

单词 经验教训
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apply〕We can handle these problems effectively if we apply the lessons learned from past experiences.如果我们汲取过去的经验教训,就能有效地解决这些问题。韦氏高阶〔benefit〕She has never benefited from all that experience.她从未得益于那个经验教训。21世纪英汉〔object lesson〕The disaster was an object lesson in how not to run a ship.这场灾难对于如何驾驶船只提供了经验教训。剑桥高阶〔pragmatic〕Relating to or being the study of cause and effect in historical or political events with emphasis on the practical lessons to be learned from them.系统论述史实的:历史或政治事件之前因后果的,强调从中吸取经验教训的研究的,与这种研究有关的美国传统〔profit〕You may profit by the experience of others.你可以汲取别人的经验教训。21世纪英汉〔put it down to experience〕There's nothing we can do about it now, we'll just have to put it down to experience.现在我们已经无计可施,只能把它当作一次经验教训了。剑桥高阶〔unlearnt〕There are other unlearnt lessons from the past.还有其他一些经验教训没有吸取。外研社新世纪〔wise〕Was it Thomas More who said that the wise man learns from the experience of others? 是托马斯‧莫尔说过聪明人会吸取别人的经验教训吗?剑桥高阶I know I've made a big mistake, but I'm going to put it down to experience (= consider it as forming part of my experience of life).我知道我犯了个大错误,但我打算把它看作一次经验教训。剑桥国际There's nothing we can do about it now, we'll just have to put it down to experience (= consider it as a mistake we can learn from).现在我们对这件事无能为力了,我们只得把它引为经验教训。剑桥国际




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