

单词 立法的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔counter〕the introduction of social legislation in Europe, which is counter to American practice. 与美国的做法相对立的欧洲社会立法的推行柯林斯高阶〔discussion〕the report's discussion of the legislation 该报告对立法的论述朗文当代〔hangover〕hangovers from prewar legislation. 战前立法的遗留物美国传统〔legislate〕attempts to legislate a national energy strategy. 为国家能源战略立法的努力柯林斯高阶〔legislate〕the need to better legislate foreign trade 完善外贸立法的需要韦氏高阶〔obstruction〕the obstruction of vital legislation 对重要立法的阻挠朗文当代〔opponent〕opponents of the legislation 这项立法的反对者麦克米伦高阶〔perimeter〕the perimeter of the legislation 立法的界限英汉大词典〔race relations〕the development of race relations legislation. 种族关系立法的进展柯林斯高阶〔railroaded into〕a bill that was railroaded into law 不得已而草率通过立法的提案韦氏高阶〔stonewall〕the efforts to stonewall passage of the legislation设法阻止通过立法的努力21世纪英汉〔supporter〕supporters of animal rights legislation 支持为动物权利立法的人朗文当代




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