

单词 纯粹的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔administrative〕purely administrative tasks 纯粹的行政任务麦克米伦高阶〔brute〕brute stupidity 纯粹的愚蠢朗文当代〔careerism〕a pure passion for learning uncontaminated by careerism 不搀杂个人名利追求的纯粹的学习热情英汉大词典〔discriminate between〕to discriminate between a mere exaggeration and a deliberate falsehood分辨纯粹的夸大和有意的谎言21世纪英汉〔entire〕an entire delusion 纯粹的空想英汉大词典〔evil〕the pure evil in his soul 他灵魂中纯粹的邪恶牛津搭配〔joy〕the pure joy I felt at being free again 重获自由时我感到的纯粹的快乐牛津搭配〔mere〕mere Irish 纯粹的爱尔兰语英汉大词典〔pure〕a pure literary style. 纯粹的文学风格美国传统〔pure〕pure reason. 纯粹的原因美国传统〔purity〕verses of great purity, sonority of rhythm, and symphonic form节奏明快、交响乐式的极为纯粹的诗句外研社新世纪〔sake〕a love of truth and learning for its own sake. 对真理和学问的纯粹的热爱柯林斯高阶〔selfishness〕an act of pure selfishness 纯粹的自私行为牛津搭配〔stone〕pure stone craziness 十足纯粹的疯狂英汉大词典〔straight〕a straight romance novel 纯粹的爱情小说韦氏高阶〔strict〕a strict vegetarian 纯粹的素食者牛津高阶〔terminological〕a pure terminological dispute of a new science 一门新兴科学的纯粹的专门用语之争英汉大词典〔unadulterated〕pure unadulterated pleasure 纯粹的快乐麦克米伦高阶〔unadulterated〕the unadulterated truth. 纯粹的真理美国传统〔unalloyed〕unalloyed joy 纯粹的快乐牛津高阶〔unalloyed〕unalloyed joy 纯粹的快乐麦克米伦高阶〔uncompounded〕an uncompounded substance 纯粹的物质英汉大词典〔unmixed〕unmixed pleasure; was not an unmixed blessing. 纯粹的欢悦;并非完全是件好事美国传统




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