

单词 a mill
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN CHARGE OF〕My husband manages a mill, 200 miles north of Bombay. 我丈夫管理位于孟买以北200英里处的一家工厂。朗文写作活用〔gristmill〕A mill for grinding grain.磨坊:用来研磨谷物的磨坊美国传统〔headrace〕A watercourse that feeds water into a mill, water wheel, or turbine.引水渠道:将水送入磨坊、水轮或涡轮机的水道美国传统〔logging〕The work or business of felling and trimming trees and transporting the logs to a mill.采伐:将树木伐倒、修整并运到锯木厂的工作或职业美国传统〔mill wheel〕A wheel, typically driven by water, that powers a mill.水轮:为磨坊提供动力的轮子,主要以水力驱动美国传统〔milldam〕A dam constructed across a stream to raise the water level so that the overflow will have sufficient power to turn a mill wheel.磨坊水坝:横跨溪流建造的堤坝,以提高水位使溢满的水有足够的动力转动磨坊的水轮美国传统〔miller〕One who works in, operates, or owns a mill, especially a grain mill.磨坊工,磨坊主:在磨坊工作或拥有磨坊的人,尤指谷物磨坊美国传统〔milling〕The operation of cutting, shaping, finishing, or working products manufactured in a mill.加工,轧制:将制造厂中生产的产品切割、整形或修整的运作美国传统〔millrace〕The fast-moving stream of water that drives a mill wheel.水流:推动磨坊水轮的流速很快的水流美国传统〔mills and boon〕He was tall, dark and handsome, like a Mills and Boon hero.他个头高大、皮肤黝黑、相貌堂堂,像通俗爱情小说的男主角。牛津高阶〔millstone〕One of a pair of cylindrical stones used in a mill for grinding grain.磨石:磨坊中碾磨谷物用的一对圆柱形石块之一美国传统〔mill〕Are you saying they paid a quarter of a mill for that house? 你是说他们付了 25 万买那幢房子?朗文当代〔mill〕There has been a mill on this curve of the river since Saxon times.打从撒克逊时代起, 这条河的拐弯处就有一座磨坊了。外研社新世纪〔mill〕To grind, pulverize, or break down into smaller particles in a mill.研磨,粉碎:用磨臼研磨或碾制成细小的颗粒美国传统〔mill〕To shape, polish, dress, or finish in a mill or with a milling tool.用制材模具做成形:用研磨机或通过研磨工具成形、打磨、修整或制成美国传统〔mill〕To transform or process mechanically in a mill.磨出,以机械加工:通过研磨机而整形或制造美国传统〔outside〕Bolton is a mill town just outside Manchester.博尔顿是一座磨坊之城,就在曼彻斯特边上。朗文当代〔reconstitute〕In 1832 the firm was reconstituted as Mills and Co.1832 年公司重组,改名米尔斯公司。朗文当代〔skid road〕A track made of logs laid transversely about five feet apart that is used to haul logs to a loading platform or a mill.供木材滑下的滑道:摆放木材的滑道,将木材横向摆放相隔约五米,以便将木材运上平台或加工厂美国传统〔vicinity〕There used to be a mill in the vicinity.附近曾有一座磨坊。朗文当代〔water mill〕A mill with machinery that is driven by water.水磨:有靠水力转动的机械装置的磨机美国传统〔waterpower〕A water right owned by a mill.用水权:工厂的水力使用权美国传统




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