〔skittish〕Moving quickly and lightly; lively.轻快的:快速地并轻轻地移动的;活泼的美国传统〔slat〕A movable auxiliary airfoil running along the leading edge of the wing of an airplane.活动辅助翼:一种可移动的辅助机翼,沿飞机机翼的前端延伸美国传统〔slow-〕He was stuck in a line of slow-moving traffic.他陷在缓缓移动的车流里了。柯林斯高阶〔snail〕Traffic was moving at a snail's pace.车辆移动的速度慢得像蜗牛。朗文当代〔snug〕To prepare (a vessel) to weather a storm, as by taking in sail or securing movable gear.为(船)作好防备:使(船只)做好抗风暴的准备,如收帆或固定可移动的齿轮组美国传统〔speeding〕Moving with speed.快速移动的美国传统〔splint〕A rigid device used to prevent motion of a joint or of the ends of a fractured bone.夹板:用来阻止断骨末梢或结合处移动的固定装置美国传统〔stationary〕Not capable of being moved; fixed.不能被移动的;固定的美国传统〔stealthily〕It was a stealthy sound made by someone anxious not to be heard.这是有人不想让别人听到而偷偷摸摸移动的声音。柯林斯高阶〔stepwise〕Music Moving from one tone to an adjacent one.【音乐】 级进的:从一个音向相邻的一个音级移动的美国传统〔still〕Not moving or in motion.静止的,不移动的美国传统〔sway〕The act of moving from side to side with a swinging motion.摇摆:摇摆着从一边向另一边移动的动作美国传统〔tangential〕Of, relating to, or moving along or in the direction of a tangent.正切的:属于、关于一个切线或切(面)的,沿着或向着一个切线(或切面)的方向移动的美国传统〔tardy〕Moving slowly; sluggish.缓慢移动的;行动迟缓的美国传统〔telpher〕A small traveling car, usually driven by electricity, suspended from or moving on an overhead rail or cable.电动缆车:通常由电力驱动、在高架的铁轨或缆索上悬挂或移动的小型旅游车美国传统〔throw〕The maximum displacement of a machine part moved by another part, such as a crank or cam.行程,摆度:被如曲柄或凸轮等另一机器部件移动的机器部件移位的最大程度美国传统〔train〕A long line of moving people, animals, or vehicles.列,队:一长列移动的人,动物或车辆美国传统〔traverse〕A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner.横移物:以这种方式移动的一个机械零件美国传统〔trigger happy〕Some of them are a bit trigger-happy — they'll shoot at anything that moves.他们中的一些人有点以开枪为乐事——他们会向任何移动的物体射击。柯林斯高阶〔tripping〕Moving quickly and lightly; nimble.快速而轻盈地移动的;轻快的,灵敏的美国传统〔troll〕To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat.拖钓曳绳钓鱼,如从移动的船上美国传统〔turnabout〕The act of turning about and facing or moving in the opposite direction.转向,转身:转身,转向的行为或向相反方向移动的行为美国传统〔type bar〕One of the thin movable bars on many typewriters and some computer printers that carry the letters or characters.铅字打印杆:许多打字机和某些电脑打印机上带有字母或字的一根可移动的细杆美国传统〔valve〕The movable control element of such a device.栓塞:这种装置的可移动的控制部分美国传统〔vane〕The movable target on a leveling rod.视准器:水准尺上可移动的目标美国传统〔volitant〕Moving about rapidly.敏捷的:快速地到处移动的美国传统〔windward〕Of or moving toward the quarter from which the wind blows.向风的:向风吹来方向的,向风吹来方向移动的美国传统〔wind〕Moving air, especially a natural and perceptible movement of air parallel to or along the ground.风:移动的空气,尤指与地面平行或沿地面空气的自然且可察觉的移动美国传统〔winged〕Moving on or as if on wings; flying.展翅飞行的:用或似乎用翼移动的;飞行的美国传统〔wing〕Something, such as a weathervane, that is moved by or moves against the air.风向标:由风启动或对着风移动的东西,如风标美国传统〔zigzag〕Moving in or having a zigzag.曲折的:曲折移动的或弯曲的美国传统〔zugzwang〕A situation in a chess game in which a player is forced to make an undesirable or disadvantageous move. 迫移:在象棋比赛中,一方被迫作出不情愿或不利的移动的情况美国传统Now, observe the way the motor causes the little wheels to move up and down.现在观察发动机是怎样带动小轮子上下移动的。剑桥国际Parts of an engine which move can wear out (=be made increasingly weak until they become useless).引擎上移动的部件会磨损。剑桥国际The entrance is blocked by an immovable rock. 入口被一块无法移动的石头堵住了。译典通Washers can also be used between joined pipes to seal their connection or between moving parts to prevent damage from rubbing.垫圈也可用在管道连接口之间予以密封,或者用在移动的部件之间,防止摩擦造成损坏。剑桥国际




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