

单词 the draft
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Many young men went abroad to avoid the draft. 许多年轻人出国逃避被征召入伍。朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕During the Vietnam war, he moved to Canada to dodge the draft. 越战期间,他移居加拿大以逃避征兵。朗文写作活用〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕Marshall was not content with the draft of the contract. 马歇尔对合同草案不满意。朗文写作活用〔abstention〕The draft law was passed by 134 votes to 19, with 5 abstentions.该法律草案以 134 票对 19 票获得通过,另有 5 票弃权。朗文当代〔agreement〕The draft agreement will be available before the meeting.协议草案将在会议前准备好。牛津搭配〔await〕The draft law is still awaiting parliamentary approval.法律草案还在等待议会批准。麦克米伦高阶〔cast〕Mellor cast an eye over the draft for inaccuracies.梅勒扫了一眼草图看有没有差错。朗文当代〔chimney pot〕A short, usually earthenware pipe placed on the top of a chimney to improve the draft.烟囱管帽:置于烟囱顶用来改进排烟口且常为陶制的短管美国传统〔classify〕He was classified 1-A in the draft.他在征兵中被定为优先征召等级。英汉大词典〔copy〕Please find enclosed a copy of the draft document.内附草稿文件一份,请查收。牛津搭配〔counter-culture〕Not everyone joined the counter-culture, not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, or dodged the draft.不是每个人都加入了反主流文化的阵营, 不是每个人都去示威游行、辍学、吸毒或逃避兵役。外研社新世纪〔counter-culture〕Not everyone joined the counterculture, not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, or dodged the draft.不是所有人都加入反主流文化群体,不是所有人都示威游行,退学,吸毒,或逃避服兵役。柯林斯高阶〔cowl〕A hood-shaped covering used to increase the draft of a chimney.烟囱帽:一种用于增强烟囱内气流运动的头巾状罩子美国传统〔damper〕An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft.挡板,调节风门:一种可调节的薄片,如在熔炉或火炉的通气管中的,用来控制气流美国传统〔discussion〕We can use the draft document as a basis for discussion.我们可以将文件草案作为讨论的基础。牛津搭配〔dodge〕He dodged the draft by leaving the country.他去国逃避兵役。英汉大词典〔draft〕Congress reinstated the draft.国会恢复了兵役制。韦氏高阶〔draft〕He avoided the draft because of a foot injury.他因脚伤而躲过了服兵役。剑桥高阶〔draft〕He emigrated to avoid the draft.他移居国外逃避服役。英汉大词典〔draft〕He left America to avoid the draft.他离开美国以逃避征兵。外研社新世纪〔draft〕He was chosen in the first round of the draft.他在第一轮选拔中被选中。韦氏高阶〔formulation〕This is a far weaker formulation than is in the draft resolution which is being proposed.这种表述比所提决议草案中的说法要弱很多。柯林斯高阶〔give〕The draft gave me a cold.通风口的风使我感冒了美国传统〔keep out〕The curtains help keep out the drafts.窗帘也能挡风。韦氏高阶〔manipulate〕They felt he had been cowardly in manipulating the system to avoid the draft.他们觉得他太没种,居然钻漏洞逃避服役。柯林斯高阶〔pick up〕The team picked up three new players in the draft.球队从本次选拔中选中了三位新球员。韦氏高阶〔proposal〕Under the draft proposals, the Commission will be significantly strengthened.根据建议草案,该委员会将大大得到加强。牛津搭配〔register〕All men between the ages of 18 and 25 must register for the draft.凡18岁至25岁的男性都必须登记服兵役。韦氏高阶〔review〕The draft board's decision is not under review here.征兵局的决定未在这儿审查。英汉大词典〔revision〕A total of 24 revisions to the draft basic law were proposed.总共有24处对基本法草案的修正意见提交上来。麦克米伦高阶〔rush through〕They are trying to rush through the draft resolution before the general election.他们设法在大选前把这项决议草案匆匆通过。21世纪英汉〔shall〕The draft stipulates that all organs of state shall practise democratic centralism.草案规定所有国家机关都必须实行民主集中制。英汉大词典〔shut out〕Try shutting out the draft by putting a blanket at the bottom of the door.试一下用毯子堵住门下面钻进来的风。韦氏高阶〔trim〕The difference between the draft at the bow and at the stern.船的吃水差:船的首尾吃水深度之差美国传统〔working〕This working document could become the draft of an eventual peace agreement.这份可行性文件可能会成为最终和平协议的草稿。麦克米伦高阶He avoided the draft because of a foot injury.他因为脚伤而避免了服兵役。剑桥国际They were unwilling to register for the draft. 他们不愿意登记入伍。译典通




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