

单词 终身
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HURT/INJURE〕to permanently injure someone 使某人受到终身伤害朗文写作活用〔achievement〕the Oscar for lifetime achievement奥斯卡终身成就奖外研社新世纪〔annuity〕a life (terminable) annuity 终身(定期)年金英汉大词典〔banishment〕lifelong banishment 终身放逐文馨英汉〔commutation〕a commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment 由死刑减为终身监禁牛津高阶〔companion〕a companion for life 终身伴侣文馨英汉〔democrat〕a lifelong Democrat 民主党终身成员韦氏高阶〔drudge〕have sb. dragged and drudged all his life 使某人被呼来喝去终身做苦工英汉大词典〔estate〕an estate for life 终身地产权英汉大词典〔freehold〕a freehold property 终身保有的房产朗文当代〔freehold〕a freehold property 终身保有的财产牛津高阶〔give〕gave the child a spanking; was given life imprisonment for the crime. 打孩子的屁股;因犯罪而判终身监禁美国传统〔imposition〕the imposition of a life sentence on the defendant 对被告终身监禁的判决韦氏高阶〔imprison〕to be sentenced to life imprisonment for murder 因犯谋杀罪被判终身监禁牛津高阶〔life membership〕to be given life membership被授予终身会员资格外研社新世纪〔life-enhancing〕a life-enhancing and exciting trip一次终身难忘的愉快旅行外研社新世纪〔lifelong〕a lifelong bachelor 终身不娶的人文馨英汉〔lifetime〕a lifetime guarantee; lifetime membership. 终身保障;终身会员资格美国传统〔lifetime〕the lifetime employment system 终身雇用制英汉大词典〔life〕a pension for life 终身养老金 英汉大词典〔mandatory〕the mandatory life sentence for murder. 谋杀罪必然会面临的终身监禁柯林斯高阶〔mate〕a mate for life.终身配偶。牛津同义词〔nontenured〕a nontenured academic post. 非终身的学术界职位美国传统〔parole〕sentenced to life imprisonment without parole 被判终身监禁,不得假释牛津搭配〔party〕a lifelong member of the Conservative party 保守党的终身党员麦克米伦高阶〔perpetual〕a perpetual income 终身享有的收入英汉大词典〔perpetual〕the perpetual president of a club 俱乐部的终身主席英汉大词典〔send〕be sent up for life 被判处终身监禁英汉大词典〔settle〕settle one's daughter (by marriage) 使女儿的终身有归宿英汉大词典〔tenure-track〕tenure-track faculty 可获得终身任职的教职员工韦氏高阶〔tenured〕a tenured professor 终身教授牛津高阶〔tenured〕tenured civil servants; tenured faculty. 终身职位的公务员;终身司职人员美国传统〔tenured〕tenured faculty members 享有终身职位的教职员工韦氏高阶〔tenure〕a teacher granted tenure on a faculty. 某系的一位有终身职位的老师美国传统〔tenure〕a tenured position 终身职位朗文当代〔tenure〕a tenured professor 终身教授朗文当代〔tenure〕professors (= those likely to get tenure) who don't publish enough work may not be offered tenure. 有机会获得终身职位的教授如果发表数量不足,可能不会给予终身职位。剑桥高阶〔transportation〕be sentenced to transportation for life 被判终身流放英汉大词典〔unappealable〕an unappealable grievance; an unappealable sentence of life imprisonment. 无法上诉的冤情;不能上诉的终身监禁美国传统a whole-life insurance policy (= one that pays a sum of money when the person insured dies) 终身保单牛津商务




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