

单词 管理局
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAA〕Civil Aeronautics Administration.民航管理局美国传统〔DMV〕I'm going to the DMV this afternoon to get my driver's license renewed.我今天下午去机动车辆管理局换领新驾照。韦氏高阶〔FHA〕Federal Housing Administration.联邦房建管理局美国传统〔GSA〕General Services Administration.美国总务管理局美国传统〔HIDE〕Several drug companies are accused of concealing information from the Food and Drug Administration. 一些制药公司被指控向食品和药物管理局隐瞒信息。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The Animal Disease Authority decided to destroy the cattle that were infected with the disease. 动物疾病管理局决定把感染这种疾病的牛杀了。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕He was indicted on drug charges after a lengthy investigation by the US Drug Enforcement Administration. 经过美国毒品管理局的长期调查,他被控以贩毒的罪名。朗文写作活用〔MA〕Maritime Administration.海事管理局美国传统〔PHA〕Public Housing Administration.美国公共房产管理局美国传统〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Air Transit Authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings. 空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Dubois was identified by immigration control, and arrested at Kennedy airport. 杜波依斯被移民管理局认出,并在肯尼迪机场遭逮捕。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Their application to build a new extension has been turned down by the planning authority. 他们提出建一个新的扩建部分的申请被规划管理局否决了。朗文写作活用〔SBA〕Small Business Administration.小企业管理局美国传统〔SELL〕The Federal Drug Administration has said that all products containing the additive must be taken off the market immediately. 美国食品和药物管理局说,凡是含这种添加剂的产品都必须立即撤出市场。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The FDA has granted researchers permission to use the drug experimentally on humans. 美国食品和药物管理局允许研究人员在人身上试用这种药物。朗文写作活用〔TVA〕Tennessee Valley Authority.田纳西河流域管理局美国传统〔USPS〕United States Postal Service.美国邮政管理局美国传统〔administration〕The drug has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.这种药物获得了美国食品和药物管理局的批准。韦氏高阶〔assist〕The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you.管理局会派一名福利工作者协助你。外研社新世纪〔capacity〕She guides tourists at the Martin Luther King Jr. Birth Home in her capacity as a National Park Service ranger.作为国家公园管理局的管理员,她陪同游客参观马丁·路德·金的出生地。剑桥高阶〔delist〕US Fish and Wildlife delisted the wolf as an endangered species.美国鱼类和野生生物管理局将这种狼从濒危物种名单中除去了。外研社新世纪〔direction〕He refused to comply with a direction from the Building Services Authority.他拒绝遵守建筑服务管理局的一项指令。外研社新世纪〔footprint〕Airservices Australia was unable to validate aircraft noise footprints.澳大利亚航空管理局无法确认飞机噪声的影响范围。外研社新世纪〔full-court press〕The DEA and the Justice Department put a full-court press on the drug barons.毒品管理局和司法部向大毒枭发动全面攻势。朗文当代〔hire〕He will be in charge of all hiring and firing at PHA.他将负责公共房产管理局所有人员的雇用和解聘事务。柯林斯高阶〔investment〕The Postal Service has made a large investment in new technology.邮政管理局已在新科技上投入大笔资金。朗文当代〔land office〕A government office that handles and keeps records of the sale or transfer of public land.土地管理局:处理和记录公共土地的买卖或转移关系的政府机关美国传统〔licence〕The Tennessee Valley Authority applied for a license to operate the facility.田纳西河流域管理局申请了经营这些设施的执照。朗文当代〔license〕The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.这种疫苗已经得到美国食品与药物管理局的批准。朗文当代〔license〕The vaccine was licensed in 1986 by the Food and Drug Administration.食物和药品管理局于1986年正式批准使用这种疫苗。麦克米伦高阶〔medication〕Administration of medicine.药物管理局美国传统〔off-label〕Of or relating to a drug prescribed to treat a condition for which it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.核准标示外使用的:将药物处方用于未经食品药物管理局核准的疾病的或与其相关的美国传统〔postmaster general〕The executive head of a national postal service.邮政部长,邮政管理局局长:国家邮政服务业的执行首脑美国传统〔untruth〕The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths.广告标准管理局指责房地产代理商公然进行虚假宣传。外研社新世纪〔untruth〕The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths.广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。柯林斯高阶The airport authority has proposed to raise user fees.机场管理局提出要提高使用费。牛津商务




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