

单词 往上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕Place the sliced pork fillet on top and pour a little sauce over it.把切成片的猪肉里脊放在上面,再往上浇点调味汁。柯林斯高阶〔BRIGHT〕Suddenly, I looked up and saw a point of light that was more brilliant than any star I had ever seen. 猛然间我往上看去,看到一点亮光。那亮光比我以前看到过的星星都更明亮。朗文写作活用〔CLIMB〕Trying not to look down, Alan began to climb. 艾伦开始往上爬,尽量不朝下看。朗文写作活用〔LIGHT〕Heat rises because hot air is lighter than cold air. 热气往上升是因为热空气比冷空气轻。朗文写作活用〔UP〕Alan grabbed hold of the ledge and began to climb upward. 艾伦抓住岩架开始往上爬。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕All bids must be submitted in writing to the above address. 所有的投标必须以书面形式寄往上述地址。朗文写作活用〔above〕The letter was sent to the above address.此信件已被送往上述地址。剑桥高阶〔alarm〕She looked up in alarm.她惊慌地抬头往上看。朗文当代〔ascend〕There's a long flight of steps ascending (= leading up) to the cathedral doors.要往上走很长一段台阶才能到达大教堂的门前。剑桥高阶〔bangs〕She pushed her bangs off her forehead.她把刘海儿往上撩了撩。韦氏高阶〔belch〕Tired old trucks were struggling up the road below us, belching black smoke.破旧的卡车冒着黑烟艰难地沿着我们下方的公路往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔belonging〕The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.这些画出自一个人人向往上流社会的时代。柯林斯高阶〔beyond〕The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.那条路经过村子后又往上延伸到群山中。牛津高阶〔bicycle〕She tried to pedal her bicycle up the track.她试图蹬着自行车沿小路往上骑。牛津搭配〔bubble up〕She could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside her.她感到胸中的怒火不断往上蹿,正越烧越旺。柯林斯高阶〔cAMP〕Since they would soon be transfered to Shanghai,they were camping out in the staff living quarters.因为他们不久将调往上海,所以他们只好在职员宿舍里勉强暂住。21世纪英汉〔calculating〕He is a cold and calculating man who would use any ploy to get to the top.他是个冷酷狡猾的人,会不择手段地往上爬。英汉大词典〔comment〕If you have any comments, please send them to the above address.如果有任何意见,请寄往上述地址。牛津搭配〔crawl〕There's a bug crawling up your leg.有只小虫子在你腿上往上爬。朗文当代〔crawl〕There's a spider crawling up your leg.有只蜘蛛正顺着你的腿往上爬。牛津高阶〔crush〕As soon as the bus stopped, more than fifty people tried to crush in.公共汽车一停住,五十多人马上一齐往上挤。21世纪英汉〔distance〕He moved a short distance up the valley.他沿山谷往上行进了一小段距离。牛津搭配〔ecclesiastical〕My ambition was to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.我的雄心是在教会中一步一步往上走。柯林斯高阶〔face〕We slowly climbed the steep face of the crag.我们沿着悬崖峭壁缓慢地往上爬。牛津搭配〔feel〕I felt something crawl up my arm.我觉得有个东西顺着手臂往上爬。牛津高阶〔firmly〕He managed to grasp the metal, get a firm grip of it and heave his body upwards.他设法牢牢抓住了那个金属物,把整个身子往上提。柯林斯高阶〔firm〕He managed to grasp the metal, get a firm grip of it and heave his body upwards.他设法抓到金属物, 紧紧地握住, 并用力把身体往上拉。外研社新世纪〔flipback〕As you read the flipback, you move the pages upward rather than turning them to the left.阅读上下翻便携书时,你往上翻动书页而不是往左翻。剑桥高阶〔float〕In the dream my feet leave the ground and I start to float upwards / upward.在梦里,我双脚离开地面,人开始往上飘。牛津搭配〔flow〕He struggled to swim against the flow of the water.