

单词 第三次
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕For the third time this season, Celtic outclassed their local rivals, Rangers, last night. 凯尔特人队昨晚击败了本市对手流浪者队,这已是本季第三次了。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕A surge of elation rushed through his body as he read the note for the third time. 当他第三次读纸条时,一股愉悦感传遍全身。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The price of petrol is going up again, for the third time this year. 汽油又涨价了,今年已是第三次了。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕On our third date Melissa began to open up and told me about her family and about the years she spent in Italy. 我们第三次约会的时候,梅利莎话多起来了,开始跟我说她家里的事,说她在意大利度过的那段时光。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕Fans looked on in amazement as Robbins missed a third goal for the team. 球迷看着罗宾斯第三次错失进球机会,惊愕不已。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Sandra, that's the third time I've asked you to keep quiet. 桑德拉,这已经是我第三次叫你保持安静了。朗文写作活用〔ace〕That's the third ace Lawson has served this match.那是罗森在这场比赛中第三次发球得分。剑桥高阶〔alarm〕The first two bomb alerts were false alarms, but the third was for real.前两次炸弹警报是一场虚惊,但是第三次是真的。剑桥高阶〔appearance〕This was the defendant's third court appearance for the same offence.这是被告因为同一桩罪行第三次出庭受审。剑桥高阶〔attempt〕This is the third attempt on the President's life.这是今年第三次有人企图刺杀总统。剑桥高阶〔be gunning for sth〕Irwin is gunning for his third straight championship.埃尔温正在努力争取连续第三次获得冠军。剑桥高阶〔brush〕It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.这已是他在不到一年的时间里第三次触犯法律了。柯林斯高阶〔bullish〕Faldo was bullish about his chances of winning a third British Open.法尔多非常有信心第三次赢得英国公开赛冠军。外研社新世纪〔bullish〕Faldo was bullish about his chances of winning a third British Open.福尔多对于自己第三次赢得全英公开赛充满信心。柯林斯高阶〔conviction〕This was her third conviction for stealing.这是她第三次因偷窃而被判罪。英汉大词典〔conviction〕This was her third conviction for theft.这是她第三次被判犯盗窃罪。朗文当代〔crown〕She predicted that Argentina would be crowned world champions for a third time.她预测阿根廷将会第三次获得世界冠军。外研社新世纪〔do〕This is the third time you've been late this week; it simply won't do.这是你本周第三次迟到了,这可不行啊。牛津高阶〔drink-driving〕It was his third drink-driving offence in eight years.这是他八年中的第三次酒驾行为。外研社新世纪〔erupt〕When Davis scored for the third time the crowd erupted.戴维斯第三次得分,观众欢声雷动。牛津高阶〔exhibition〕The athlete's third, and winning, jump was an exhibition of skill and strength.这个运动员的第三次试跳,也是获胜的那一跳,充分展示了他的技巧和体能。剑桥高阶〔facelift〕She is having her third facelift.她要做第三次面部拉皮手术了。外研社新世纪〔fool〕More fool him, for proposing on their third date.他太愚蠢了, 第三次约会就求婚。外研社新世纪〔foot〕When my son broke his curfew for the third time, I knew it was time to put my foot down.我儿子第三次没有在晚上规定的时间回家时,我知道是时候治治他了。韦氏高阶〔for〕He was late this morning for the third time this week.他今天早上迟到了,这是这个星期的第三次了。麦克米伦高阶〔foul〕He fouled a third time and was taken out by the coach.他第三次犯规, 被教练罚出场。外研社新世纪〔hand〕This is their third defeat at the hands of the world champions.这已经是他们第三次败在世界冠军队手下了。朗文当代〔hey〕That's the third time I've been late this week—but hey!—who's counting? 那是我这个星期第三次迟到了。不过,嘿,管它多少次呢。牛津高阶〔jinxed〕That's my third accident this year. That car's jinxed, I swear it.这是我今年第三次事故了, 我发誓, 这辆车被诅咒了。外研社新世纪〔keep score〕If you're keeping score at home, this is the third time that he has run for mayor and lost.你如果私下有记录的话,会发现这是他第三次竞选市长失利。韦氏高阶〔lucky〕He is adamant that this will be third time lucky after his last two failed attempts.他坚信经历了前两次的失败后, 第三次一定会成功。外研社新世纪〔make〕That makes the third time he has said it.那已是他第三次说这话了。英汉大词典〔make〕That makes the third time he's failed his driving test! 他这已经是第三次驾驶考试不及格了!牛津高阶〔make〕That makes the third time you've said the same thing! 这可是你第三次说同样的话了!韦氏高阶〔meeting〕It will be the third meeting this season between the two clubs.这将是本赛季两个俱乐部之间的第三次交锋。麦克米伦高阶〔muster〕This was the third time the annual music muster has been held.这是第三次举行年度音乐聚会。外研社新世纪〔never mind that〕He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that he has hardly any money left.尽管他的钱已经所剩无几,他今年却要第三次去度假了。剑桥高阶〔notch sth up〕She has recently notched up her third win at a major ski event.最近,她在一项重要的滑雪赛事中获胜,取得了她的第三次胜利。剑桥高阶〔nuts〕The crowd went nuts after the third touchdown.第三次触地得分后观众开始变得疯狂了。朗文当代〔offence〕It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offence.这是他第三次因毒品犯罪被判刑。