

单词 笔头
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔facile〕a man with a facile pen (tongue) 笔头快(能说会道)的人英汉大词典〔fine〕a brush with a fine tip 笔头尖细的画笔牛津高阶〔fine〕a pencil with a fine point 一枝笔头尖细的铅笔英汉大词典〔nubbin〕a nubbin of pink chalk 粉红色粉笔头英汉大词典〔orally〕their ability to present ideas orally and in writing. 他们口头与笔头表达观点的能力柯林斯高阶〔orally〕their ability to present ideas orally and in writing他们口头与笔头表达观点的能力外研社新世纪〔stubby〕a stubby pencil 秃铅笔头英汉大词典〔stubby〕a stubby pencil.See Regional Note at stob 短铅笔头 参见 stob美国传统〔stub〕a pencil stub 铅笔头朗文当代〔stub〕a pencil stub 铅笔头英汉大词典〔stub〕a pencil stub 铅笔头韦氏高阶〔stub〕a pencil stub; a cigarette stub.See Regional Note at stob 铅笔头;烟头 参见 stob美国传统〔stumpy〕a stumpy pencil 一截又粗又短的铅笔头英汉大词典〔stump〕a pencil stump 铅笔头英汉大词典〔stump〕the stump of a pencil 铅笔头牛津高阶〔tribe〕the scribbling tribe 动笔头的一伙人英汉大词典




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