他逆着水流拼命地往上游。朗文当代〔foam〕As I poured the beer, foam bubbled up in the glass.我倒啤酒时,泡沫从杯子里往上冒。韦氏高阶〔force〕If it won't fit, don't force it.如果不合尺寸不要硬往上装。外研社新世纪〔force〕Move your leg up gently when you're doing this exercise, but don't force it.在做这一动作时把腿轻轻往上抬,但不要用力。剑桥高阶〔handhold〕I found handholds and hoisted myself along.我找到手可以抓的地方往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔hike〕Hike your trousers up,baby.宝贝,把你裤子往上提一提。21世纪英汉〔hill〕A few yards up the hill, on the left, was a turning.沿着斜坡往上走几码远,左手边有一个转弯。牛津搭配〔hitch〕She hitched up her skirt and ran.她把裙子往上一提就跑了。麦克米伦高阶〔inquiring〕He raised an inquiring eyebrow.他眉毛往上一扬,露出探问的神色。英汉大词典〔intumesce〕To bubble up, especially from the effect of heating.沸腾:往上冒泡,尤指在加热的驱使下美国传统〔ivy〕Ivy grew up the side of the house.常春藤顺着房子的一侧往上长。牛津搭配〔jerk〕Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up.迈克一直揪着他的领子把他往上猛举。柯林斯高阶〔jerk〕Mike kept snatching him up by the collar and jerking him up.迈克揪住他的衣领把他往上猛提。外研社新世纪〔laborious〕A beetle began to crawl laboriously up his leg.一只甲虫开始费劲地顺着他的腿往上爬。朗文当代〔layer〕By lifting and layering her hair, Michael created a lighter frame for her face.通过把头发往上梳,增加层次感,迈克尔让她的脸型显得更为柔和。柯林斯高阶〔lean〕The table lurched as a young man leant his weight on it.一个小伙子把身体往上一靠,桌子就歪了。柯林斯高阶〔learn〕She learned from experience that when grease catches on fire, you shouldn't put water on it.她从经验中得知,油脂着火时,切忌往上浇水。韦氏高阶〔navigation〕Navigation becomes more difficult further upriver.越往上游走,航行就越困难。韦氏高阶〔particular〕Send your particulars (=details such as your name, address, profession etc) to the address above.请把个人资料寄往上述地址。朗文当代〔pile up〕Mail was still piling up at the office.办公室里的邮件仍在往上堆。柯林斯高阶〔pluck〕Reaching up, she plucked an apple off the tree.她往上够了够,从树上摘下一个苹果。朗文当代〔point ... up〕Pointing up she told me that the director was sleeping in his office upstairs.她手往上一指,告诉我说主任正在楼上办公室里睡觉。21世纪英汉〔pompadour〕A man's hairstyle formed by brushing the hair up from the forehead.大背头:一种男子的发型,将头发从前额往上梳做成美国传统〔pop up〕Her toast popped up and she buttered it.她的烤面包自动弹了出来, 接着她往上涂了黄油。外研社新世纪〔precariously〕They looked rather comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.他们顺着摇摇晃晃的梯子往上爬,看起来非常滑稽。柯林斯高阶〔radiate〕Pain radiated up my left leg.疼痛沿我左腿往上发散。英汉大词典〔ran〕She's going to run up to Shanghai.她将前往上海小作停留。21世纪英汉〔relocate〕Our office is planning relocating in Shanghai.我们的办事处正在准备迁往上海。21世纪英汉〔ride up〕These jeans keep riding up on me.这条牛仔裤老是往上缩。韦氏高阶〔rocket〕To fly swiftly straight up, as a game bird frightened from cover.如被捕猎的鸟在隐蔽处受惊而急速地径直往上飞美国传统〔run〕Ivy runs up the walls of the house.常春藤沿着房子的墙壁往上爬。麦克米伦高阶〔sae〕Write to the above address, enclosing an sae.信寄往上述地址,并附上贴足邮票、写明姓名地址的回邮信封。剑桥高阶〔scrum〕There was a real scrum when the bus arrived.公共汽车到站时,人们一窝蜂都往上挤。牛津高阶〔send〕He cleans the chimney by sending up a big brush.他用一把大刷子往上捅烟囱。英汉大词典〔shake〕The desk wobbles when you put anything on it.这张书桌只要你往上面放东西,它就会摇晃。朗文当代〔shoot〕You'd turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.