

单词 禁猎
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ban〕announce a 30-day ban on hunting 宣布30天的禁猎令英汉大词典〔closed〕a closed season 禁猎期文馨英汉〔close〕the close season 禁猎期文馨英汉〔game〕forbidden game 禁猎的鸟兽;不可染指的东西;禁物文馨英汉〔hunting〕a campaign to ban the hunting of wild animals 禁猎野生动物的运动麦克米伦高阶〔mink〕a proposal for a ban on the hunting of foxes, mink and hares. 要求禁猎狐狸、水貂和野兔的提案柯林斯高阶〔national park〕the Masai Mara game reserve and Amboseli national park. 马萨伊马拉禁猎区和安博塞利国家公园柯林斯高阶〔preserve〕a wildlife preserve.野生动物的禁猎地。牛津同义词〔reserve〕a game reserve 禁猎区 英汉大词典〔reserve〕a nature/game/wildlife reserve 自然保护区/禁猎区/野生动物保护区剑桥高阶〔sanctuary〕a bird sanctuary 鸟类禁猎区英汉大词典〔sanctuary〕a bird sanctuary. 鸟类禁猎区柯林斯高阶〔sanctuary〕a sanctuary for tigers 老虎禁猎区朗文当代〔sanctuary〕a wildlife sanctuary. 野生动物禁猎区柯林斯高阶〔site〕a bat sanctuary with special nesting sites. 专门辟出了筑巢处的蝙蝠禁猎区柯林斯高阶〔site〕a bat sanctuary with special nesting sites专门辟出了筑巢处的蝙蝠禁猎区外研社新世纪




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