

单词 而使
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔HIDE〕to make something difficult to see by being in front of or over it 挡在前面或盖在上面而使某物难以被看到朗文写作活用〔TELL〕to let someone know something without telling them directly 不直接地告诉而使某人知道某事朗文写作活用〔assuasive〕a soft assuasive voice 轻柔而使人心平气和的说话声英汉大词典〔average〕average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate. 将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度美国传统〔bomb〕bomb a place back into the Stone Age 对一地狂轰滥炸而使其倒退到石器时代英汉大词典〔calibrate〕calibrated the polling procedures to ensure objectivity. 为保证客观性而使投票过程标准化美国传统〔compassionate〕compassionate killing 同情致死(指为减轻死者的痛苦而使其提前死亡)英汉大词典〔compromise〕members of the government who have compromised themselves by co-operating with the emergency committee. 因与紧急委员会合作而使自己名誉受损的政府成员柯林斯高阶〔convection〕clouds which lift warm, moist air by convection high into the atmosphere. 通过对流而使温暖潮湿的空气上升到大气中的云朵柯林斯高阶〔corrupt〕debased himself by pleading with the captors; 通过恳求俘获者而使自己蒙羞;美国传统〔degrade〕refused to abase herself by asking for an invitation. 因请求得到他人的邀请被拒绝而使自己的威望降低。美国传统〔despoil〕a region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development. 由于不加限制的发展而使这个地区丧失了其美丽景色美国传统〔dichotomy〕an odd dichotomy in his attitude.他的态度中自相矛盾而使人莫名其妙之处。牛津同义词〔distort〕a face contorted with rage; 由于发怒而使脸部剧烈扭曲;美国传统〔endanger〕risking her financial security by buying speculative stocks. 通过购买投机性股票而使她在金融方面冒风险 美国传统〔endear〕to endear oneself by acts of generosity因行为慷慨而使自己受人喜爱21世纪英汉〔flagrant〕in flagrant disregard of the law. What isglaring is blatantly and painfully manifest: 明目张胆地置法律于不顾。 Glaring 的事物表现得明显而使人疼痛: 美国传统〔flatfoot〕pl. flat.feet[-fēt'] A condition in which the arch of the foot is abnormally flattened down so that the entire sole makes contact with the ground. 【复数】 flat.feet[-fēt'] 平足:足弓反常扁平而使整个足底都着地的病状美国传统〔impoverish〕impoverish the soil by overuse.See Synonyms at deplete 过度耕作而使土壤变得贫瘠 参见 deplete美国传统〔mangle〕read mangled sentences aloud 朗读因咬不准字音而使人莫名其妙的句子英汉大词典〔many〕policies that help the privileged few at the expense of the many 牺牲大多数人的利益而使少数享有特权的人受益的政策韦氏高阶〔overexpose〕a celebrity whose career has been harmed by overexposure 由于过度曝光而使事业受到损害的名人韦氏高阶〔overwind〕overwound the watch and broke the spring. 把表上的发条卷得过紧而使之断裂美国传统〔pursuit〕individuals who impoverish their families in pursuit of some dream. 为了追求某个梦想而使家庭陷于贫困的人柯林斯高阶〔pursuit〕individuals who impoverish their families in pursuit of some dream为追求梦想而使家庭一贫如洗的人们外研社新世纪〔scandalize〕scandalize the neighbours by sunbathing on the lawn in the nude 赤身裸体在草地上作日光浴而使邻居们惊骇反感英汉大词典〔soak〕soak off the cardboard with a solvent 用溶剂将硬纸板浸湿而使之脱落英汉大词典〔soup〕a political rally souped up by the appearance of candidates 由于候选人出场而使气氛变得更为热烈的一次政治集会英汉大词典〔wire mesh〕the use of repellents and wire mesh to help prevent destruction of your plants为避免植物被毁坏而使用驱虫剂和铁丝网外研社新世纪〔wow〕wow one's classmates by the thoroughness of one's research 以研究问题透彻而使同学们倾倒英汉大词典relief for farmers whose crops have suffered from the hot weather 给予因天气过热而使庄稼受灾的农民的救济金牛津商务




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