你若打开水龙头,水会直往上喷。柯林斯高阶〔side〕A path went up the side of the hill.沿着山坡往上有一条小路。牛津高阶〔skirt〕Her skirt rode up her thighs when she sat down.她坐下时裙子往上缩到了大腿处。牛津搭配〔slap〕I grabbed a slice of bread and slapped on some peanut butter.我拿了片面包,往上面抹了些花生酱。韦氏高阶〔socialize〕I spent most of my first year at college socializing.我大学一年级大部分时间都花在同人交往上。麦克米伦高阶〔staircase〕The spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.螺旋式楼梯通往上层画廊。牛津搭配〔steep〕The path grew steeper as we climbed higher.我们越往上爬路就越陡。牛津高阶〔step〕You have to go up four flights of steps to get up to the roof.得往上走 4 段楼梯才能到屋顶。牛津搭配〔stretch〕He stretched his arm up as far as he could.他把手臂尽量往上伸。英汉大词典〔swim〕The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.这些障碍物对于想要往上游游动的鱼儿来说是致命的。柯林斯高阶〔take〕He took hold of the plant's root and pulled.他抓住植物的根部往上拔。剑桥高阶〔tapered〕Unlike other trees, it doesn't taper very much. It stays fat all the way up.和别的树不同,它不是越往上越细,而是上下一样粗。柯林斯高阶〔tend〕Housing prices have tended upwards.住房价格已经往上涨了。麦克米伦高阶〔thumb〕He thumbed his hat off his forehead.他用拇指把遮到额头的帽子往上一顶。英汉大词典〔train〕You could put a trellis on your wall and train plants to grow up it.你可以在墙上搭个棚架, 让植物沿着它往上长。外研社新世纪〔tread〕I had white rugs on the floor, but people were scared to tread on them in case they marked.我在地板上铺了白色小地毯,但大家都不敢往上踩,以免在上面留下脚印。柯林斯高阶〔trudge〕I watched him trudge up the gangway.我看着他费力地沿着舷梯往上走。英汉大词典〔up-river〕La Reole, up-river from St-Macaire.拉雷奥勒,从圣马凯尔往上游走柯林斯高阶〔upheaval〕The process of being heaved upward.被举起:被往上举起的过程美国传统〔upriver〕He paddled his canoe upriver.他把独木舟往上游划。文馨英汉〔upwards〕A flight of steps led upwards to the front door.一段台阶往上通向正门。牛津高阶〔upwards〕They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village.他们沿着村庄周围的陡峭悬崖往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔upward〕She started once again on the steep upward climb.她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔up〕Mike's eyes moved from Ted's hands up his arms to his face.迈克的目光从特德的双手沿着两臂往上,移到他的脸上。英汉大词典〔year〕Prices tend to rise year by year.物价总是一年一年地往上涨。英汉大词典Bindweed ran up the stems of the corn. 旋花缠绕著玉米杆往上长。译典通I hitched up my socks. 我把袜子往上拉起。译典通Keep looking upwards as you climb--if you look downwards you'll feel dizzy.爬的时候一直往上看----假如往下看,你会头晕的。剑桥国际My arm went up reflexively.我的手臂本能地往上举。剑桥国际My parents have a split-level house--the living room is a few steps up from the kitchen, and a few steps down from the bedrooms.我父母有一幢错层式房子----从厨房往上走几级楼梯是起居室,从起居室往下走几级是卧室。剑桥国际Oil prices rose again today after yesterday's gains.油价自昨天上涨之后今天又往上攀升。剑桥国际She lives two floors up. 她住在再往上两层。译典通The tree thrusts its branches high. 那树的枝条往上伸得高高的。译典通We drove up a hillside and finally stopped on a high ridge. 我们沿著山腰往上开,最后停在一个高高的山脊上。译典通We sailed up the river/up river to its source (= where it starts).我们逆流而上/往上游航行到河源头。剑桥国际When you swim up stream, you have to stem the current. 当你往上游游的时候,你得顶著水流而上。译典通




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