

单词 纺锤
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boston rocker〕A rocking chair having a high back with spindles, a decorative panel at the top, and a seat and arms that curve downward in front.波士顿摇椅:一种摇椅,带有纺锤形高靠背,顶上有装饰面板,前端有向下曲的座位或扶手美国传统〔cop〕A cone-shaped or cylindrical roll of yarn or thread wound on a spindle.管纱,纬管:一种绕在纺锤上的圆锥形或圆柱形纱团或线团美国传统〔fusiform〕Tapering at each end; spindle-shaped.梭形的:每端都尖细的;纺锤形的美国传统〔heliozoan〕Any of various aquatic protozoans of the order Heliozoa, having numerous spindlelike pseudopods that radiate from a central cell mass.太阳虫目动物:太阳虫目中的任何一种水生原生动物,长有无数纺锤状的假足,由一个中心细胞团向四周扩散美国传统〔pole〕Either end of the spindle formed in a cell during mitosis.纺锤极:细胞在有丝分裂中形成的纺锤体两端的任一端美国传统〔spindle cell〕A spindle-shaped cell characteristic of certain tumors.梭形细胞:某些肿瘤特有的纺锤形细胞美国传统〔spindle fiber〕One of a network of achromatic filaments that extend inward from the poles of a dividing cell, forming a spindle-shaped figure.纺锤丝:从正在分裂的细胞的两极向内延伸的非染色质细丝网,构成纺缍形状美国传统〔spindle〕A similar rod or pin used for spinning on a spinning wheel.纺锤:手纺车中用来纺线的类似的圆杆或针美国传统〔spindle〕Biology The spindle-shaped achromatic structure, composed of microtubules, along which the chromosomes are distributed in mitosis and meiosis.【生物学】 纺锤体:一种由丝状因子组成的纺锤形的非染色质结构,在有丝分裂及减数分裂时染色体就沿其排列美国传统〔spinning frame〕A machine that draws and twists fibers into yarn and winds it on spindles.精纺机,细纱机:将纤维拉捻成纱并将纱绕于纺锤之上的机器美国传统〔spinning jenny〕An early form of spinning machine having several spindles.詹妮纺纱机:具有几个纺锤的早期样式的纺纱机美国传统〔spinning wheel〕An apparatus for making yarn or thread, consisting of a foot-driven or hand-driven wheel and a single spindle.手纺车:由一个脚动或手动的轮子及一个纺锤所组成的纺纱或纺线的工具美国传统The song of the spindle was silent. 纺锤的歌声沉默了。译典通There is a white-spindled staircase leading to the pulpit. 有一个白色纺锤形的阶梯通往讲道坛。译典通




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