剑桥高阶〔prefix〕A new introduction has been prefixed to the third printing of the book.本书第三次印刷时前面增加了一篇新的序言。21世纪英汉〔printing〕The American edition of 'Cloud Street' is already in its third printing.美国版《云街》已是第三次印刷了。外研社新世纪〔printing〕The American edition of 'Cloud Street' is already in its third printing.美国版的《云街》已经是第三次印刷了。柯林斯高阶〔printing〕The book is already in its second printing, and a third printing is scheduled for later this year.这部书已经是第二次印刷了,第三次印刷计划在今年晚些时候进行。韦氏高阶〔promise〕So far, his third voyage promised no better.从到目前为止的情况看,他的第三次航行前景同样未可乐观。英汉大词典〔remember〕As far as I can remember, this is the third time we've met.我记得这是我们第三次会面了。牛津高阶〔row〕This is her third win in a row.这是她连续获得的第三次胜利。牛津高阶〔run〕His new novel has already run to three impressions.他新出版的小说已第三次印刷了。英汉大词典〔sending-off〕He is about to begin a three-match ban after his third sending-off of the season.他这赛季第三次被罚下场后将被禁赛三场。柯林斯高阶〔sending-off〕It was his third sending-off of the season.这是他本赛季第三次被罚出场。外研社新世纪〔strike〕The plague struck again for the third time that century.瘟疫又暴发了,那是那个世纪的第三次了。朗文当代〔take〕He got the answer on the third take.到第三次,他答对了。英汉大词典〔take〕He got the answer on the third take.在第三次应答时他答对了美国传统〔third〕It was the third time one of his cars had gone up in flames.这是他的车第三次起火。柯林斯高阶〔third〕That's the third time I've seen him today.那是我今天第三次见到他。韦氏高阶〔third〕The attack was the third so far this year.这是今年迄今为止的第三次袭击。柯林斯高阶〔third〕The win was his third of the year.这是他本年度第三次获胜。韦氏高阶〔time〕But there will be a second battle and a third battle, and battles to the end of time.但是还会有第二次、第三次战役,永无休止地打下去。 英汉大词典〔time〕Gerry had just had back surgery for the third time in two years.格里刚做了背部手术,这是两年里的第三次了。朗文当代〔try〕This will be her third try at jumping the bar.这将是她第三次尝试跳过横杆。剑桥高阶〔under〕He went under twice and the third time he didn't come up again.他下水两次, 第三次他再也没回来。外研社新世纪〔unfit〕He had a third examination and was declared unfit for duty.他接受了第三次检查,被告知不宜上班。柯林斯高阶A nuclear attack could be started by mistake, and that could lead to the Third World War --it's a horrific/nightmare scenario.一场核攻击可能由于某种误会引起,从而导致第三次世界大战----这是一个可怕的/梦魇般的假设。剑桥国际After our computer network crashed for the third time that day, we all went home.那天我们的计算机网络第三次死机后,我们全都回家了。剑桥国际After two failed marriages, he is planning to marry for a third time.两次婚姻失败后,他在计划第三次结婚。剑桥国际For the third time this week the opposition has attacked the government's posture on defence.本周反对派已是第三次攻击政府的防务政策了。剑桥国际He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that (= despite the fact that) he has hardly any money left.他今年已是第三次去度假了,也不管他的钱已所剩无几。剑桥国际I think he got off/was let off quite lightly considering it's his third driving offence.我想这样的处罚对他来说是够轻的,因为他已经是第三次违反交通规则了。剑桥国际It was my third doctor's appointment in two weeks and I think he dismissed me as just a hysterical female.这是我两周中第三次约见医生,我认为他把我当作一个歇斯底里的女人打发走。剑桥国际It was the team's third successive defeat and their fourth defeat in five matches.这是该队第三次连续失败,也是五次比赛中的第四次失败。剑桥国际It was the third time he'd got angry with her over nothing, and at that she just walked out.这已是他第三次对她无缘无故地发火了,于是她只好一走了之。剑桥国际It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offence.这是他第三次被判吸毒罪。剑桥国际Last month the Democrats won their third successive election victory.民主党在上个月的竞选中获得了第三次连续胜利。剑桥国际Over the last few years, there have been some alarmist predictions that the World War III will happen very soon. 在最近几年,有些危言耸听的预测说第三次世界大战就要发生。译典通Redland Middle School in Rockville has received a Blue Ribbon of excellence for the third time in eight years.罗克韦尔城的红土地中学在八年中第三次获得杰出蓝绶带奖。剑桥国际She has recently notched up her third win at a major tennis tournament.最近她在一次重要的网球锦标赛上获得了她的第三次胜利。剑桥国际She nearly broke down when she miscarried a third time. 她第三次流产时精神几乎崩溃了。译典通That's the third ace that Violente has served this match.那是瓦奥兰特在这场比赛中的第三次发球得分。剑桥国际The athlete's third, and winning jump was an exhibition of skill and strength.运动员的第三次,也是得胜的一跳,是技巧和力量的展示。剑桥国际This bomb is the third attempt on the President's life this year.这枚炸弹是今年对总统的第三次行刺企图。剑桥国际This was his third conviction. 这是他第三次被判罪。译典通This was the defendant's third court appearance for the same offence.这是被告因同一桩罪行第三次出庭受审。剑桥国际This will be her third try at jumping the bar.这将是她第三次尝试跳过横杆。剑桥国际




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