

单词 管弦乐队
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔amateur〕an amateur orchestra 业余管弦乐队朗文当代〔amateur〕an amateur orchestra 业余管弦乐队英汉大词典〔brass〕the brass section of the orchestra 管弦乐队的铜管乐器组牛津搭配〔chief〕the principal cellist in an orchestra; 一支管弦乐队的第一大提琴;美国传统〔chorus〕the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus 伦敦爱乐管弦乐队及合唱团麦克米伦高阶〔coloration〕a wide range of coloration from an orchestra 管弦乐队宽广多变的音域英汉大词典〔concerto〕a concerto for clarinet and orchestra 单簧管和管弦乐队协奏曲牛津搭配〔conduct〕conduct an orchestra (an opera) 指挥管弦乐队(歌剧) 英汉大词典〔delicacy〕the delicacy of the orchestra's playing 管弦乐队演奏的优美细腻英汉大词典〔distinguish〕distinguish the sound of a piano in an orchestra 从管弦乐队演奏时的各种乐器声中分辨出钢琴声英汉大词典〔eager〕this eager, well-disciplined orchestra这支充满热情、训练有素的管弦乐队外研社新世纪〔excellence〕an orchestra whose excellences are well known一支特长广为人知的管弦乐队外研社新世纪〔feeling〕an orchestra that has always shown a special feeling for Brahms' music 对勃拉姆斯的音乐素来有特别感觉的一支管弦乐队朗文当代〔firework〕the orchestra's musical fireworks 管弦乐队的精湛演奏英汉大词典〔leader〕the orchestra leader 管弦乐队的指挥韦氏高阶〔lush〕a lush scent; lush fruit; the lush sounds of an orchestra. 美妙的气息;赏心悦目的水果;管弦乐队悦耳的乐声美国传统〔lush〕the lush sound of the orchestra 管弦乐队演奏的优美乐章剑桥高阶〔lush〕the lush sounds of the orchestra 管弦乐队悦耳的乐声英汉大词典〔member〕when I was a member of the orchestra当我还是一名管弦乐队队员的时候外研社新世纪〔musical instrument〕the instruments of the orchestra 管弦乐队的乐器牛津高阶〔orchestral〕an orchestral player 管弦乐队演奏员英汉大词典〔orchestra〕the Ulster Orchestra under Philip Ledger 菲利普・莱杰指挥下的乌尔斯特管弦乐队牛津搭配〔orchestra〕the school orchestra 校管弦乐队朗文当代〔patron〕the patrons of the orchestra 管弦乐队的资助人英汉大词典〔pickup〕a pickup orchestra; a pickup baseball game. 临时性管弦乐队;临时拼凑的棒球比赛美国传统〔pop〕the Boston/Cincinnati Pops 波士顿/辛辛那提流行音乐管弦乐队韦氏高阶〔produce〕the sounds that are typically produced by an American orchestra 美国一家管弦乐队演奏的典型音乐牛津搭配〔rank〕orchestra players arranged in ranks 排成一行行的管弦乐队演奏员英汉大词典〔reed〕the orchestra's reeds 管弦乐队的簧乐器部韦氏高阶〔reed〕the reed section of the orchestra 管弦乐队的簧乐器部韦氏高阶〔reed〕the reeds of an orchestra 管弦乐队的簧乐器部英汉大词典〔riser〕a portable riser adequate for a full orchestra 足以容纳整整一个管弦乐队的活动平台英汉大词典〔section〕a large orchestra, with a vast percussion section. 拥有大型打击乐器组的大管弦乐队柯林斯高阶〔section〕the brass section of an orchestra 管弦乐队的铜管乐器组牛津高阶〔tight〕tight management; a tight orchestral performance. 严格的管理;整齐划一的管弦乐队演出美国传统〔transcribe〕piano music which has been transcribed for orchestra 为管弦乐队演奏而改编的钢琴乐曲英汉大词典〔university〕the university union/tennis team/orchestra 大学联合会/网球队/管弦乐队麦克米伦高阶〔violin〕the first (second) violin of an orchestra 管弦乐队的第一(第二)小提琴手英汉大词典〔woodwind〕the woodwind section of the orchestra 管弦乐队的木管乐器组牛津高阶




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